UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
invitation: rampART meeting tonight
26-07-2004 13:26
This is an invite to get actively involved in the rampART creative centre and social space in East London by attending tonights weekly meeting of the organising collective...Save the Hippy Green in Newcastle Today!
26-07-2004 08:07
You may have heard the rumours about the threat to the hippy green at old eldon square well we now know they is true. The council plans to cut the green into four to fit in with the redevelopment of Eldon Square Shopping Centre.Polymedia Lab in Porto Alegre, Brazil
25-07-2004 21:32

Shaw Forest saved, but new threat to Coate
25-07-2004 19:15

No more Traffic..............
25-07-2004 13:09

Hyde Park Unity Day 7th August 2004
24-07-2004 17:31
The 2004 Unity Day in hyde park is on woodhouse moor on saturday 7th augustthere will be the usual ace line up of music, entertainment and other local talents.
get down there and support this ace, free, not for profit event
for more informatio see

23-07-2004 20:47
Use Your Loaf, squatted Social Centre in Deptford, South London, is under threat of eviction on Monday 26th July.USE YOUR LOAF EVICTION THREAT: HELP NEEDED
23-07-2004 12:20
The Use Your Loaf squatted Social Centre is under threat of eviction. Come down and help us save this space.Weekend photo exhibition at rampART
23-07-2004 11:16
If you've not been down to the rampART yet, pop down this weekend to check out the ZDO9 PROD exhibition, 4pm - 10pm Saturday July 24th till Wednesday 28th...A57/A628 Mottram Bypass - News from the local paper
22-07-2004 16:16
An article suggesting that work is approved and going ahead in the local paper today. This is at odds with both the response of the Peak Park Authority, at a recent meeting, and the usual planning procedure, that requires the draft Orders to be published and a Public Enquiry to be held before *any* building work begins.July Critical Mass Manchester
22-07-2004 15:15

Campaign for Safer Roads
22-07-2004 12:08
Nether Edge Neighbourhood Group is helping to work toward holistic solutions to the city's traffic problems...Queer Mutiny UP NORTH!
20-07-2004 14:32

Queer Mutiny North is coming to save you! ...
ON THE BARRICADES - some links to check out
20-07-2004 08:51
Roundup of global resistance news stories - Peru, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Italy, Fiji, Canada First Nations, Bihar and Manipur in India, Kenya, Bolivia etc. - with links to the full stories from various sources. Plus some other news links, events and stuff.Greet BP at their private view of 'Mummy', British Museum, 6pm Monday July 19th
19-07-2004 00:00
BP, sponsors of the British Museum's exhibition 'Mummy - the Inside Story', will have their own private view of the show on the evening of Monday July 19th 2004.Come and greet them if you can, and express your sympathies for the way they are forced to make a living in a sunset industry that is almost universally despised.
The 'U R Wot U Eat' film night
18-07-2004 20:28

Comments and Questions on Terms and Conditions of ESF Registration
18-07-2004 08:51
Comments and Questions on Official Terms and Conditions of ESF RegistrationFREE? WHY?
17-07-2004 09:41
Almost everyday (except when it has been raining or threatening to rain) there has been a publically accessable freeshop placed on the pavement outside the rampART. Consisting of a clothes rail, shelfs and a couple of boxes, the freeshop contains mostly clothes, shoes, bags and books. The following text is a modified version of an essay about freeshops taken from Eurodusnie (see
Please feel free to comment on the text and discuss the concept further, as we would like to improve the text before goin ahead and producing the leaflet.
2nd Indymedia writing workshop - Tuesday 6pm!
16-07-2004 19:29
The second Indymedia writing workshop is coming up -Tuesday 20th July
National Centre for Popular Music
Paternoster Row
art matters - exhibitions at rampART
16-07-2004 11:09
The rampART creative centre and social space is a block of squatted buildings in East London. It acts as a social centre, a hub for socialising, skill and resource sharing, information exchange, and having fun. The space is not intended as an exclusive hang out for 'alternatives' but hopes to enage the wider community into the events, activities and involvement. Some of the activities taking place include skipped food cafe evenings, open access free shop, free film screenings, themed info days, political meetings and art exhibitions...