UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
first ever lock on in Icelandic history
23-07-2005 00:03

Street Art ~ Radio show today (Fri) 2-3pm
22-07-2005 10:01
Resonance fm 104.4FM - Small Slow Peasants ShowBroadcasting Live to london on FM @ 2-3pm
+ the world via the web (

Todays theme is 'Street art' with interviews from melbourne, NYC, and London.
What is street art ~ graffiti, sticker art, political posters, busking and street perfomance, urban reclaimation blogging the freeways and more!
For more info go to
The Organisation and Politics of Social Forums
22-07-2005 07:59
The new issue of 'ephemera: theory & politics in organization', which has just been published at
...included are some interesting reflections on the London ESF...
Hands of my Islam, Mr Blair
19-07-2005 18:10
Muslims condemn violence against innocents, which is why so many of us feel as much anger towards Blair as we do towards the London bombers. And the trail of blood on both counts leads back to 10 Downing Street.Funny anti G8 action in Bern, Switzerland
19-07-2005 08:13

refuse idcards
18-07-2005 17:10

"Make Borders History" - Noborder Tour of Glasgow, 3rd of July
17-07-2005 14:31

Pictures of the "Big Successfull Blockade" of Faslane Nuclear Base, at G8 2005
17-07-2005 12:56

They closed down the Faslane Submarine Base near Helensburgh, north of Glasgow for a day - with hardly any arrests and a holiday for the workers.
On a sunny day, the victory of Non Violent Direct Action came at last for the campaigners.
56a Infoshop Social Center, London: new website!
17-07-2005 11:59
The 56a Infoshop, longstanding social centre in South London, has finally relaunched its website enabling all and sundry to now know what goes on here...London bombs community discussion - your help needed
13-07-2005 13:44
The rampART social centre is planning on hosting some kind of discussion event for people to talk about their concerns, fears, proposals etc in relation to the London bomb attacks.It is particually hoped that it would enable a dialogue between different elements of the community in order to avoid or mitigate against ill-placed retribution and revenege attacks and to combat attempts to fuel hate and distrust by the some elements of society and the media.
It is also hoped that together we can identify and be aware of moves by the state to capitalise on the fear being generated in the wake of the attacks to clamp down even further on civil libities and introduce new draconian legislation and ID cards etc.
More photos and report from Boogie on the Bridge anti-M74 Action
12-07-2005 23:29

London post G8 debrief
12-07-2005 11:45
There have been a couple of posts suggesting that some form of post-G8 meeting(s) are necessary if the movement is to best digest and take on board any lessons that there are to be learnt from the mobilisations around the G8 summit.This Friday 15th July at the rampART social centre in East London time has been made available for people to meet, show films, and discuss the events of last week.
11-07-2005 02:16
Invitation to join a new group for radicals who want to debate publicly without excessive interference from inane fascistic fools. Anonymity is respected. Check out the principles and topics and then get the conversation started...
Abefield Park festival bomb scare
10-07-2005 22:31

Bombs that Silence Dissent
10-07-2005 12:25
The London bombers may have provided the kind of PR Blair and Bush were praying for.rampART cheesy chillout tonight
09-07-2005 16:43
Had enough of riotsm protests and politics for one week?Get down to the rampART for some 'authentic' South-Western CountryFolkPunk with Buzzard and the Cheese live from 8pm
G8 debriefs
09-07-2005 11:57
Think it would be really good idea to come together really soon to debrief and document our mobilisations in Scotland....We must collectively share and learn from our experiences so we can take forward good tactics and drop our modify those that nolonger work.