UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
01-07-2005 09:10
The Carnival for Full Enjoyment - due to burst onto Edinburgh’s streets on Monday at noon - has denounced Army Recruitment Centres as “lie centres” and alleges the army relies on low wages and unemployment to drive young people into their clutches.Jack Kane Edinburgh G8 Campsite to be FREE (not £5)
30-06-2005 15:18
The council has today decided that instead of charging £5 per night to stay at the Jack Kane G8 Campsite in Edinburgh, it will in fact be free.FIT intimidation at rampART
30-06-2005 11:32
The Forward 'Inteligence' Team spent the morning harassing members of the Infernal Noise Brigade who where staying the night at the rampART social centre in east London before continueing their UK tour on route to Scotland.Stirling Eco Camp Convergence on TV
29-06-2005 22:55
Anti G8 activists invite media into camp29 June 2005 17:58

Mental Bloc (Aid) - during the G8
29-06-2005 16:13
From July 3rd to July 10th, as part of the resistance and alternatives to the Gleneagles G8 Summit 05, artist activist the vacuum cleaner will be bringing their Mental Bloc, 5 new performance actions, to the streets and stores of Glasgow.Join the Fairie Army at G8
29-06-2005 15:58

Cycling as Part of the Vision for Oxford, meeting Wednesday 6th July
29-06-2005 10:42
Cycling as Part of the Vision for Oxford, meeting Wednesday 6th JulyDissent Brighton + Labofii in Guardian
29-06-2005 00:51
Directing destinyGiving more power to the G8 nations will not eradicate poverty, say Adam Jones and Lisa Michael. Distinct, autonomous grassroots alternatives to capitalism will
Wednesday June 29, 2005
The Guardian

Call for Multi-Coloured Blocs On Sat 2nd Make Poverty History G8 Demo
28-06-2005 15:11
We hope that hundreds of thousands of people fill the streets of Edinburgh on 2 July for the “Make Poverty History” rally.
27-06-2005 13:33
For those not in Scotland, the 56a Infoshop Social Centre in South London presents a night of zinery and relaxation.InfernalNoiseBrigade -vs- RhythmsOfResistance + LostFilmFest + Filastine G8Benefit Wed
27-06-2005 12:29
RampART presents a real mid week spectacular this wednesday 29th from 7pmTELL YOUR FRIENDS
Treat your ears to a once in a lifetime double bill drum fest with the inspiring Rhythms of Resistance facing off the mighty Infernal Noise Brigade who are fresh off plane from the USA.
Also flown over the pond to play at the rampART before heading up to the G8 is the awesome Filastine, but that not all.
For your viewing pleasure, the LOSTFILMFEST is coming into town too!
The truly independent *** anti-authoritarian *** anti-corporate *** grassroots DIY media extravaganza from West Philadelphia, hosted by Festival Director Scott Beibin (Bloodlink Records, Evil Twin Booking) is a laugh-a-riot event with equal emphasis on both "laugh" and "riot."
Focusing on pranks vs. corporations and government, pie fights with cops, riot footage, and culture jamming, you'll love the punk rock urgency of the Lost Film Fest and its celebration of media archaeology and illegal art, incorporating live performance and video.
29 of june at the RAMPART, from 7pm TIL LATE!!!
benefit gig lantern theatre sheffield saturday july 9th 2005
27-06-2005 10:49

Jack Kane G8 Campsite Pics (more fences)
27-06-2005 01:32

Brian Haw says `Just do it`
26-06-2005 13:49

Repression in Copenhagen after squatters' demonstration
24-06-2005 15:49
Repression in Copenhagen after squatters' demonstration...G8 Council Provided Campsite Info (Jack Kane Centre - Hunter's Hall Park)
23-06-2005 10:49
Open from Friday 1 July to Friday 8 July.CCTV. Perimiter Fence. 24 Hour Security. Possible Search on Entry.
Water + Toilets
Capacity 15,000
Near Craigmillar, a bus ride from town.
Estimated Cost £10 for the week
Filthy Radical Show - the rest of the mp3s, sorry!
22-06-2005 17:33

The Filthy Radical Show - mp3s for your pleasure
22-06-2005 17:28