UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Free graphic designs for all groups from Chew Designs.
13-04-2011 00:26

Machism on Brazilian social movements
10-04-2011 21:35
Self-defense feminist against a male chauvinist militant from Sao Paulo, Brazil.Eviction resistance @ Social Centre Plus this Tuesday!
09-04-2011 20:43

We need people to demonstrate against the would-be closure of the space outside the front entrance from 10AM ONWARDS.
Social Centre Plus Face Eviction this Tuesday
07-04-2011 23:07

You are cordially invited ...
06-04-2011 19:40
No money for schools, hospitals or libraries? Let’s have a bloody big wedding with the money instead then!Call out for zine contributions from those arrested in the Anti- Cuts movement
04-04-2011 23:41

Stapleford Community Farm
03-04-2011 00:54

Lying Brent Council
01-04-2011 15:37
Charteris sports centre in Kilburn NW London stolen from the people by Brent councilAutonomous Center in Cologne/Germany will be evicted!
30-03-2011 18:34

Sleep-in at Trafalgar Sq against proposed ban on rough sleeping
23-03-2011 13:26
Westminster have proposed a new byelaw to ban rough sleeping and the provision of free food in public spaces in the borough. A mass sleep-in is being organised to protest the ban, which is due to take place at 7pm at Trafalgar Square this Saturday, 26th March.0742 Club - Evicted
22-03-2011 19:42
the 0742 club has been evicted, we are looking to relocate to a new home as soon as we possibily can. keep your eyes peeledThe criminalisation of squatting
22-03-2011 17:06
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR DEM TORIES MAKE ME MADDefend land in stapleton - Anyone interested?
22-03-2011 01:58
possible new site in nottinghamshireRossport Solidarity Camp is Up!
20-03-2011 19:07
Today 20 people helped set up the foundations of the 2011 Rossport Solidarity CampMarch 26th: Occupy Everything!
19-03-2011 22:24
Let's turn March 26th into a Day of Occupations. Why we need to occupy ... and how.Members of the 0742 club arrested!!!
18-03-2011 16:14
Last night (at approximately 11pm) three people involved in the organisation of the 0742 club (The art collective and squatted building on the moor) were arressted for theft; merely for attempting to take food that had been thrown away from the bins at Waitrose on Corporation Street in Sheffield.