UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Edinburgh G8 Carnival - Soundsystem Seized by Police
05-07-2005 08:08

Princess Street G8 Carnival Rooftop Pics
05-07-2005 08:05

Hospital workers report treating 30 fence spike injuries (carnival edinburgh)
05-07-2005 07:55

EVICTION ALERT nr rampART east london
05-07-2005 07:42
Help is needed urgently to defend a large residential squat against eviction this morning. Squat is at the aldgate end of commercial road not far from rampART.Make History Poverty
04-07-2005 21:50

SCUM8TEK 2nd July - A million sound systems and no bob!
03-07-2005 22:45

Anti-G8 graffiti in Edinburg
03-07-2005 22:11

Edinburgh street closure + boarding pics before the make poverty history march
03-07-2005 20:58

The Clown Army and its Entourage Extravaganza
03-07-2005 12:46

Geoff, the Black Bitches and The Full Monty line dancing group
Rhythms of Resistance: Their biggest fan
03-07-2005 10:50

About the park squat
02-07-2005 17:24
Yesterday we squatted a park then the police showed up and it ended up with most of the people got to sleep in the official campsites anyway.This is my story.
Council Spokesman Agrees to Remove CCTV at Jack Kane after Pilrig Park Camp
02-07-2005 01:27
A large group of people from the Resist train into edinburgh chose not to go to the Jack Kane campsite with its CCTV, private security, fences and so on.The light (and dark) side of the bike
01-07-2005 19:54

EKH squat (vienna) update 1st July
01-07-2005 18:33

Since midnight, 2/3 of the house is without contracts again, so the people inside are now preparing for the case of eviction and mobilise to make public pressure for a written, law-valid guarantee.
Police visit the Dissent! Info point in Edinburgh
01-07-2005 15:48

Something is going on at Institute of Autonomy
01-07-2005 14:09
Police are milling about at the Institute of Autonomy 15.00hrs Friday56a Infoshop Final Night of Map Festival: Exp Music/Film Night
01-07-2005 11:24

SATURDAY 2nd JULY from 8pm at 56a INFOSHOP
The final chance to see the YOU ARE HERE BUT WHY? Free Festival of Mapping exhibitions at this long-established South London radical social centre and enjoy a curious night of free pickles and movies and moosick...
Indymedia Centre in Edinburgh Now Open - Meetings + IMC Reporting Numbers
01-07-2005 09:42

Located above The Forest Cafe (street entrance door to the left) on Bristo Place, Edinburgh
Daily imc + reporting co-ordination meetings @ 7pm