News from Kebele social centre (Bristol)
Kebeleian | 14.11.2006 00:03 | Culture | Free Spaces | World
Kebele social centre in Easton, Bristol, remains (sadly) the only permanent radical volunteer run such centre in Bristol – that means no bosses and no paid staff. As we look forwards to the 11th anniversary of the founding of Kebele, we hope that readers & activists will go out and set up their own radical centre, in their part of town. Bristol needs not one, but many, long-term radical social centres, if we are to truly build an alternative to the dominance of the capitalist consumer culture and its destructive nature.
To celebrate our 11 years of dogged, often creative, activity and resistance, we’ve having a party – on 8 December. It’ll be a late one, with bands, dj’s, PA’s, cabaret, café. Full details to follow shortly.
To celebrate our 11 years of dogged, often creative, activity and resistance, we’ve having a party – on 8 December. It’ll be a late one, with bands, dj’s, PA’s, cabaret, café. Full details to follow shortly.
Meanwhile, adding to Kebele’s news (see our evolution from a housing co-op and kulture project to a community co-op is stuck in the mire of bureaucracy and legal minutiae. But we have in any case gone ahead and launched our new website at so check it out to see what we have on. Why not add our website to your links page? (check our local and other links at ).
We are also about to undertake major roof repairs of the building, and at the same time give the café space a makeover. We are working on plans for a revamp of the centre, to clean it up and make the overall space more accessible and welcoming, and to bring in new activities.
Kebele has the following regular activities on, so come along:
Monday – Screenprinting workshops from 7-9pm
Tuesday – Beginners Italian classes 5-6.30pm
Wednesday – Bike workshop 12-4.30pm: cheap parts, advice & help to get yer bike back on the road. Some cheap recycled bikes to buy too.
Saturday – Infoshop 11-2pm: radical books, mags, pamphlets too numerous to list, plus stickers, music, t-shirts and loads of free info. All yer radical shopping!
Sunday – Vegan Café 6.30-10pm: due to popular demand the food often runs out so come early.
For full details see
Over the last month we have also had film nights, an open mic session, open meetings on the ‘Kingswood Colliers’ and Rossport protest camp (in Ireland), a Bristol Columbia Solidarity Campaign benefit bash, plus local campaign and other organising meetings from the likes of the Bristle Collective. There’ll be more such events coming up. We are also catering for the Bristol Permaculture group’s ‘South West Permaculture Convergence’ on 26 November at St Werburghs Community Centre (see, and for an as yet to be announced ‘Winter Solstice/Yule Social’.
If your campaign/group wants to hold an event get in touch to discuss! If you fancy getting involved with one of Kebele’s sub-collectives then see and get in touch! We’ve got lots of ideas and plans, but we need people like you to help put them all into practice.
Kebele social centre, 14 Robertson Rd, Easton, BS5 6JY
Tel 0117 939 9469 during open hours (see above)

We are also about to undertake major roof repairs of the building, and at the same time give the café space a makeover. We are working on plans for a revamp of the centre, to clean it up and make the overall space more accessible and welcoming, and to bring in new activities.
Kebele has the following regular activities on, so come along:
Monday – Screenprinting workshops from 7-9pm
Tuesday – Beginners Italian classes 5-6.30pm
Wednesday – Bike workshop 12-4.30pm: cheap parts, advice & help to get yer bike back on the road. Some cheap recycled bikes to buy too.
Saturday – Infoshop 11-2pm: radical books, mags, pamphlets too numerous to list, plus stickers, music, t-shirts and loads of free info. All yer radical shopping!
Sunday – Vegan Café 6.30-10pm: due to popular demand the food often runs out so come early.
For full details see

Over the last month we have also had film nights, an open mic session, open meetings on the ‘Kingswood Colliers’ and Rossport protest camp (in Ireland), a Bristol Columbia Solidarity Campaign benefit bash, plus local campaign and other organising meetings from the likes of the Bristle Collective. There’ll be more such events coming up. We are also catering for the Bristol Permaculture group’s ‘South West Permaculture Convergence’ on 26 November at St Werburghs Community Centre (see

If your campaign/group wants to hold an event get in touch to discuss! If you fancy getting involved with one of Kebele’s sub-collectives then see

Kebele social centre, 14 Robertson Rd, Easton, BS5 6JY
Tel 0117 939 9469 during open hours (see above)
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