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UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive

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Squatting Poll

18-03-2011 11:21

Boozy faced Fatboy NHS Axeman Ken Clarke is pushing for squattingto become illegal.

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Faslane peace camp grand re-opening

18-03-2011 10:09

Faslane peace camp back on the map the year of the grand re-opening

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Squatting to be criminalised

18-03-2011 09:56

It's been coming, it was in their manifesto, but it appears that the tories are now acting on their promise to criminalise squatting. We need to plan for this early, squatting has been destroyed in other countries across Europe recently by swift gov/cop action. But we have the infrastructure to make them regret picking this fight. Time to start planning.

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The 0742 Club

16-03-2011 14:03

The 0742 Club is now open: the semi residential community art/social centre squat adjacent to Debenhams on the Moor is asking for artists, photographers, collectives and political groups to get in contact and to come down and help make the squat as vibrant and active as Possible.

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0742 centre

15-03-2011 13:06

Here are some photos of the inside of the new 0742 social centre

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article on the gaddafi house

15-03-2011 13:01

new statesman article on the gaddafi squat

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Residents urgently needed at the 0742 club (squatted bank on the moor)

14-03-2011 17:35

Residents urgently needed for sheffield community project

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New Ecovillage, food forest, Gloucestershire

13-03-2011 15:35

A new eco-village will soon be started, this year, near Gloucestershire. The group plans to establish a network of productive community gardens, food forests, log cabins, eco-buildings and occupied spaces in which people can enjoy the food and relax after a day of gardening, or swimming in the river. The group remains to be named, and is rather elusive, only an email address and an invitation to a face-to-face meeting in gloucester or cheltenham, to be arranged in the near future has been given. The group is calling for interested parties to contact them.

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Sheffield Community Project

13-03-2011 14:57

New occupied space on the moor in sheffield, next to debenhams. Plans for art exhibitions, music nights, film screenings, workshops, talks and much more.
New residents needed urgently to mantain the building call 07949941300 for more information.

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LibDem Conf: Convergence Centre Open in Sheffield #ldconf

12-03-2011 09:07

Sheffield Lib Dem Conf Convergence Space
A convergence space is now open in Sheffield, the shop next door to Debenhams on The Moor. There is lots of space for banner and placard making, there is water, electricity and should be food and internet access at some point today and later tonight there might even be some film screenings, come on down!

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Big Society? Big Social Centres! Public meeting, Tuesday 22nd March

11-03-2011 21:14

Public meeting for anyone interested in establishing an autonomous social centre in Manchester, 18.30-20.00, Tuesday 22nd March at the University of Manchester occupation - for map and printable flyers see

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Activists attacked at Mainshill Opencast as Huge Excavator is Occupied for over

11-03-2011 15:51

a similar "prime mover" on another open cast
On Wednesday morning activists entered Scottish Coal’s Mainshill Open Cast Coal Site in South Lanarkshire to disrupt coaling operations. As two activists managed to reach and scale a huge 260 tonne “prime mover” in the bottom of the pit, one of the two biggest machines on the site, other activists there to support them were brutally attacked by Scottish Coal employees and Trustcare Security.

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gaddafi mansion latest... from inside.

11-03-2011 13:52

Libyans to decide future of space.

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May Day! May Day! Rossport Solidarity Camp Summer Gathering Sat 30 April -Mon 2n

09-03-2011 11:00

Come up to the Rossport Solidarity Camp Summer Gathering for the May Bank Holiday weekend to see for yourself what's at stake and learn more about the campaign.

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60 Seconds to Save Portland Works!

07-03-2011 13:29

Sheffield's Portland Works is threatened with closure and conversion into flats. Here's how you can help!

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RBS occupied and banner dropped in Manchester

05-03-2011 17:37


They took our money to pay for their mistakes,
& now they take our home...

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Dissident Dental Work - Benefit Party - March 5th 10pm

04-03-2011 11:01

Dissident Island Radio and Green & Black Cross present:

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Penny for the Guy Ropes

04-03-2011 00:53

They came, they camped, they conquered (well, almost). During a soul-searching Dorset retreat, Climate Camp have decided to suspend tent-centred activism - citing the “radically different political landscape” of 2011. Having been through Drax, Kingsnorth, Heathrow, RBS, Copenhagen and one helluva lot of hummus, the group are now turning their attention to coordination with the wider anti-cuts and anti-austerity movement.

Updated after the jump

On the Newswire: Statement | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010

In SchNEWS: 736 | 696 | 689 | 642 | 641 | 600 | 558


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Camden Town Hall: Is This What Democracy Looks Like?

01-03-2011 13:20

Public gallery after police refused to let the public into the building
Again and again across the UK, a pattern is being repeated of local government denying the public access to their town halls where decisions are being made that will devastate their lives.

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Free Talk - 2nd March - Watching the watchers, the Surveillance State Exposed

27-02-2011 18:17

Presentation at Keynes Hall, Kings College Weds 2nd March on the surveillance state and how to fight it