Right to Housing - France and Europe
M | 03.11.2007 20:09 | Free Spaces | Social Struggles
At the end of the solidarity gathering on Saturday, 26 October, around
400 people came together to the protests at 50-52 Rue Laffite, (Paris,
9th district), before a large building which had been vacant for 4
years, belonging to the AGF (a French insurance corporation). Demands
had been made to the government to requisition the building for social
ousing. After an aggressive attack by the reserve army to block the
entrance doors, and a sit-in of an hour, people returned to Rue de la
Banque. The Ministry of the Housing Crisis was present in full:
Committee for Action on Homelessness (CAL), Committee of the Homeless
(CDSL), Right to Housing (DAL), and Movement for Art and Culture in
the Neighbourhood (MACAQ).
400 people came together to the protests at 50-52 Rue Laffite, (Paris,
9th district), before a large building which had been vacant for 4
years, belonging to the AGF (a French insurance corporation). Demands
had been made to the government to requisition the building for social
ousing. After an aggressive attack by the reserve army to block the
entrance doors, and a sit-in of an hour, people returned to Rue de la
Banque. The Ministry of the Housing Crisis was present in full:
Committee for Action on Homelessness (CAL), Committee of the Homeless
(CDSL), Right to Housing (DAL), and Movement for Art and Culture in
the Neighbourhood (MACAQ).
Droit Au logement paris et environs 24 rue de la Banque 75002 Paris
tél : 01 42 78 22 00 • fax 01 42 78 22 11 • E-mail:
Paris le 2 novembre 2007
After the 5th brutal eviction in Rue de la Banque and three person injured
most of the families are 200 meters from the «ministere » . Around 12 pm
today Josiane Balasko, Emmanuelle Béart, Valérie Lang, Patrick Pelloux,
Patrick Pelloux, Philippe Val re-grouped with Annick Coupé,
(syndicat SUD Solidaire), Dominique Sopo, (SOS racisme) and with the
brothers Legrand (les enfants de Don quichotte) together with activists and
representatives of many associations.
A new police attack was launched today at the beginning of the evening in
Leaving two « mothers » injuried. Thanks to their resistance and the support of
Caroline Bouquet, Émmanuelle Béart, Valérie Lang and many activists from
various associations, the police decided to back off.
Some families are now « guested » in the « ministere de la crise »
A « rendez vous » was planned today at 3pm with the Chief of Cabinet of the Government Ministry of Housing for some negotiations that , at present,
does not look so positive.
In the evening DAL helped the new Camp CAL in Stalingrad that finally is now active despite police repression.
Big DEMO today at 5PM in rue de la banque.
Right to Housing Paris and surrounding area, 24 la Banque 75002 Paris
tel : 01 42 78 22 00 • fax 01 42 78 22 11 • E-mail:
PARIS 28 October, 2007 8AM
Rue de la Banque, debriefing and agenda
At the end of the solidarity gathering on Saturday, 26 October, around
400 people came together to the protests at 50-52 Rue Laffite, (Paris,
9th district), before a large building which had been vacant for 4
years, belonging to the AGF (a French insurance corporation). Demands
had been made to the government to requisition the building for social
ousing. After an aggressive attack by the reserve army to block the
entrance doors, and a sit-in of an hour, people returned to Rue de la
Banque. The Ministry of the Housing Crisis was present in full:
Committee for Action on Homelessness (CAL), Committee of the Homeless
(CDSL), Right to Housing (DAL), and Movement for Art and Culture in
the Neighbourhood (MACAQ).
A letter had been sent to Mrs. Boutin, requesting a second meeting to
open a real meeting. The positions now taken by the Ministry are vague
and even contradictory.
Situation on the ground: Saturday night and Sunday, 194 families slept
on the site. 322 families have participated in the movement since the
3rd of October, and 110 tents were installed. Many families share a
tent, others with young children, sick or pregnant women, sleeping at
the premises of the Ministry of the Housing Crisis; finally around
twenty families preferred to sleep in the open air, under plastic
tarps, "to not hide" anymore.
In terms of sanitation, measures were taken since Saturday to increase
protection against gastroenteritis.
AGENDA for next week:
Monday at 5PM: Richard BOHRINGER is coming to meet the female campers,
accompanied by Florence AUBEMAS (who had a "head to head" debate with
Mrs. Boutin on France 5, on the program "Revised and Edited" hosted by
Paul Amar on the 27th of October.
Tuesday October 30, at 7PM at Rue de la Banque: Meeting for unity and support
The struggle at Rue de la Banque has entered a new phase, since C
Boutin, who we met on Friday, is obligated to "face the music" since
Wednesday 11AM: delivery of the demands for requisition of the AGF
building on Rue de Laffite, for around 100 homelesss on Rue de la
Banque, families, students, young people in a precarious situation,
people with no fixed address, by the Ministry of the Housing Crisis.
Wednesday after 6PM: solidarity night at the camp of Rue de la Banque,
and events during the evening in honour of the winter amnesty from
rental evictions. Music, stories, personal testimonies, solidarity
meal, surprise guests…
Saturday: initiative on the application of the requisition law
TBA: visit to demonstrate and bear witness to the living conditions in
hotels and hallways, and visit to show the buildings and housing that
is sitting empty.
Droit Au logement paris et environs 24 rue de la Banque 75002 Paris
tél : 01 42 78 22 00 • fax 01 42 78 22 11 • E-mail:

Paris le 2 novembre 2007
After the 5th brutal eviction in Rue de la Banque and three person injured
most of the families are 200 meters from the «ministere » . Around 12 pm
today Josiane Balasko, Emmanuelle Béart, Valérie Lang, Patrick Pelloux,
Patrick Pelloux, Philippe Val re-grouped with Annick Coupé,
(syndicat SUD Solidaire), Dominique Sopo, (SOS racisme) and with the
brothers Legrand (les enfants de Don quichotte) together with activists and
representatives of many associations.
A new police attack was launched today at the beginning of the evening in
Leaving two « mothers » injuried. Thanks to their resistance and the support of
Caroline Bouquet, Émmanuelle Béart, Valérie Lang and many activists from
various associations, the police decided to back off.
Some families are now « guested » in the « ministere de la crise »
A « rendez vous » was planned today at 3pm with the Chief of Cabinet of the Government Ministry of Housing for some negotiations that , at present,
does not look so positive.
In the evening DAL helped the new Camp CAL in Stalingrad that finally is now active despite police repression.

Big DEMO today at 5PM in rue de la banque.
Right to Housing Paris and surrounding area, 24 la Banque 75002 Paris
tel : 01 42 78 22 00 • fax 01 42 78 22 11 • E-mail:

PARIS 28 October, 2007 8AM
Rue de la Banque, debriefing and agenda
At the end of the solidarity gathering on Saturday, 26 October, around
400 people came together to the protests at 50-52 Rue Laffite, (Paris,
9th district), before a large building which had been vacant for 4
years, belonging to the AGF (a French insurance corporation). Demands
had been made to the government to requisition the building for social
ousing. After an aggressive attack by the reserve army to block the
entrance doors, and a sit-in of an hour, people returned to Rue de la
Banque. The Ministry of the Housing Crisis was present in full:
Committee for Action on Homelessness (CAL), Committee of the Homeless
(CDSL), Right to Housing (DAL), and Movement for Art and Culture in
the Neighbourhood (MACAQ).
A letter had been sent to Mrs. Boutin, requesting a second meeting to
open a real meeting. The positions now taken by the Ministry are vague
and even contradictory.
Situation on the ground: Saturday night and Sunday, 194 families slept
on the site. 322 families have participated in the movement since the
3rd of October, and 110 tents were installed. Many families share a
tent, others with young children, sick or pregnant women, sleeping at
the premises of the Ministry of the Housing Crisis; finally around
twenty families preferred to sleep in the open air, under plastic
tarps, "to not hide" anymore.
In terms of sanitation, measures were taken since Saturday to increase
protection against gastroenteritis.
AGENDA for next week:
Monday at 5PM: Richard BOHRINGER is coming to meet the female campers,
accompanied by Florence AUBEMAS (who had a "head to head" debate with
Mrs. Boutin on France 5, on the program "Revised and Edited" hosted by
Paul Amar on the 27th of October.
Tuesday October 30, at 7PM at Rue de la Banque: Meeting for unity and support
The struggle at Rue de la Banque has entered a new phase, since C
Boutin, who we met on Friday, is obligated to "face the music" since
Wednesday 11AM: delivery of the demands for requisition of the AGF
building on Rue de Laffite, for around 100 homelesss on Rue de la
Banque, families, students, young people in a precarious situation,
people with no fixed address, by the Ministry of the Housing Crisis.
Wednesday after 6PM: solidarity night at the camp of Rue de la Banque,
and events during the evening in honour of the winter amnesty from
rental evictions. Music, stories, personal testimonies, solidarity
meal, surprise guests…
Saturday: initiative on the application of the requisition law
TBA: visit to demonstrate and bear witness to the living conditions in
hotels and hallways, and visit to show the buildings and housing that
is sitting empty.
sous AT no-log.org