UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
SAVE The Livesey Museum for Children from tory/libdem cuts -sign the petition
06-02-2008 13:12
A free and valuable resource for local and london community families is under threat of closure by southwark's tory/lib-dem councils in needless council-cuts.London Social Centres Support Meeting Sat 2nd Feb
02-02-2008 10:52
Yes, really late reminder this but today (saturday) 2pm is the 2nd meeting of the relating to the London Social Centres Support Initiative (that's not the name, just an attempt at a description).Midsummer House demo - This Saturday!
31-01-2008 21:34
THIS SATURDAYMidsummer House demo in Cambridge, please come and support the campaign.
Berlin; Protest action at the Berlin House of Representatives.
31-01-2008 21:26
The fight for the self-organised spaces of Rigaer 94 has progressed to the next round.On the 29th of January the court decided in favour of an eviction of parts of Rigaer 94 and a protest action subsequently took place at the Berlin House of Representatives.
Indymedia screening tonight
30-01-2008 14:57
When Mexican paramilitary forces shot Brad Will in the chest, killing him, his camera fell from his hands. But it didn't stop recording. It continued moving from hand to hand. Brad's camera paints us a picture of what his life was about, and what so many of his friends continue to struggle for.Tonight at the rampART there is a screening and discussion with the film maker and indymedia activist from south america.
Midsummer House – Diseased Meat, Taking Public Land and Animal Cruelty
29-01-2008 20:15
At the last Midsummer House demo protesters were told about another reason some people dislike the ‘diseased liver restaurant’… they are taking over our common!the return of the basement - meeting 4th february
29-01-2008 17:16
hooray! this week we will finally know the status of 24 lever street - and can plan how to resurrect an autonomous social centre in manchester - come along to a meeting 4th february to get involvedRespect the right to protest - Don't harmonise its criminalisation
27-01-2008 22:57

Action Central at the Common Place 3rd February 6pm
26-01-2008 17:26

Ever had a good idea for an action but not had enough people to do it with?
Want to know more about direct action and ongoing campaigns in Leeds?
From 3rd Feb 2008 The CommonPlace will be hosting Action Central 6.30 - 8.30pm (ish)
A monthly sunday evening meal and get together to chat, share information about upcoming actions and campaign meetings and inspire each other to take action about the problems around us.
Everyone welcome, please send this to any action or campiagn group you are involved in, or individuals who might be up for it.
If you are interested in helping this happen monthly please let me know on:

US Passport Cards to contain RFID chips
25-01-2008 17:25

North West Vegan Festival - a reminder
25-01-2008 09:47
The NW Vegan Festival is happening on Sat 26th Jan at Sachas Hotel, Tib St, Manchester. We have over 40 stalls, a list of talks and films, free food samples, and loads more. Free admission.Full article | 3 additions | 9 comments
New Social Centre under Siege
24-01-2008 21:59

February - Fuck up a CCTV camera month
24-01-2008 16:46
The "Fuck CCTV Front " ahve said : February is fuck up a CCTV camera month.Skill-share and Free Shop in Next to Nowhere (Liverpool Social Centre)
23-01-2008 23:06
On Sunday 13th January we held a free shop and skill-share day at Next to Nowhere (
DK: Ungdomshus Options Made Public
23-01-2008 21:40
In response to the announcement that a major civil disobedience action is under way politicians from the Copenhagen Council have made public two possible addresses for a new Ungdomshus.DK: Plan to Besiege Copenhagen City Hall
23-01-2008 21:38
G13 survived. Agrounded Ungdomshus-Discussions cause a new civil Disobedience-Action called "BlokR" (Word game with danish "Bloker" = engl. "to blockade"); which has the aim to get harder and more pressure to politicians.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
rampART social centre still hanging in there
23-01-2008 11:50
Seems many people seem to think rampART has closed. IT HAS NOT !The legal process is still ticking along with a decision expected soon on whether we can have an appeal hearing. In the meantime it is not possible for the 'owner' to get a warrant of possesion so there is no immediate threat of eviction.
We'd like to remind people that the space is still available for events etc and that we have a backup space should eviction interfere with peoples plans. However, keeping two spaces open has been a major drain on everyone involved and the rampART itself is not getting the attention it deserves for the last few weeks.
Protesting for the right to protest
21-01-2008 17:53

Copenhagen: Police tried to stop a demo
21-01-2008 16:50
Every Thursday since March 1st, 2007 a demo has walked through Copenhagen demanding a new Ungdomshus. Two weeks ago it was decided to move the starting point from Nørrebro to the main shopping area in the inner city.