UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Photos of weekly demo outside Zimbabwean embassy
15-06-2005 11:41

benefit dinner for the rebels against italian repression
14-06-2005 15:15
benefit dinner for italian prisonersuse the old nursery
14-06-2005 13:49
we should have use of the building that we squatted specifically for the weekend event, 'technopolis' for the next couple of weeks so folks are welcome to use it for meetings and events if they wish toPSYCHOGEOGRAPHY IS BAD: A Bunfight - this Friday
13-06-2005 19:21

Free Food Talk + Caff at 56a Infoshop London
13-06-2005 19:17

plus 56ª Infoshop '...This Shop Could Be Your Life' CAFF
Shiny, Happy enjoyment of Peace in the Park!
13-06-2005 18:46

World Naked Bike Ride 2005 - London
11-06-2005 20:10

banner-painting at rampARTs saturday pm for monday's US EMBASSY TERRORIST DEMO!
10-06-2005 15:15
come and tell bush what you really think! banner-painting from 1pm at the rampARTs (17 rampart st, off commerical rd e1, nearest tubes whitechapel and aldgate east)This Saturday in London
10-06-2005 11:24
Lots of things happening on saturday 11th in London for anyone looking for something do get involved in or any budding indymedia reporters looking for something to write about...PEACE CAMPAIGNERS TO DEMAND POLICE ARREST LOCAL WAR CRIMINALS
09-06-2005 17:55
On June 11th, following a rally on the Level, Brighton peace campaigners will march to John St Police Station and demand that Sussex Police investigate local arms dealers EDO MBM for complicity in war crimes. A bundle of evidence demonstrating EDO’s involvement in the illegal war in Iraq will be supplied. SMASH EDO invites press and anyone who is against the arms trade and for freedom of speech to join them on this national demonstration.
New LSF Website!!
09-06-2005 09:25
The Liverpool Social Forum, Liverpool's grassroots network of activists, groups and concerned individuals fighting for local and global justice has launched a new website.Friendship Walk for the Middle East
08-06-2005 21:21

rampant at the rampART
08-06-2005 21:03
Here's your weekly reminder of what's coming up at rampART E115 RampART Street, London E1 (
Make Poverty History campaigners form a human ring around Radcliffe Camera
08-06-2005 15:38

RTF III Party this Saturday 11 - History and Info
08-06-2005 14:54
Here's a personal account of the history or the Reclaim the Future parties in London, followed with info and the line up of this Saturday's RTF III5+ Rooms including live stages, bands, djs, chillout, bar, cafe, indymedia cinema, performance and vjs.
See you there! - Saturday June 11th 8pm -8am
Local Transport Plans : You Can Change Them!
08-06-2005 10:27
The 2006-2011 Local Transport Plans are being published by all English Councils. They have to contain all potential road developments taking place in the area the plans cover. You can make sure they don't happen.Genoa G8 retrospective (Sat 11th, London)
07-06-2005 14:08
With plans for massive protests in Scotland next month for the 2005 G8 summit now developing rapidly, this event at the rampART offers a chance to look back at learn from the experiences of the 2001 G8 summit in Genoa."300.000 people were protesting in july 2001 against the g8 in Genoa: the collective dream 'another world is possible' turned into a nightmare overwhelmed by the violence by the police, finding it's climax in the murder of Carlo Giuliani."
Saturday 11th June (after the Naked Bike Ride and before the Reclaim The Future Party so you don't have to miss out on anything and can experience a real roller coaster of highs and lows)
This is a chance to speak and share experiences with people who took part in the protests against the G8 in 2001. This is not an event intended to scare anyone. It is an important chance to reflect and learn and most importantly PREPARE for Scotland...
What happened in Genoa? Why did it happen? Could it have been avoided or handled better? What does any of this mean for us this July? What precautions and preparation should we be making and are we!? These are just some of the possible valuable questions we can discuss on Saturday.
- Were you in Genoa? Please come to rampART on saturday and share your experiences of the event and the aftermath.
- Are you going to Scotland? Please come on saturday and ensure you are fully aware of what lessons our collective history may have to offer.
- Are you party of a team working on accomodation, alt media, legal monitoring, or medical aid etc for Scotland? Please come let people know what is being organised and how they can help.
Show Your Films At Portobello Film Festival
04-06-2005 14:15
The Portobello Film Festival runs from 30 July to 21st August