UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
postal police vs autistici
22-06-2005 10:13
22-06-2005 09:12
When we started the autistici project, we thought in our cosmic>pessimism that the worst thing could have happened could have been
>the seizing of our server, a idiot-sniffing of our data traffic and that
>cryptography should have been enough to keep relatively sure communications
>of our users.We were wrong.There are no conditions in italy to let you talk
>about privacy protecting.
Edinburgh Potterow University G8 Infospace
22-06-2005 08:57
Adding to the expanding list of G8 related spaces in Edinburgh is another large University based infospace - see below.For other spaces see:

'Common-ication' at KENNINGTON PARK Sat 25th June
20-06-2005 19:49

Common-ication chat: Meeting in the cafe afterward around 3pm. How would we map this in the 21st century? The continuing battle of Enclosure versus The Commons

To the Gates of Gleneagles Hotel by Tariq Ali
20-06-2005 16:51
June 20, 2005To the Gates of Gleneagles Hotel
Making the Noises Politicians Don't Want to Hear

GARDEN PARTY with live music at Inst. for Autonomy
19-06-2005 19:00
Anti-G8 benefit Saturday 25th June 6pm-6amCre8 Summit Community Garden Pictures
19-06-2005 18:54

AUDIO: Cre8 Summit Community Garden Action (G82005)
19-06-2005 18:43
Interview with permaculture activist about the week of community gardening just completed in Glasgow, Scotland - where a piece of vacant land was occupied in opposition to the planned M74 motorway and the fast approching G8 summit.MP3 11.30mins 48kbps mono

Vans travelling to Scotland: WARNING!
19-06-2005 17:23
Police are hassling van drivers travelling up to Scotland in advance of the G8 protests.Stonehenge Solsttice Gathering - Monday 20th June
19-06-2005 01:50

state tries to crush radical Amsterdam
17-06-2005 10:03

Photos of demo at Scottish Parliament on Thursday 16th June with short report.
16-06-2005 22:06

Heavy fighting and imprisonments after Amsterdam squat evictions
16-06-2005 20:51
On May 31 over ten squats were being evicted in Amsterdam by a big army of riot police during the so-called eviction wave which happens every three months.Critical Mass Brighton
16-06-2005 20:50
The first Critical Mass in Brighton for ages took place tonight,Thursday16th at 6pm. Went really well and hopefully will now become regular. Meet at The Level 5.30pm for 6pm. Route to be decided bythose who show up!Carnival for Full Enjoyment - Edinburgh 4 July (update)
16-06-2005 15:55

G8 Accommodation in Edinburgh + Glasgow Plus InfoPoint Locations
16-06-2005 15:38
Short update on accommodation situation in Edinburgh and Glasgow for the G8 Summit mobilisations:There will be additional InfoPoints at Edinburgh University running from 29th June to 7th July - more details and info on timetables for workshops, film screenings and entertainments out soon.
G8 Rural Convergence Campsite Update - It's On!!
16-06-2005 15:08
After several negotiations with land owners over the last months have fallen through (due to police pressure many believe) a site has now been offered and the rural convergence campsite will go ahead.The message is for people to come! - see update below.
Bringing Hallam University into disrepute.
16-06-2005 12:07

Cre8 Summit Film - Glasgow - Reclaiming Community (Day 1)
16-06-2005 01:16

For a short film of the first day and good news for the anti-M74 campaign see:

Direct download:

(quicktime 3mins 07 secs)