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UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive

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The people vs Leeds City Council this Wednesday

15-05-2006 18:19

Two separate campaigns fighting the Council's undemocratic and ill-thought plans for Little London and Woodhouse will unite on Wednesday in an unprecedented show of strength.

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Sharphill Woods 'Eco-Protest' :: What's going to be lost, Landscape Piccys

15-05-2006 17:35

Went for a walk with Tim around the fields, so he could show me, on the ground, what area the development will affect.

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Sharphill Woods 'Eco-Protest' :: Some More Piccys

15-05-2006 15:03

The BBC having gone, here are some pictures of folks at the camp. Chillin' on a sunday afternoon.

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Sharphill Woods 'Eco-Protest' :: BBC Politics Show Visits

15-05-2006 14:12

If you go down to the woods today ...... you'd be sure of a big surprise...... well no bears found, but the cameras of the BBC 'Politics Show' in the East Midlands were there.

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Leeds tenants say 'hands off our homes'

15-05-2006 14:04

At 12.30pm this Wednesday, (17 May), residents of Little London will gather outside Leeds Civic Hall to demand the Council immediately suspends its privatisation plans for their estate.

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Radical History Group meeting May 25th: The General Strike

15-05-2006 12:28

Once again, the South London Radical History Group presents it's monthly fandango for you..
We aim to have a couple of brief presentations on local examples of the
day to day running of the Genreal Strike in South London, as well as an open
discussion on its legacy, and what lessons we can learn (a bit late as

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Sounds on the Downs, 7th June

15-05-2006 10:31

Sounds on the Downs is a free festival planned to take place on the downs at the University of Nottingham (near Derby and Lincoln Halls) on Wed 7th June, 2pm-10pm.

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Subvertising Ads-hell

15-05-2006 05:28

Noborders poster installed behind glass screen

A group of activists in Birmingham have managed to open Adshel bus shelters, where they put commercial adverts, using Allen keys, and have been using the space to advertise grassroots actions, such as the No Borders demonstration at Harmondsworth detention centre on 8 April, 2006.

See photos | video

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2nd Southend Critical Mass ends with 3 arrests

14-05-2006 22:00

Southend on sea’s second Critical Mass took place last Friday night. After being threatened with arrest (obstruction of the highway) on the first Mass, everyone was left wondering if the 2nd ride would take place.

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Self Defence Classes in Social Centre rampART

12-05-2006 16:54

Social Centre rampART launches self defence group

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12-05-2006 06:55

craning 1
Oxford narrow boaters have craned their boats out in protest against British Waterways plans to develop their boatyard into housing as eviction looms on Monday 15th May

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Infousurpa number 23

11-05-2006 22:42

Weekly Independent Poster of Social Centre activitiesTotal Oil AGM Demonstration - Friday 12th at 12.30pm
The regime in Burma recently launched a new military offensive against civilians from the Karen ethnic minority in Burma. More than 11,000 people have been forced from their homes and are hiding in the jungle with no food or medical supplies. Civilians, including children, have been shot, tortured, mutilated and even beheaded. Total is the largest and last significant European investor in Burma. Total Oil’s Yadana gas project is believed to earn the regime between $200m to $450m a year. In addition to the huge revenues Total’s project provides the regime, the companies presence in Burma is influencing French, European Union and British foreign policy on Burma, as France vetoes effective EU sanctions in order to protect Total. Demonstration at Total's Head Office, 33 Cavendish Square, London W1G OPW. Nearest tube is Oxford Circus.

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Wikipedia censorship

11-05-2006 14:13

More examples of Wikipedia censorship ....

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return of active news and info-verting at the rampART radio

11-05-2006 13:21

my card..
if you wanna post me up some press releases i will sculpt them into protes radio london UK style for the rampart radio.
this is an autonomous action.

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Sharp Hill; Whats de big oidea?

10-05-2006 17:14

This is being posted thru doors now.
Get on it!

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A Battle in Braodway Market - Photo Exhibition this Saturday

10-05-2006 13:12

Kristian Buss has been documenting the campaign on Broadway Market and the occupation of Tony's cafe since the beginning. He will exhibit his beautiful pictures this Saturday from midday on Broadway Market itself.

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Fig & Vine Planter conviction returns to Court for ‘mercy hearing' - Reading, UK

10-05-2006 01:55

Person with a Fig and Vine Planter conviction returns to Court for a ‘mercy hearing’ (see 4).

Shakespeare wrote: “The quality of mercy is not strain'd”.
(I’ve wondered about the meaning of this phrase and the way I see it, it means it’s stretchy but never breaks/snaps. Wow! Now I see sadly, it can be also blocked).

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Little London anti-PFI campaign - public meeting 10 May

08-05-2006 20:30

Tenants and anti-privatisation campaigners are joining forces this Wednesday (10 May) in a city-wide public meeting to oppose Leeds City Council's proposed 'Comprehensive Regeneration' of Little London estate and its wider decimation of council housing through the Private Finance Initiative (PFI).

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Protesters want moor car park plan inquiry

08-05-2006 19:12

Today's Yokshire Evening Post has a story about Leeds City Council's latest 'con-sultation' fraud - this time on the totally bonkers idea of building a car park on Woodhouse Moor using a 'Parks Renaissance fund'.

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Housing protest stays strong - 'join us!'

07-05-2006 15:14

A protest camp on the site of a proposed development of 1200 houses is entering its second week.