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Critical Mass! Nottingham pictures...

JimDog* | 24.04.2009 19:41 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Free Spaces

An initial upload of pictures of todays Critical Mass bike ride through Nottingham city centre. Reclaim the streets!

Here is a quick upload of pictures from today's Critical Mass gathering. A full report is to follow soon..

Setting off at 5pm, anarchist time (ie 5.45pm :-), the streets were reclaimed in the centre of Nottingham. The route took the mass past the opening night of "The age of stupid" at the Broadway cinema, which is playing host to the Climate Action Is Not Stupid event which is being held to celebrate the launch of the film and focus minds on the urgent need for action to halt the slide towards global climate catastrophe.

Keep a watchful eye on Nottinghamshire Indymedia for further details and more pictures of both events.

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