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Workshop Exihibtion at Grass Roots Global Arts Forum/ Peckham

10-08-2004 22:06

An independent artsist-led initiative faces huge bils after years of trying to conform to the rental system.

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Workshop Exihibtion at Grass Roots Global Arts Forum/ Peckham

10-08-2004 22:04

An independent artsist-led initiative faces huge bils after years of trying to conform to the rental system.

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Manchester social centre meeting 25/8/04

10-08-2004 20:12

Invite to Manchester social centre meeting on 25/8/04

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latinamerican liberation ehibition at rampART

10-08-2004 11:52

here is a review of the opening event of the Latinamerican liberation exhibition at the rampART, part of the Venezuela Solidatrity Week.

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rightwing attacks on venezuala

10-08-2004 11:29

While the world's attention has been focused on the middle east, the inavision and occupation of Iraq and the ongoing conflict over Palestine, few people have noticed the shake up occuring in South America. Everyone knows that the latinamerican countries are generally political unstable and characterised by military rule. Many people are aware that the US has a long history of intervention, installing and supporting complient dictators or replacing those that don't tow the US line. But there has been a shift, the forth largest supplier of oil to the US has excaped the cycle and liberated themselves from the yoke of the elite. However, the odds are stacked against them. Even having survived a coup and a bosses lock out in the last couple of years, and despite every indication that the people will win the recall referendum of their democratically elected president Hugo Chavez, there may be dark clouds on the horizon. Large arms caches have been intercepted entering the country. Large amounts of explosives have gone missing from military stocks and opposition are talking openly of violence and assasination.

[to find out more, visit the rampART ( this week during Venezuela Solidarity Week for talks, films, food, and art (see for programme)]

Below is an article from a right wing american publication which gives some idea of the propaganda being released to path the way for US intervention...

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Cam Boaters' Barbeque Tonight

10-08-2004 10:45

Cam Boaters' BBQ Tonight

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rampART events 9th-15th August

09-08-2004 11:51

This week the rampART centre is host to 'Venezuela Week of Solidarity'...

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08-08-2004 02:39

The "decent majority" try to have things their own way, but the cost is the corrosion of freedom and a drift towards totalitarianism. Hysteria against the "anti-social" is a means to incorporate the masses into projects of social control. Against these projects, activists should counterpose resistance in solidarity with the "anti-social", and a logic of minorities and multiplicities which breaks down any idea of "society" as a fixed totality.

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Call for Autonomous Spaces During the ESF in London, 14-17th October 2004.

06-08-2004 15:20

Call for Autonomous Spaces During the ESF in London, 14-17th October 2004, from a loose collective of people with either one-foot in the ESF and one outside, and individuals who have both feet firmly outside the ESF process.

The collective have been meeting at the Grand Banks Social Centre and at European Creative Forum events so far, in London. This meeting has taken the form of a spokescouncil, since it is a meeting point for various peoples involved in the ESF in a variety of ways from the automist side (e.g. communications).

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Indymedia opposed to free speech shock!!

04-08-2004 17:06

From the IMC internal list...

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CSOA Hamsa evicted Barcelona

04-08-2004 12:07

CSOA Hamsa a squatted space in Barcelona was evicted by armed police during the early hours of this morning. Inside were a number of activists who have been resisting impending eviction for almost 100 days.

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Ambient Green Picnic – August 2004

03-08-2004 13:56

The Ambient Green Picnic is an annual event in Guildford. This year it took place on Sunday 1 August 2004.

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Shefstock #2

03-08-2004 10:04

More pics from Shefstock 2004

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Shefstock #1

03-08-2004 09:51

Sheffield band Poke
A report and pics from the Shefstock free festival.

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Animal Liberation and British Atrocities; Home Office or a Hoax Office?

03-08-2004 01:16

Here He is the Half-faced Home Sec.
US wins David Blunkett Lifetime Menace Award and he said this too: "gets ridicule for not
always being here at this one moment when in fact he is making a difference, not
only to the standing of our country but to the ability of Britain to contribute and to
punch its weight... [and this: "I will end the] "animal extremists' reign of terror." For a different view - a few examples of UK atrocities:

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31-07-2004 21:56

Gathering in Festival Square, Edinburgh's financial district in the West End.
This is a short report of the `Take back the streets event` in Edinburgh on Saturday 31st 2004 with 10 photos.

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London's Poison Club is evicted today!

30-07-2004 22:30

The Poison Club in Dalston lane was evicted at around 3:00pm today.

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28-07-2004 21:19

The squatted use Your Loaf Social Centre has survived an attempt at illegal eviction... But we are being taken to court.

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Gigs, Films, Workshops, Radical Stuff: 6-18th August, London

28-07-2004 18:51

In Arms Reach 6th - 14th August

Squatted central london (zone 1) building. | (up soon, promise)

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Sunday Free Cafe at Bilston Glen Protest Site, 1 august

26-07-2004 14:51

On sunday, August 1, we're having another Sunday free cafe. Come down and hang out (rest after the rts?), drink some tea and eat some food. Everything is free of charge. All day event. From Edinburgh, take bus 37 or 37A towards Penicuik and get off at the first bus stop in Bilston. Go through the gate next to the bus stop and follow the path that leads to the camp. See you in the glen!