Autonomous Space Events in Reading! Common Ground to be Reopened!
G. Winstanley | 08.04.2008 12:55 | 2008 Days Of Action For Autonomous Spaces | Ecology | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | London | Oxford
As part of the global days of action for squats and autonomous spaces (see or "upcoming coverage" in top left corner of home page) two (maybe three!) events will take place in Reading, Berks.

* Free Cafe Event*
Reading Grassroots Action will hold a free cafe event in a privatised area of the riverside in the Town Centre. The action will aim to temporarily reclaim some space in the town centre, publicise further events and organisation and spread information on several linked up struggles from the autonomous spaces movements to the Zapatistas and from community gardens to Starbucks workers. Hopefully a film will be shown illustrating the global resistance against empire and good free food and Zapatista coffee will be given out.
* Common Ground Squatted Community Garden will be Re-Opened!*
Common Ground - a squatted community garden in Katesgrove area of Reading - was closed down by Reading Borough Council in October 07, following two previously unsucsessful eviction dates.
But on Sat 12th April, it will once again by opened to the public!
- Free Entry from 1pm!
- Free BBQ (trad & vegan options) from 3pm!
- Live Acoustic Music from 5pm!
* Neil Sutherland - Positive folk-punk in the vein of Billy Bragg.
* Clayton Blizzard - Acoustic hip hop - lyrical genius!
* Smoky Bastard - Irish style folk-punk in vein of Flogging Molly/Pogues/Dropkicks
* Kelly Kemp - Country style folk-punk from ex-vocalist of No Comply
* Naomi Hates Humans - Soulful folk-punk melodies
* Sam Russo - "Boss mad sounds!"
Entrance is through the alleyway, next to ex-Womens Information Centre, Silver Street, Reading, RG2. It's two mins from town centre, just up London Street from Global Cafe/Great Expectations.
Q: "But wont the cops stop us?!"
A: "Never fear, Plan B is here!"
If the miserable council and moody coppers stop us, we'll go cheer them up...
... by moving the entire event outside their offices!
So, if you can't find us at Common Ground, ring 07757280546 on the day for latest info!
Hope to see ya then!
P.S. We've even heard rumour of a free party in town that night, so keep yer ears to the dirty Reading ground......
G. Winstanley