UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Inside the Visteon occupation.
05-04-2009 16:01

The workers at Visteon are a truly courageous bunch of people whom have never done anything like this before so they deserve EVERYONES support. They were sacked at six minutes notice. The night shift were sacked by phone. Please raise money or take them some food and drink.
The address is easy to find the nearest station is rectory road.
Witnesseses of Ian Tomlinson's brutal murder come forward
05-04-2009 13:45
An article in today's Observer newspaper states that the "police assaulted bystander who died in G20 protests". Three independent witnesses have come forward with corroborative statements telling how he was violently assaulted.Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
G20 Protest Pictures, part 4
04-04-2009 22:35

G20 Protest Pictures, part 3
04-04-2009 22:12

G20 Protest Pictures, part 2
04-04-2009 21:51

G20 Protest Pictures, part 1
04-04-2009 21:28

G20 Part II - Dissident Island Radio
03-04-2009 17:38

Kitchen, urn, banner material, paint needed asap for occupied Visteon factory
03-04-2009 16:30
call for gas fired tea urn and rings for cooking to set up kitchen at factory plus banner materials needed and any other propsRally Saturday 4th April for occupying Visteon workers in Enfield
03-04-2009 16:19
Rally at Visteon plant in Enfield Saturday 4th April 11 a.m. please bring food, banners and banner making stuff and noise to support the workers and their families at the factory ..Lappersfort Update- Noise Demo Tomorrow
03-04-2009 14:52
A trial was held today in the Brugge courthouse for the two Lappersfort occupiers, Sophie and Pitree, who were arrested on tuesday night while riding their bicycles back to the forest. Occupiers and other folk went along to the courthouse to make some noise and show solidarity with their friends.G20 financial fools day in pictures.
03-04-2009 13:10

Helsinki is supporting NO G20
02-04-2009 16:35

Ongoing Repression in Brugge – 2 people in prison – Noise Demo on Friday morning
02-04-2009 15:03
In the early hours of Wednesday 30th of march, two occupants of the Lappersfort forest protest site were arrested cycling back to the camp. Based on the fact that they had a screwdriver on them and a bike trailer full of food, they are accused of breaking a fence in order to take food from a skip that they never actually visited.Climate Camp sets up in the middle of the City of London
01-04-2009 22:37

Wave of factory occupations across the UK
01-04-2009 13:38
Sorry, it's cut and pasted from corporate media, but i'm in the middle of work! Solidarity to all factory occupiers and the G20 rioters - our struggles are one!JNC open new squat. Gardeners required.
01-04-2009 11:13
At 0900 hrs on Tuesday 31 March, members of 'Justice Not Crisis' occupied the Beechcourt Hotel, 201 Bristol Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B5 7UB.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Smash Capitalism: Big banner on the Thames
01-04-2009 11:04

(A) Book & Video Fair of Caracas
31-03-2009 23:42

56a Infoshop: Nowtopia + Celebrate Peoples History event Sun 5th
31-03-2009 14:33

New G20 convergence space opened
31-03-2009 11:57
g2 convergence space- payne house, earl street ec2a 2al