UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Defend community social centres - sign the online petition!
26-02-2010 11:57
For the past 6 months, locals in Bath have been operating teh Black Cat centre - an occupied social centre. It has made real inroads into the local community, but is now under threat of eviction - help out by signing the online petition -tories to criminalise trespass
25-02-2010 01:24
worrying but not unsurprising little horror from their own website. this is likely to be used as a catch-all for just about every form of trespass ever used.“Knife arch” for Piccadilly Gardens
21-02-2010 17:32
Greater Manchester Police (GMP) have today erected a temporary “knife arch”, consisting of a metal detector and sniffer dogs, in Piccadilly Gardens for pedestrians to walk through.Bath Black Cat social centre - New address
20-02-2010 14:29
Bath's only occupied social centre has a great new home. Volunteers, get yerselves down here!Radiokebele - we done a number 2!
19-02-2010 21:11
Featuring extended interview with the “Sultan of Squats” Clifford Hanger which include a host of anecdotes from Bristol's finest radical raconteur. Also a telephone interview with the Olympic Resistance Network that lays out the ugly truth behind the Winter Olympics on stolen land. Then the usual global update and what's on guide.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
No ID, No Freedom. People sent home Without ID
19-02-2010 15:01
Police in Wakefield checked 900 ID card, anyone found out in public with NO ID was ordered to go home and not use the streets of WakefieldKew Bridge Eco Village - Developer planning application accepted
19-02-2010 10:31
UpdateThe Really Open University: Strike / Occupy / Transform!
18-02-2010 11:10

Resisting the cuts at Leeds University. Strike, Occupy, Transform!
16-02-2010 21:55
A group called the Really Open University has been established to help resist the £35 million of cuts being made at the University of Leeds.Full article | 1 addition | 14 comments
Schnews 4 Indymedia together for eva tru luv
15-02-2010 23:12
HiSpeaking as someone who waits with baited breath for the latest issue of Schnews to appear to give me anarchically comical insight from the back streets of be- right- on...
And speaking as someone who also clicks on to get the latest hot from the streets reportage coming from legions of activist-journalists “being the Media” at the latests heroic attempt to crash the towers of Mammon........
I was slightly perplexed by the bizarre genetic merging of Indymedia and Schnews to create the bastard of offspring Frankenstein know as.......
Bath Black Cat occupied social centre moves again!!
15-02-2010 12:40
For 6 months, the Black Cat has been providing Bath with a liberated community space featuring a radical library, freeshop, cafe, debt advice centre, and dozens of film nights, meetings, activities and workshops .Redditch reuse group celebrates success & calls for reuse warehouse
12-02-2010 19:33
Redditch Freecycle has reached 10,000 members in 4 years but founders accept that the group only rehomes a small minority of the towns useful items. They have called for a reuse warehouse which could deal with the waste mountain, create jobs, save precious resources, train young people & help low income families all in one go!Bath Bomb #27 Out Now
12-02-2010 12:46
Yes, the new issue of the so-called 'monthly' Bath-based radical free sheet is once again ready for public perusal...Police evict new No Borders/ SOS Sans Papiers space Calais
07-02-2010 17:12
Police force entry and arrest all those who were inside, who all had papers. Illegal eviction of space.The Verdict is in...
07-02-2010 15:25
Order in court (well another court) Systemxchange Social Centre 1st March 2010 @ Wandsworth.Daily Mail censor staff blog
03-02-2010 20:38
Here is a full copy of the now-censored blog of a Daily Mail employee. It was taken down after management uncovered it earlier today.San José Peace and Justice Award Honours Free Gaza Pioneers
02-02-2010 08:53

Earth First! Winter Moot location announced, 6pm Fri 5th - Sun 7th Feb 2010
01-02-2010 11:59
"A weekend of networking, reflection, strategic discussions & campaign planning for anyone involved in ecological direct action who believes in non-hierarchical organisation and directly confronting the forces responsible for the destruction of the Earth and its inhabitants"6pm Fri 5th - Sun 7th Feb 2010
Dipton Community Centre, Front Street (A692), Dipton, Stanley, County Durham, DH9 9DR
Mainshill Solidarity Camp evicted – not an end, but a beginning
30-01-2010 11:13