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UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive

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The Brighton Community Resource Press Release.

29-05-2006 13:34

A group of squatters have taken over Home Farm in Stanmer and in a week successfully turned it into a community centre.

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A long weekend in Gothenburg, Critical Mass and Hammarkullen Carnival

28-05-2006 12:49

Cycling, food, dance, sunshine, salsa and fellowship across cultural boundaries, if it wasn’t for the hangover it would have been a perfect weekend.

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celebrating two years this weekend

27-05-2006 10:49

this weeked is being celebrated as marking two years of existance for the rampART social centre in London.

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Brian Haw and the Death of Democracy

25-05-2006 14:03

I meant to post this yesterday...

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Infousurpa no 25

25-05-2006 05:00

Weekly Independent Poster of Social Centre activities

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24-05-2006 18:42

HACKNEY LANDLORD HIRE PRIVATE SECURITY FOR ILLEGAL: EVICTION. 25/05/06 HELP, PHOTOGRAPHERS, ACTIVISTS. By Law they must wait for court bailiffs. When they were told they laughed saying they did'nt care. The case was in court today (24/5/06). Over 15 people will be homeless.

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rampART 2 Years Birthday Anniversary Celebration

24-05-2006 06:25

Our favourite autonomous social centre is 2 years old. It was opened on May 21st 2004 in an abandoned warehouse which was previously used as an Islamic girls school. Located in the East End of London near Whitechapel (15 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA) it has hosted over 200 cultural and political events in it’s two years of existance - placing the rampART firmly and literally on the activist map of London.

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«digital struggles»: Meeting at European PGA conference, France

22-05-2006 19:53

This year, People's Global Action are meeting in France, from 19 August to 3 September. The convenors have sent out an invitiation for a focus on "digital struggles" - everything to do with alternative servers, media activism, connections between geek fights and other struggles. Here is the invitation:

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Hands Across the Hill :: Sharphill Woods, Nottingham. Piccys

22-05-2006 14:18

Hands Across the Hill :: Sharphill Woods, Nottingham. Piccys

Local people call for protest against the proposed Sharphill housing development in West Bridgford.

On Sunday (21st May) at 11am folks met up at Sharphill Woods and joined hands for the 'Hands across the Hill' protest.

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20-05-2006 14:58

A memorial garden, a national silence, supported by ALL
(plus plus plus plus?)

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Peace in the Park - STEWARDS WANTED!

20-05-2006 13:01

I am organising stewards for peace in the park, which will be a glorious event in the Cemetery on Saturday the 3rd June. It would be GREAT if you would give up a few hours of your day to stand around in the sun pointing people in the right directions and collecting cash for some very good causes, helping set up/close down etc. We Really Need more stewards so PLEASE help if you can.

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Sharphill update

20-05-2006 12:51

A brilliant new website has emerged. Check it out at Well done whoever made it! Talk about a giant leap...

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Public Meeting - Community Sustainability Bill

20-05-2006 08:26

Sustainable Communities Bill Public Meeting

Date: 25th May 2006
Time: 7:30pm (duration ~ 2 hours)
Venue: Queens Walk Community Centre, Queens Walk, The Meadows, Notts NG2 2DG

Have you noticed the following things happening in your community?:

Closure of local independent shops

Closure of the local Post Office

Closure of the local bank branch

Decline of local street markets

Closure of the local pub

Closure of local services e.g. health centres

Green spaces being built on

More traffic and less people walking on the streets

Less public transport services

More "clone" branded shops and huge superstores

Local Works is the campaign that aims to change this situation that is known as Ghost Town Britain. Instead we want local sustainability, which has these 4 measurements:

1. Thriving local economies
2. Environmental protection
3. Social inclusion
4. Active democratic participation

Please come along to the Public Meeting to discuss the Sustainable Communities Bill. Guest speakers include Alan Simpson MP and Jon Beresford from NAIL ) Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill)

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1984 hit cowley road

19-05-2006 14:40

cctv sprung up over night....

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Leeds City Council to go ahead with PFI in Little London

18-05-2006 17:17

After 6 years of sham consultations, ignored ballots, misinformation, broken promises and contemptful neglect, Leeds City Council has finally unveiled the worst kept secret since Maradona's 1986 handball.

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the right to protest: who dares to care?

18-05-2006 04:39

Suggestion: permanent 'protest center' to be built on Parliament Sq, opposite Parliament, London + pictures of Brian Haw protest May 11th

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Infousurpa no 24

17-05-2006 18:06

Weekly Independent Poster of Social Centre activities

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Stop Tesco

17-05-2006 14:17

Stop tesco: picnic and games evening on Thursday 18th May at 6:30pm on Chester Road, next to stretford leisure

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Sharphill green Festival

16-05-2006 18:13

On June 4th there will be a Sharphill mini green festival, following on from the Nottingham Green festival.

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Anti Scam website attacked

15-05-2006 20:10

A website which exposes a number of directory scams as well as the men behind them has been subjected to a denial of service attack, a spam attack was targeted at the site author