Repression in Copenhagen after squatters' demonstration
ABC | 24.06.2005 15:49 | Free Spaces | Repression | Social Struggles
Yesterday, Thursday 23rd June there was a demonstration in Copenhagen in support of the squatted social centre "Ungdomshuset", which is threatened with eviction. It was supposed to be a march to the city square, but the demo was repeatedly blocked by the police, who objected to people throwing water baloons. The police also baton charged people and some scuffles and bottle throwing took place.Towards the end of the demo, plain clothes and uniformed police attacked the demo to arrest individuals, and managed to arrest five people. Four of them, all Danish, were quickly released (but may still face trial for serious charges).One French person however, has been kept in prison for at least 13 days. After this he will go back to the court, and may be kept longer. He is accused of throwing a bottle at the police (which even the police accept did not hit anyone).Please send him messages of support!
Jule Justo, Vestre Fængsel, Vigerslev Alle 1D, 2450, Københaven SV
You can also email the prison to demand his release-
Jule Justo, Vestre Fængsel, Vigerslev Alle 1D, 2450, Københaven SV
You can also email the prison to demand his release-
