Launch of BEyONdTV minature cinema
undercurrents | 13.10.2004 19:53 | Culture | Free Spaces | London | Oxford
Come and join the launch of the Undercurrents BEYONDTV minature cinema
A call for activist films to be screened at the European Social Forum
14th-17th October, and a call for help with the screenings.
A call for activist films to be screened at the European Social Forum
14th-17th October, and a call for help with the screenings.
A do-it-yourself TV channel at this weekends European Social Forum in London
An activist video lounge space
Undercurrents is building BEyONdTV min-sin screens to place around the ESF, showing the latest in direct action – inspiration – agitation – and information - for people to take responsibility to create the world they want.
Bring all your activist films down to the Camden Centre (indymedia), and join an on-going workshop in encoding for CD and the web. Or leave your films in the drop-box at any BEyONdTV min-sin site. Short, snappy films can then be compiled and distributed around the BEyONdTV screens. Your "copyleft" films can also be distributed worldwide afterwards on the unique Ruffcuts CDROMs.
If you have a space in your venue, small room, end of corridor, cafe, bar space then get in touch and we will see if we can set one up.
If you can help with a short film, Blue Peter skills with cardboard, brush and sticky-back plastic then come to Ramparts social centre, Ramparts St, off Commercial Road, or send us a mail at
Help needed
We need material to build boxes for housing the screens
We need computers P2 300mz+
We need spaces for the min-sins
undercurrents and directTV
A do-it-yourself TV channel at this weekends European Social Forum in London
An activist video lounge space
Undercurrents is building BEyONdTV min-sin screens to place around the ESF, showing the latest in direct action – inspiration – agitation – and information - for people to take responsibility to create the world they want.
Bring all your activist films down to the Camden Centre (indymedia), and join an on-going workshop in encoding for CD and the web. Or leave your films in the drop-box at any BEyONdTV min-sin site. Short, snappy films can then be compiled and distributed around the BEyONdTV screens. Your "copyleft" films can also be distributed worldwide afterwards on the unique Ruffcuts CDROMs.
If you have a space in your venue, small room, end of corridor, cafe, bar space then get in touch and we will see if we can set one up.
If you can help with a short film, Blue Peter skills with cardboard, brush and sticky-back plastic then come to Ramparts social centre, Ramparts St, off Commercial Road, or send us a mail at

Help needed
We need material to build boxes for housing the screens
We need computers P2 300mz+
We need spaces for the min-sins
undercurrents and directTV