Cre8 Summit Film - Glasgow - Reclaiming Community (Day 1)
Cre8 | 16.06.2005 01:16 | G8 2005 | Ecology | Free Spaces | Globalisation
Over the weekend of the 11th and 12th of June the Cre8 Summit community initiative has taken back an area of land in Glasgow left derelict by the planners, transforming it into a community space.
For a short film of the first day and good news for the anti-M74 campaign see:
Direct download:
(quicktime 3mins 07 secs)
For a short film of the first day and good news for the anti-M74 campaign see:

Direct download:

(quicktime 3mins 07 secs)
After a series of public meetings the Cre8 Summit is transforming the area through guerrilla gardening. Last sunday people spent the day deciding how to design the community garden, work on which has now begun in ernest despite some rain, but hey, that's good for the garden!
The area of land is near Govanhill and Gorbles between Devon St and McKinley Street, and lies on the propsed route of the M74 motorway extension, which will cut through 2 communites and cause massive congestion and contamination (for more info see

Over the last few days there has also been several workshops held at the community space and more continue through til saturday when an event celebrating the work done transforming the land will be held - for info and listing see:

Ahead of the project the Cre8 Summit project said "So much of Glasgow is cut up by wasted land which could blossom with flowers, food, colour, youth engaging, old folk relaxing, but most importantly, our neighbourhoods building and owning their own landscape. We wish to Cre8 a garden, a park, a community space, and a place all folk can enjoy. We do not work like the planners bogged down with bureaucracy and red tape; we plan to do this for ourselves and to do it not next year but now."
For this project to succeed we need your skills, energy and enthusiasm - from running a workshop to an afternoons gardening, or bringing the kids down and having a cuppa tea.
If you want to get involved, and for more information, come and visit the site or please contact us:
Email -

Phone - 07981 954132
Cre8 Summit is a group of people from Glasgow and beyond who see that the problems caused by the G8 are global but the solutions are local. It is a loose collective of builders, gardeners, artists; DJs, soil engineers, musicians, skaters and landscapers who offer to share their skills and learn from the Southside.
Just as dams are shoved on the people of India or roads are shoved on the people of Glasgow, the G8 has been shoved on the people of Scotland from Westminster, Brussels & Washington.
We are doing this because we believe that many of the problems of the world are caused by a lack of solidarity amongst communities and that by coming together to create and maintain a space that is of benefit to all strengthens us all. Cre8 Summit believes in globally supporting local struggle.