ON THE BARRICADES - some links to check out
Andy | 20.07.2004 08:51 | Free Spaces | Globalisation | Social Struggles
Roundup of global resistance news stories - Peru, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Italy, Fiji, Canada First Nations, Bihar and Manipur in India, Kenya, Bolivia etc. - with links to the full stories from various sources. Plus some other news links, events and stuff.
ON THE BARRICADES: 14th-19th July 2004
Email links roundup by Andy
PERU: Major workers’ strike declared a success by organisers
The strike is called to resist neoliberalism and call for the resignation of President Toledo, and it included workers, students, farmers etc.
Hundreds of thousands on strike, 76 arrested
Police steal tyres to stop them being torched, and injure two babies among others
Protesters march and block roads
Stand-offs at roadblocks in northern Lima; Aymara Indians block roads too
SAUDI ARABIA: Land auction stopped by tribal uprising
3,000 people burnt down tents and buildings and trashed cars and offices
9 security personnel were injured, and the sale was stopped
The uprising was about the sale of traditional tribal lands, near Taif
ARGENTINA: Protesters attack City Hall with sticks, stones and noise bombs
They also lit fires, smashed windows and tore the fence down
Police attacked with water cannons
This is a protest against planned new laws targeting protesters, sex workers and pedlars, by dozens of mostly poor and unemployed Argentineans
A picture of the event
ITALY: Anarchists storm immigrant detention centre, sparking an uprising inside
FIJI: Smashing the drug prohibition
Marijuana farmers resist police repression, using sabotage and other tactics
Nails are thrown onto roads to burst tyres on cop vehicles and keep them out the area
Other villagers are supporting the farmers
BOLIVIA: Indigenous people revolt and may overthrow the government again
CANADA: Seton Lake First Nation people blockade railway to protest against rail company takeover – “this is just the beginning”
Another First Nation struggle – the Western Shoshone are resisting a huge land grab by the US state – the Western Shoshone Defense Project website is:
Bushmen under attack too
BIHAR, INDIA: Starving flood victims loot food stations and prisoners break free
Reports from The Statesman, India
PATNA, July 15. — As the raising flood claimed at least 81 lives in Bihar, a food riot has broken out in the worst-hit Darbhanga district where angry residents looted relief material from government godowns. Officials said that around 1 crore people in 16 districts have been affected by one of the worst deluges in recent memory.
Jail break bid: A day after 30 prisoners fled Darbhanga divisional jail taking advantage of the flood situation, police today fired in the air to control a mob of inmates, some of whom made an abortive escape bid. Police fired six rounds in air to control the inmates as they protested police action against some prisoners trying to escape by burrowing a hole on the wall of the first floor of the jail building.
MANIPUR, INDIA: Protesters torch at least three (maybe five) government office buildings in protests over the torture and killing of a local woman by soldiers
A group of women also hold a nude protest outside the army HQ, others storm the HQ
Protesters defy curfews, hold demonstrations in their hundreds for three days running
Women’s groups also observe a 2-day general strike
Protesters chant “Indian army rapes us”
Police attack demonstrators with tear gas, rubber bullets, water cannons and batons, injuring at least 100 women
Demonstrations are reported in a number of towns across the region
Manipur is a border region with a local insurgency, and army abuses are frequent
KENYA: Deschooling insurrection! School students burn down schools in protests over head appointments, unnecessary exams and other issues
At least six different incidents at schools in Kenya in the last week alone
BOLIVIA: Gas wars continue – mass boycott of referendum in El Alto; country shut down as bosses fear more protests
PALESTINE: Uprising against Arafat’s nepotism and corruption
The main force involved is the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade, the militant wing of Arafat’s Fatah movement. They are angry at the appointment of a relative of Arafat’s as security chief, despite accusations of torture and religious humiliation.
Arafat forced to back down and demote his cousin.
PALESTINE: Peaceful protesters under attack
17 July 2004
For Immediate Release
Israeli Military Continues to Provoke the Unrecognized Village
Residents of Izbat Tabib after Today's Peaceful Protest
[Izbat Tabib, Qalqilia] Israeli border police and soldiers continue
to enter the village of Izbat Tabib and threaten the residents with
arrest and home demolitions after a nonviolent demonstration
confronted the roadblock on the western side of the village. The
Israeli military has said it will arrest and harass the residents
late at night and remove and arrest all international activists from
the area that has now been deemed a "closed military zone."
At approximately 11:30 AM, 175 Palestinians were joined by 70
international and Israeli peace activists from groups such as
Ta'ayush and ISM for a peaceful action calling for recognition of
Izbat Tabib and its 300 residents and basic human rights for the
local Palestinian population. After many speeches, including those
given by MKs Jamal Zahalka and Mohammed Baraki, the demonstrators
marched towards the roadblock cutting off Izbat Tabib from vehicles
entering from the western side of the village. The demonstration was met by approximately six jeeps and one hummer of Israeli soldiers and border police officers. The villagers attempted to negotiate for the removal of the roadblock, but the soldiers and police prevented such an action from occurring.
After the failed negotiations, five to ten young boys began throwing
stones towards the military. After everyone was back in the
village, the military announced the closed military zone and
threatened to enter homes and arrest Palestinians, demolish homes
and remove all international activists. The villagers believe eight
Palestinian children between the ages of 12 and 16 have already been
Izbat Tabib has never been recognized by the Israeli government, and
as a result, 16 of the 40 homes in the village are scheduled to be
demolished. The Apartheid Wall, which runs close by the village,
took 50% of the lands of Izbat Tabib. Today's demonstration was a peaceful means to protest the strangulation of this small, 300-person village and the attempts of the Israeli government to transfer the local population. However, the Israeli military would not allow for such a protest and it continues to suppress the voices of Izbat Tabib that demand recognition and human rights.
Israeli soldiers and border police are currently in the village, and
over a dozen international activists are still there documenting the
For more information, please contact:
Mohammed T.: +972.52.354.065
Bayan (head of village council): +972.59.743.239
Mohammed Q. (ISM): +972.54.379.876 / +972.52.769.958
Pat (ISM): +972.66.253.451
Guardian Newspaper
Israeli troops today fired tear gas at Palestinians protesting at the
barrier being constructed in the West Bank as a court case on its
legality opened in The Hague. More than 10,000 Palestinian demonstrators, including many government employees and students, marched in most West Bank towns against the controversial barrier. Near the towns of Jenin and Tulkarem, soldiers fired tear gas to keep
thousands of marchers from coming too close to the barrier. In Bethlehem and the Jerusalem suburb of Abu Dis, tear gas was also used to disperse stone throwers. Heeding a call from Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian President, to "make their voices heard", protesters in Ramallah stopped work and brought traffic to a halt with a march to mark the international court hearing. "The wall must fall," read one banner. Marches also took place in Nablus and Qalqiliya, a town ringed by a tall wall.
ST PETERSBURG, RUSSIA: Squat Klima evicted – but not without a fight
Squatters attacked by police and thugs, the squat trashed and squatters beaten
Some squatters fight back with baseball bats and Molotov cocktails
AUSTRALIA: Protesters disrupt kangaroo massacre
Protesters may put themselves between shooters and roos to stop the killing
They also storm a gate at a water compound
TAIWAN: Aboriginal protesters vow to escalate action after protest is repressed
Police attack peaceful hunger-strikers, leading to scuffles
Protesters refuse to seek permits because they lay claim to the area they target
The protests are in response to anti-Aboriginal remarks by a leading politician
CHINA: Miners march to Beijing to protest arrests
SEATTLE: Disability protesters block roads
ECUADOR: Anti-petroleum assembly; 2000 attend
MINDANAO: Protest against plans for mining
CHILE: Striking workers at Indalum factory in Santiago attacked, 50 hospitalised
BRAZIL: Thousands march to protest against unemployment, recession
Is this the beginning of a revolt against Lula?
CHINA: Miners head to Beijing to protest arrests
Hundreds march from Heilongjiang to Beijing
PALERMO, SICILY: Police attack families at protest about housing
The protesters were peacefully blocking roads and were attacked without warning
GERMANY: Striking workers shut down Daimler-Chrysler
“It’s war”
ITALY: Fleet protests against whaling
COSTA RICA: Agrarian conflict continues
(don’t know the exact details… the article’s in Spanish…)
PERM, RUSSIA: Protest camp against ecologically harmful missile destruction
JAPAN: Peace movement under attack (report from IndyMedia)
Police brutality against peace movement in Japan is mounting
TOKYO, Japan – Three anti-war activists affiliated to World Peace Now (WPN) were brutally harrassed by Japanese police officers by detaining them for a week and later released, after the July 4th "VOTEforPEACE" parade rally that was held in Shibuya district.
According to reports, during the peaceful parade organised by WPN urging the japanese government to withdraw its SDF in Iraq, police officers started to violently provoke the protesters by pushing their back and forced them to walk faster. “Then the police force suddenly got a full nelson on two participants and arrested them, without warning,” Nanashi Solidarity Collective added.
After the incident, some of the WPN contingent immediately held an indignation rally infront the Shibuya Police Station to demand the release of their comrades. But the activists were only assaulted again by the police and grabbed one more innocent detainee.
SEATTLE: Protest at governors’ conference smaller, quieter than expected
BOSTON, US: Prisoners planned strike and mass protests
Screws stage lockdown in response and rant about how terrible it is that prisoners get a sense of “entitlement”
SENEGAL, MALI: Protests by journalists in Senegal continue, with solidarity demonstrations outside the Senegalese embassy in neighbouring Mali
ISRAEL: Port workers on strike
LEBANON: Consumers hold cellphone strike to protest fees
TURKEY (report from Insurrectionary Anarchists)
July 10, Istanbul (Turkey) - Three cops were hospitalized after assailants threw a gasoline firebomb at their vehicle. The pigs opened fire on their attackers, but missed their target.
IRAN: Teachers protest outside parliament over detentions
KOREA: Petrochemical workers on strike
NEPAL: Part-time teachers’ protest draws political backing
INDIA: Gujarat shipbuilders on strike over customs duties
Sikh pilgrims block road to protest harassment by state forces
SOUTH AFRICA: Massive carmakers’ strike planned
Bosses could not even withstand a 2-day strike without huge losses, but threaten to pull out of South Africa instead
Directory service workers go on strike
Soweto residents keep up protests against debt evictions
NAMIBIA: Strike at salt refinery
Workers occupy fish factory; cops kick them out and they occupy somewhere else
MOZAMBIQUE: Former migrants occupy German embassy
The day before, the migrants were violently “dispersed” by cops
KENYA: Sugar cane workers protest
NIGERIA: Traders protest levies and extortion
AUSTRALIA: Workers use work bans and work-to-rule
Aborigines in Tasmania protest law changes
Angry protests against PM Howard; man arrested for throwing stuff at his car
Protest at asylum detention centre over forced relocation
Two mothers and children are up on the roof
LabourStart appeal (which I put on Barricades too) has been successful
Report from Eric Lee, LabourStart
Ten days ago, I appealed for your support regarding a union delegate in a
New Zealand casino who was sacked by his employer.
Today, I'm delighted to tell you that thanks to your efforts -- and in
particular to the 1,178 of you who sent off protest messages via the
LabourStart website -- Andrew Bolesworth has been re-instated in his job.
The union in New Zealand (the SFWU) has written the following: "Thank you
to everyone who sent emails, wrote letters of support, signed the
petitions, turned up at the pickets -- the members at Dunedin are really
energised about unionism after a brief introduction and a big win."
This is a wonderful victory, and we join with our brothers and sisters in
Dunedin in celebrating.
But we are not going to forget all the other workers who are appealing for
our support today.
COLOMBIA: Sintraemcali under attack – 60 workers sacked
BRAZIL: Students at a university in Bahia are on strike
GUYANA: Sugar workers protest against EU
GREECE: More anti-Olympics mobilisations (picture; report in Greek)
U.K.: A bad week for Oxford University and their builders, RMC, over the building of a new animal torture centre – roundup of events
RMC trucks blown up!
Zionists attack Marks and Spencer picket again
And apparently managed to shut down M&S for the picketers…
Solihull: protest against Caterpillar outside court
Activists are on trial for “not kissing pig ass” or something like that
Railworker chains himself to railings after sacking; union may strike
Post Office closure protesters wheel out tank (picture and report)
Oxford vigil against Palestine occupation
Manchester anti-fur demo
Manchester activists occupy Aussie consulate over ecocidal logging
Sherborne targeted in protest against Sainsbury’s GM milk
Grieving parents resist church ban on placing flowers
CANADA: Vancouver IWW strike solidarity report
BC strikers hit by truck driven by city clerk
New urban guerrilla group formed
SHAC continue to hit effectively at HLS animal torturers in the US
OAKLAND: Medical marijuana protesters plant marijuana outside pig office
TAMPA: Protesters unwelcome Bush
More Bush protests
AUSTIN: Protesters urge university not to take over a nuclear site
MINNEAPOLIS: “Billionaires” greet Cheney
SAN FRANCISCO: Macy’s workers on strike
DENVER: Police shooting causes protest
The death, the third fatal police shooting in Denver this year, sparked a protest Tuesday outside the mayor's office, with activists chanting "stop killer cops” (LA Times)
Another report:
PHILADELPHIA: Crafty protesters elicit AIDS promise from Kerry
IOWA: Nurse-ins continue
MODESTO: Protests against animal abuse in circuses
CADILLAC: Anti-Nazi protest
BISCUIT BURN: Logging sales resisted
200 Americans defy the ban on travelling to Cuba
Ozzy concert includes Bush protest message (Bite his head off, Ozzy!)
‘Computer Ate My Vote’ protests in US cities, & massive petition
SMASHING THE NAZIS IN NEBRASKA (fwd from Stateyourcause) slightly cut
Neo-Nazi rally met screaming protesters
by matthew hansen
Leaders of the National Socialist Movement looked peeved. They
scurried in and out of the state Capitol, looking for a replacement,
looking for a little help. The message remained garbled even after they plugged a backup mike into a speaker. They went ahead anyway with 100 minutes of speeches on the Capitol steps, the meat of the much-ballyhooed neo-Nazi rally. Which begged the question: Could you hold a rally if no one could hear the rallying cry? Yes, you could. You could hold it with hand signs. You could hold it by screaming.
"White power!" bellowed the approximately 40 neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan
members and their affiliates. "Nazis suck!" screamed the most vocal of several hundred opponents, a mishmash of young and old, black, white and brown, hippie and preppy. Vintage Nazi poses with outstretched arms were answered with outstretched middle fingers. Both sides fired off expletives with abandon. Hate was tossed about
like confetti. "This isn't a debate," observed Frank Rodriguez of Omaha. "This is a screaming match." The opponents, displayed a sign proclaiming that Adolf Hitler had one testicle, and another
saying, "I don't see white power. I see white trash!" Kristy Theilen, a recent University of Nebraska-Lincoln graduate, sat behind the barricades, playing a djembe drum because, she said, it added a wholesome tribal experience to the rally. "I believe in freedom of speech," Theilen said. "It's just sad we believe in things like hate and violence."
Everywhere, police officers stood on foot, sat on bikes, leaned
against their cars - on Centennial Mall, inside a nearby parking
garage, high atop the Capitol with binoculars and long-range rifles. More than 150 police in all, according to the Lincoln Police
Department. Police Chief Tom Casady estimates the department spent
$25,000 Saturday on this rally and a counter-rally staged at
Pioneers Park.
And so it went, always with an exclamation point. Midway through the
rally, police officers in riot gear separated protesters from
demonstrators after members of the anti-Nazi group ventured into the
area set aside for Nazi supporters. Later, two neo-Nazi sympathizers ventured into the anti-Nazi crowd only to leave after being screamed at. Police arrested two people at the rally - one man on an outstanding warrant and a 35-year-old Lincoln man for refusing to stop trying to set a T-shirt on fire - and took another to detox.
As the rally ended, the National Socialist Movement and Ku Klux Klan
leaders disappeared from the podium and eventually to their waiting
bus. Their supporters on Centennial Mall were escorted away by police who could stop violence but not the yelling. "Are you scared?" a woman screamed at Mike Hubbard, a National Socialist Movement member from Nemaha. "Are you scared?" Hubbard screamed back. Both said they weren't. And then they stood staring at each other, having run out of things to say.
About 400 or so people showed up across from the north steps of the
State Capitol to gawk or protest. Many hurled insults at the
30 "white unity" rally participants and the dozen or so supporters
of the Nazi group based in Minneapolis.
Meanwhile, another rally titled "No Place for Hate" attracted an
estimated 1,200 people to Pioneers Park in southwest Lincoln.
Sinn Fein – protecting the Brits!
The chairman of the Policing Board today backed PSNI handling of the Twelfth in Ardoyne as he called for a full report on this year's parades. (Belfast Telegraph)
Andy’s comments: Pigs of a feather oink together!
Headline should be: Cops let themselves off the hook!
BOLIVIA: International Crisis Group report on social conflict
Reformist nonsense but worth a read
G8 GEORGIA: Why did so few people show up?
Pics from June anti-war demo in LA – newly online
Official European Social Forum terms and conditions amount to fascistic repression – attendees are to be filmed but not to film, may be stopped and searched, may be refused entry or expelled from the forum for unspecified reasons, may not engage in “unauthorised trading” (including paper sales?). . . etc. etc.
So much for inclusive, horizontal politics.
Map showing locations of warmongers
Bike protests planned
CCTV installed to persecute protesters, and use handheld cameras on demos
And the fuckers aren’t going to take then down afterwards, either.
Judge bans blanket bag searches and inescapable pig-pens, but leaves cops let-outs
WATCH OUT! There’s a Nazi about
“conservatives” plan counter-protest at RNC
Be careful! – Citizens for a Legitimate Government (bad name, good site) say these Protest Warriors are neo-Nazis trained in combat tactics (nothing a few AFA activists couldn’t handle though)
Links to trailer for Miami Model film
US draft would lead to massive demonstrations and unrest
Watch for anti-student prejudices in this article though. Why is the “refusal to grow up” – the core of revolutionary politics for Herbert Marcuse – treated as an ANTI-political factor?
Repression prepared at Farnborough airshow
OINK OINK (selected stories)
Marks and Spencer are trying to get ASBO’s against picketers
Amazingly enough, some of these idiots who write to this paper actually SUPPORT the idea of jailing people for 5 years for protesting too noisily!
Art is still biowar, according to the US government
They’ve dropped the big charges but still want to press some petty crap which has big sentences attached. Looks like they won’t subpoena Autonomedia after all though
Political control technologies
Oinkers kill elderly man with disability in bed
he was wielding a loaded soda can
he wasn’t even the fucking suspect!
Disband the police!!!!!!
More drug war atrocities – cops threw a bomb into a civilian house, starting a fire, then stormed in with guns; a farmer shot by cops as he came down the stairs with a gun, to see who had just broken in; an innocent grandmother literally died of fear in another incident after being attacked with a stun grenade… and so on
Militarised stormtrooper thugs are on the rampage across America
Florida Cops to Use Repairmen, Exterminators to Spy on Citizens
And use spies to “repair” and exterminate citizens?
Drug cops want kids to spy on parents
Minnesota Republican Party wants its activists to snoop on neighbours
(snipped from Washington Post report)
The state Republican Party has developed a Web site that allows its activists to tap into a database of voters whose political allegiances and concerns it would like to know. But it is not just any group of voters -- they are the activists' neighbors. The project, dubbed WebVoter, gives GOP activists the names and addresses of 25 people who live, in most cases, within a couple of blocks from them. The party has asked 60,000 supporters from across the state to figure out what issues animate their neighbors and where they stand in the political spectrum, and report that information back to the party -- with or, possibly, without their neighbors' permission.
Police brutality at rock concert
One man is thrown to the ground by five officers, for… unlicensed vending
Photographer persecuted, probably for being black
Crap arrest: for wearing a T-shirt
And so it begins…
Mexican politician and his aides are microchipped
So scary, Orwell didn’t even THINK of this… Giving a whole new meaning to “programmed” conformity…
Big Brother at school: some Japanese kids are to carry trackable ID cards
Radio ID cards track Japanese pupils
Japanese children will soon be taking ID cards equipped with the latest tracking technology to school.
Alarmed at a spate of violent crimes involving children, a school in western Japan will next month introduce radio frequency identity cards (RFID) which enable parents to keep tabs on their children all day. As soon as the pupils scan their cards across tag readers at the school entrance the time and location are recorded and sent via email or phone to their homes. They scan the cards again on their way out, so parents will know what time to expect them.
The state funds itself by stealing from its victims
Seizures By Police Help Fund Drug War
CannabisNews Articles - Forfeiture
Government Property Seizures out of Control
German state plans fascist “anti-fascist” law which menaces the right to protest
Shadows of the Weimar Republic
Yuck! We’re all eating bugs!
Companies are working on putting nanotech devices into food
Prince Charles has spoken out against this stuff
“A millennium of inbreeding in the Royal Family has shown the dangers involved in playing around with genetics” (hee hee, not really what he said by the way)
CCTV: A rapist’s charter
San Francisco cop accused of using surveillance systems to ogle women
This is NOT a one-off case, it happens a lot. Andrea Dworkin says the core of male domination is “men watching women” – women are seen but not heard… yet no-one is drawing the link to CCTV. Smash the cameras!
New Blairite fascistic crackdown planned, and hedged around with Nazi rhetoric (“no more liberalism”, pledges Blair; OF COURSE, fascism and liberalism are incompatible)
Plans include satellite tracking, and quotas for police to victimise people in poor areas
“They want the society of respect and responsibility, they want a community where the decent law-abiding majority are in charge, where those who play by the rules do well and those who do not get punished," (Blair)
Why does this mean they should get it?
Rules, order and obedience are for brain-dead zombies! Crackdowns are the lynchpin of slave morality!
Smash all dictatorships, including the dictatorship by the “law-abiding” statist conformist sheep!!!!! Victory to deviants and rebels everywhere!!!!!
Suicide as political gesture? – suicidal Asian farmers and western psychiatrists
Andy’s comments: a very well-written piece, well worth a read – it’s always worthwhile to challenge dominant psychiatric ideas. What is so strange about intensive commitments to political causes? Let’s not identify people who commit suicide as “irrational”, but instead understand the phenomenology of their actions.
New Iraqi “President” Allawi personally pulls a gun and shoots six suspected insurgents, hours before becoming president!
(the guy’s an ex Saddam spook by the way)
Not that I’d put it past Texas electrifier Bush to pull the trigger of death row inmates
Philippine withdrawal from Iraq was due to the clout of overseas workers
Globalisation has its down-side for the imperialists! This is an interesting development in the globalisation of labour struggles.
The Great Chinese Land Grab is on!
Background from Andy: the Chinese peasants make up the majority of the population, and have been largely protected from being expropriated since the 1949 seizure of power by Mao, even with Deng’s “market reforms”. China has recently joined the WTO and the WTO wants Chinese agriculture taken over by western multinationals, which, as everywhere else, would lead to massive displacement of peasants as companies take over and concentrate land and expel existing residents. The same as is going on everywhere from Kenya to Colombia – except in China, there’s HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of peasants who will be displaced if this continues. Where will they go? This is a global crisis waiting to happen.
Bolivia: background on the gas referendum – American imperialism and its stooges
Report from inside Fallujah’s resistance movement
“Islamic leader has an annoying habit of speaking only classical Arabic, which is like using Shakespearean English in ordinary conversation”
Nigerian government occupies a village, and a hundred people vanish
Homes bulldozed in Goa as the Indian government carries out a major land grab, targeted against the red light district of Goa, ostensibly for “moral” reasons
How come the same attacks are going on in Birmingham UK, Buenos Aries and Goa? As capitalism globalises, so does the repression which follows it
Australia sends troops to Papua New Guinea
Does the word “colony” come to mind?
Racism at root of Sudan's Darfur crisis
The Darfur pogrom is part of a historic continuum in which successive Arab governments have sought to entirely destroy black Africans in this biracial nation.
CALL FOR ACTION: US: Free Peltier!
CALL FOR ACTION: Protest against Oxford animal torture lab
Email builders and architects
Addresses from SPEAK website:
CALL FOR ACTION: Email to protest demolitions in Goa
See report:
CALL FOR ACTION: Protest against kangaroo slaughter
Animal Liberation ACT has found out today that the ACT Government
wants over 800 kangaroos to be shot at Googong Dam (a main water
supply for the Canberra area). Chief Minister, Jon Stanhope, claims
the water supply at Googong is at risk of being contaminated by the
large number of kangaroos gathering there. NSW National Parks and
Wildlife provided permits for the shooting to take place as Googong is in NSW. The shooting at Googong, a nature reserve, started last night. At least a third of the kangaroos will have joeys who will also be killed either by being decapitated or having their head bashed against the shooters truck (these methods are approved by the Code of Practice). The shooting will be a cruel and gruesome blood bath. The ACT Government conducted NO community consultation before deciding to shoot the animals. They also did not attempt any other methods of trying to prevent the animals from using the dam. The dead animals will be used by the commercial kangaroo industry – to be sold as meat, pet food or used for leather. This will be the first time the commercial kangaroo industry has 'harvested' animals from this region. The industry has be trying to open its operations up in the region and this appears to be the first sign they have succeeded.
PHONE: (02)6205 0104
Ask Mr Stanhope to:
* stop the shooting because it is very cruelty, especially for the
* try humane methods to prevent the animals using the dam water, such as fencing and supplying an alternative water source for the animals; and
* not allow the commercial kangaroo industry to use the dead kangaroos for commercial profit. By doing this they increase the demand for kangaroo products and the industry gets a foot hold into the ACT/South NSW region.
CALL FOR ACTION: Protest against the impending execution of the oldest man on Alabama’s death row – James Barney Hubbard is 74 – he was sentenced to death in 1977 – he repeatedly claimed his alleged victim committed suicide, but confessed while very drunk and under pressure from police. He is seriously ill.
According to the Birmingham News, a petition signed by
numerous other death row prisoners in Alabama urged
the governor to grant clemency to Hubbard. The
petition stated, ""Mr. Hubbard has been ill for
several years suffering from prostate cancer, colon
cancer and ulcers to name some of his health problems.
Given the condition of this elderly and sick man I
respectfully submit that the pending execution of Mr.
Hubbard is offensive to every civilized Alabamian....
"This is not an issue of the death penalty per se, but
rather of justice, mercy and morality. ... I urge you
to grant clemency to Mr. Hubbard." The petition was
confiscated by Alabama Corrections authorities because
petitions are a threat to prison security and the
correspondence between the death row prisoners was not
approved in advance.
If like me you find this repugant, we need to let the
Governor of Alabama know this and request clemency for
Governor Bob Riley
State Capitol
600 Dexter Avenue
Montgomery, Alabama 36130
Fax: 334 353 0004
FORTHCOMING EVENT, U.K.: Earth First gathering
Nearest train station announced – Lincoln
Join our protest at the Sudan Embassy at 12 noon, WEDNESDAY 28th JULY.
Sudan Embassy - 3 Cleveland Row (Off Pall Mall and next to ST James's Palace)
While the International Community drags its feet, thousands are killed, raped, kidnapped, bombed, displaced, starved and burned ..... Over 1 MILLION have fled their homes - yet governments continue to issue regrets, to postpone, to prepare future aplogies to the hundreds of thousands who may die ..... For months, the Sudanese government and an Arab militia, the Janjaweed, have been burning children to death in west Sudan. A million people have fled their homes to live in hunger and to endure further attacks. "Zurga" is a racist term the government militia uses to describe the black people of Darfur - they intend to rid Darfur of all black Africans. So far, their approach has been spectacularly successful.
For further details call 079 60 11 32 99 or e-mail
Meeting with John Rumbiak, West Papua’s leading human rights investigator
Wednesday 28th July, at St Mary’s Catholic Church, 20 Merivale Street, South Brisbane
More info:
Actually this isn’t the paper’s fault – it’s just reporting someone else’s crap
Bush – “the WMDs are in uhhh…. Afghanistan…. uhhh no wait, Iraq…. no, uhhhh Iran…. no, uhhhh…. Hey Dick, who else do we wanna bomb?”
According to testimony obtained at Guantanamo Bay (“say Iran did it and I’ll turn the electrodes off”), and from the national defence monitoring system (“aargh! Some guy in California typed the words Iran and al-Qaeda in the same sentence! That must mean they’re working together!”) Iran helped al-CIA-duh
AND FINALLY: What’s spam and what isn’t
wickit anarchy rap group called bedlam - a must
hear !!!!!!! here r some free mp3z of bedlam !!!!!!! u have
2 join 2 download it but its free !!! heres the link -
This has been sent round various anarchist and leftie lists lately, by someone called The Spam Masta – In case people saw this and didn’t trust someone with that kind of name… I’ve checked it out and it really does have free MP3’s – actually it’s a website with loads of MP3’s in all kinds of genres, apparently promoting new and unrecognised bands – you need to register to download stuff (but they only want a few details), and the way to save it (for keeps) is right-click on where it says “MP3” and then click “save target as…” and decide where to save it. Bedlam are very cool by the way, even if some of the lyrics are a little on the sick side...
On the other hand, I do NOT believe the emails I’m getting really come from relatives of Mobutu and Sani Abacha. But why the hell do these people think I would WANT to help launder the ill-gotten gains of these tyrants?
BTW if you get an email from
abuse@gov.us, claiming to have reports that you’ve visited “illegal websites”, don’t open the attachment – it’s a virus. It’s not the Department of Homeland Security finally tracking down your visits to RaiseTheFist, Greenpeace and Amnesty International (all criminals and terrorists according to the current US government).
Finally, on the New York times website…
Did you know that playing online games‚ like chess or backgammon‚ could bring you new friends‚ love and maybe even a baby? (advert)
Really? You can get pregnant playing backgammon?!?!?! Remember to always wear a condom when using a computer!!!!!
Email links roundup by Andy
PERU: Major workers’ strike declared a success by organisers
The strike is called to resist neoliberalism and call for the resignation of President Toledo, and it included workers, students, farmers etc.
Hundreds of thousands on strike, 76 arrested
Police steal tyres to stop them being torched, and injure two babies among others
Protesters march and block roads
Stand-offs at roadblocks in northern Lima; Aymara Indians block roads too

SAUDI ARABIA: Land auction stopped by tribal uprising
3,000 people burnt down tents and buildings and trashed cars and offices
9 security personnel were injured, and the sale was stopped
The uprising was about the sale of traditional tribal lands, near Taif

ARGENTINA: Protesters attack City Hall with sticks, stones and noise bombs
They also lit fires, smashed windows and tore the fence down
Police attacked with water cannons
This is a protest against planned new laws targeting protesters, sex workers and pedlars, by dozens of mostly poor and unemployed Argentineans

A picture of the event

ITALY: Anarchists storm immigrant detention centre, sparking an uprising inside

FIJI: Smashing the drug prohibition
Marijuana farmers resist police repression, using sabotage and other tactics
Nails are thrown onto roads to burst tyres on cop vehicles and keep them out the area
Other villagers are supporting the farmers

BOLIVIA: Indigenous people revolt and may overthrow the government again

CANADA: Seton Lake First Nation people blockade railway to protest against rail company takeover – “this is just the beginning”

Another First Nation struggle – the Western Shoshone are resisting a huge land grab by the US state – the Western Shoshone Defense Project website is:

Bushmen under attack too

BIHAR, INDIA: Starving flood victims loot food stations and prisoners break free

Reports from The Statesman, India
PATNA, July 15. — As the raising flood claimed at least 81 lives in Bihar, a food riot has broken out in the worst-hit Darbhanga district where angry residents looted relief material from government godowns. Officials said that around 1 crore people in 16 districts have been affected by one of the worst deluges in recent memory.
Jail break bid: A day after 30 prisoners fled Darbhanga divisional jail taking advantage of the flood situation, police today fired in the air to control a mob of inmates, some of whom made an abortive escape bid. Police fired six rounds in air to control the inmates as they protested police action against some prisoners trying to escape by burrowing a hole on the wall of the first floor of the jail building.
MANIPUR, INDIA: Protesters torch at least three (maybe five) government office buildings in protests over the torture and killing of a local woman by soldiers
A group of women also hold a nude protest outside the army HQ, others storm the HQ
Protesters defy curfews, hold demonstrations in their hundreds for three days running
Women’s groups also observe a 2-day general strike
Protesters chant “Indian army rapes us”
Police attack demonstrators with tear gas, rubber bullets, water cannons and batons, injuring at least 100 women
Demonstrations are reported in a number of towns across the region
Manipur is a border region with a local insurgency, and army abuses are frequent

KENYA: Deschooling insurrection! School students burn down schools in protests over head appointments, unnecessary exams and other issues
At least six different incidents at schools in Kenya in the last week alone

BOLIVIA: Gas wars continue – mass boycott of referendum in El Alto; country shut down as bosses fear more protests

PALESTINE: Uprising against Arafat’s nepotism and corruption
The main force involved is the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade, the militant wing of Arafat’s Fatah movement. They are angry at the appointment of a relative of Arafat’s as security chief, despite accusations of torture and religious humiliation.
Arafat forced to back down and demote his cousin.

PALESTINE: Peaceful protesters under attack
17 July 2004
For Immediate Release
Israeli Military Continues to Provoke the Unrecognized Village
Residents of Izbat Tabib after Today's Peaceful Protest
[Izbat Tabib, Qalqilia] Israeli border police and soldiers continue
to enter the village of Izbat Tabib and threaten the residents with
arrest and home demolitions after a nonviolent demonstration
confronted the roadblock on the western side of the village. The
Israeli military has said it will arrest and harass the residents
late at night and remove and arrest all international activists from
the area that has now been deemed a "closed military zone."
At approximately 11:30 AM, 175 Palestinians were joined by 70
international and Israeli peace activists from groups such as
Ta'ayush and ISM for a peaceful action calling for recognition of
Izbat Tabib and its 300 residents and basic human rights for the
local Palestinian population. After many speeches, including those
given by MKs Jamal Zahalka and Mohammed Baraki, the demonstrators
marched towards the roadblock cutting off Izbat Tabib from vehicles
entering from the western side of the village. The demonstration was met by approximately six jeeps and one hummer of Israeli soldiers and border police officers. The villagers attempted to negotiate for the removal of the roadblock, but the soldiers and police prevented such an action from occurring.
After the failed negotiations, five to ten young boys began throwing
stones towards the military. After everyone was back in the
village, the military announced the closed military zone and
threatened to enter homes and arrest Palestinians, demolish homes
and remove all international activists. The villagers believe eight
Palestinian children between the ages of 12 and 16 have already been
Izbat Tabib has never been recognized by the Israeli government, and
as a result, 16 of the 40 homes in the village are scheduled to be
demolished. The Apartheid Wall, which runs close by the village,
took 50% of the lands of Izbat Tabib. Today's demonstration was a peaceful means to protest the strangulation of this small, 300-person village and the attempts of the Israeli government to transfer the local population. However, the Israeli military would not allow for such a protest and it continues to suppress the voices of Izbat Tabib that demand recognition and human rights.
Israeli soldiers and border police are currently in the village, and
over a dozen international activists are still there documenting the
For more information, please contact:
Mohammed T.: +972.52.354.065
Bayan (head of village council): +972.59.743.239
Mohammed Q. (ISM): +972.54.379.876 / +972.52.769.958
Pat (ISM): +972.66.253.451
Guardian Newspaper
Israeli troops today fired tear gas at Palestinians protesting at the
barrier being constructed in the West Bank as a court case on its
legality opened in The Hague. More than 10,000 Palestinian demonstrators, including many government employees and students, marched in most West Bank towns against the controversial barrier. Near the towns of Jenin and Tulkarem, soldiers fired tear gas to keep
thousands of marchers from coming too close to the barrier. In Bethlehem and the Jerusalem suburb of Abu Dis, tear gas was also used to disperse stone throwers. Heeding a call from Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian President, to "make their voices heard", protesters in Ramallah stopped work and brought traffic to a halt with a march to mark the international court hearing. "The wall must fall," read one banner. Marches also took place in Nablus and Qalqiliya, a town ringed by a tall wall.
ST PETERSBURG, RUSSIA: Squat Klima evicted – but not without a fight
Squatters attacked by police and thugs, the squat trashed and squatters beaten
Some squatters fight back with baseball bats and Molotov cocktails

AUSTRALIA: Protesters disrupt kangaroo massacre
Protesters may put themselves between shooters and roos to stop the killing
They also storm a gate at a water compound

TAIWAN: Aboriginal protesters vow to escalate action after protest is repressed
Police attack peaceful hunger-strikers, leading to scuffles
Protesters refuse to seek permits because they lay claim to the area they target
The protests are in response to anti-Aboriginal remarks by a leading politician

CHINA: Miners march to Beijing to protest arrests

SEATTLE: Disability protesters block roads

ECUADOR: Anti-petroleum assembly; 2000 attend

MINDANAO: Protest against plans for mining

CHILE: Striking workers at Indalum factory in Santiago attacked, 50 hospitalised

BRAZIL: Thousands march to protest against unemployment, recession

Is this the beginning of a revolt against Lula?
CHINA: Miners head to Beijing to protest arrests
Hundreds march from Heilongjiang to Beijing

PALERMO, SICILY: Police attack families at protest about housing
The protesters were peacefully blocking roads and were attacked without warning

GERMANY: Striking workers shut down Daimler-Chrysler
“It’s war”

ITALY: Fleet protests against whaling

COSTA RICA: Agrarian conflict continues
(don’t know the exact details… the article’s in Spanish…)

PERM, RUSSIA: Protest camp against ecologically harmful missile destruction

JAPAN: Peace movement under attack (report from IndyMedia)
Police brutality against peace movement in Japan is mounting
TOKYO, Japan – Three anti-war activists affiliated to World Peace Now (WPN) were brutally harrassed by Japanese police officers by detaining them for a week and later released, after the July 4th "VOTEforPEACE" parade rally that was held in Shibuya district.
According to reports, during the peaceful parade organised by WPN urging the japanese government to withdraw its SDF in Iraq, police officers started to violently provoke the protesters by pushing their back and forced them to walk faster. “Then the police force suddenly got a full nelson on two participants and arrested them, without warning,” Nanashi Solidarity Collective added.
After the incident, some of the WPN contingent immediately held an indignation rally infront the Shibuya Police Station to demand the release of their comrades. But the activists were only assaulted again by the police and grabbed one more innocent detainee.
SEATTLE: Protest at governors’ conference smaller, quieter than expected

BOSTON, US: Prisoners planned strike and mass protests
Screws stage lockdown in response and rant about how terrible it is that prisoners get a sense of “entitlement”

SENEGAL, MALI: Protests by journalists in Senegal continue, with solidarity demonstrations outside the Senegalese embassy in neighbouring Mali

ISRAEL: Port workers on strike

LEBANON: Consumers hold cellphone strike to protest fees

TURKEY (report from Insurrectionary Anarchists)
July 10, Istanbul (Turkey) - Three cops were hospitalized after assailants threw a gasoline firebomb at their vehicle. The pigs opened fire on their attackers, but missed their target.
IRAN: Teachers protest outside parliament over detentions

KOREA: Petrochemical workers on strike

NEPAL: Part-time teachers’ protest draws political backing

INDIA: Gujarat shipbuilders on strike over customs duties

Sikh pilgrims block road to protest harassment by state forces

SOUTH AFRICA: Massive carmakers’ strike planned
Bosses could not even withstand a 2-day strike without huge losses, but threaten to pull out of South Africa instead

Directory service workers go on strike

Soweto residents keep up protests against debt evictions

NAMIBIA: Strike at salt refinery

Workers occupy fish factory; cops kick them out and they occupy somewhere else

MOZAMBIQUE: Former migrants occupy German embassy

The day before, the migrants were violently “dispersed” by cops

KENYA: Sugar cane workers protest

NIGERIA: Traders protest levies and extortion

AUSTRALIA: Workers use work bans and work-to-rule

Aborigines in Tasmania protest law changes

Angry protests against PM Howard; man arrested for throwing stuff at his car

Protest at asylum detention centre over forced relocation
Two mothers and children are up on the roof

LabourStart appeal (which I put on Barricades too) has been successful
Report from Eric Lee, LabourStart
Ten days ago, I appealed for your support regarding a union delegate in a
New Zealand casino who was sacked by his employer.
Today, I'm delighted to tell you that thanks to your efforts -- and in
particular to the 1,178 of you who sent off protest messages via the
LabourStart website -- Andrew Bolesworth has been re-instated in his job.
The union in New Zealand (the SFWU) has written the following: "Thank you
to everyone who sent emails, wrote letters of support, signed the
petitions, turned up at the pickets -- the members at Dunedin are really
energised about unionism after a brief introduction and a big win."
This is a wonderful victory, and we join with our brothers and sisters in
Dunedin in celebrating.
But we are not going to forget all the other workers who are appealing for
our support today.
COLOMBIA: Sintraemcali under attack – 60 workers sacked

BRAZIL: Students at a university in Bahia are on strike

GUYANA: Sugar workers protest against EU

GREECE: More anti-Olympics mobilisations (picture; report in Greek)

U.K.: A bad week for Oxford University and their builders, RMC, over the building of a new animal torture centre – roundup of events

RMC trucks blown up!


Zionists attack Marks and Spencer picket again
And apparently managed to shut down M&S for the picketers…

Solihull: protest against Caterpillar outside court
Activists are on trial for “not kissing pig ass” or something like that

Railworker chains himself to railings after sacking; union may strike

Post Office closure protesters wheel out tank (picture and report)

Oxford vigil against Palestine occupation

Manchester anti-fur demo

Manchester activists occupy Aussie consulate over ecocidal logging

Sherborne targeted in protest against Sainsbury’s GM milk

Grieving parents resist church ban on placing flowers

CANADA: Vancouver IWW strike solidarity report

BC strikers hit by truck driven by city clerk

New urban guerrilla group formed

SHAC continue to hit effectively at HLS animal torturers in the US

OAKLAND: Medical marijuana protesters plant marijuana outside pig office

TAMPA: Protesters unwelcome Bush

More Bush protests

AUSTIN: Protesters urge university not to take over a nuclear site

MINNEAPOLIS: “Billionaires” greet Cheney

SAN FRANCISCO: Macy’s workers on strike

DENVER: Police shooting causes protest
The death, the third fatal police shooting in Denver this year, sparked a protest Tuesday outside the mayor's office, with activists chanting "stop killer cops” (LA Times)
Another report:

PHILADELPHIA: Crafty protesters elicit AIDS promise from Kerry

IOWA: Nurse-ins continue

MODESTO: Protests against animal abuse in circuses

CADILLAC: Anti-Nazi protest

BISCUIT BURN: Logging sales resisted

200 Americans defy the ban on travelling to Cuba

Ozzy concert includes Bush protest message (Bite his head off, Ozzy!)

‘Computer Ate My Vote’ protests in US cities, & massive petition

SMASHING THE NAZIS IN NEBRASKA (fwd from Stateyourcause) slightly cut
Neo-Nazi rally met screaming protesters
by matthew hansen
Leaders of the National Socialist Movement looked peeved. They
scurried in and out of the state Capitol, looking for a replacement,
looking for a little help. The message remained garbled even after they plugged a backup mike into a speaker. They went ahead anyway with 100 minutes of speeches on the Capitol steps, the meat of the much-ballyhooed neo-Nazi rally. Which begged the question: Could you hold a rally if no one could hear the rallying cry? Yes, you could. You could hold it with hand signs. You could hold it by screaming.
"White power!" bellowed the approximately 40 neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan
members and their affiliates. "Nazis suck!" screamed the most vocal of several hundred opponents, a mishmash of young and old, black, white and brown, hippie and preppy. Vintage Nazi poses with outstretched arms were answered with outstretched middle fingers. Both sides fired off expletives with abandon. Hate was tossed about
like confetti. "This isn't a debate," observed Frank Rodriguez of Omaha. "This is a screaming match." The opponents, displayed a sign proclaiming that Adolf Hitler had one testicle, and another
saying, "I don't see white power. I see white trash!" Kristy Theilen, a recent University of Nebraska-Lincoln graduate, sat behind the barricades, playing a djembe drum because, she said, it added a wholesome tribal experience to the rally. "I believe in freedom of speech," Theilen said. "It's just sad we believe in things like hate and violence."
Everywhere, police officers stood on foot, sat on bikes, leaned
against their cars - on Centennial Mall, inside a nearby parking
garage, high atop the Capitol with binoculars and long-range rifles. More than 150 police in all, according to the Lincoln Police
Department. Police Chief Tom Casady estimates the department spent
$25,000 Saturday on this rally and a counter-rally staged at
Pioneers Park.
And so it went, always with an exclamation point. Midway through the
rally, police officers in riot gear separated protesters from
demonstrators after members of the anti-Nazi group ventured into the
area set aside for Nazi supporters. Later, two neo-Nazi sympathizers ventured into the anti-Nazi crowd only to leave after being screamed at. Police arrested two people at the rally - one man on an outstanding warrant and a 35-year-old Lincoln man for refusing to stop trying to set a T-shirt on fire - and took another to detox.
As the rally ended, the National Socialist Movement and Ku Klux Klan
leaders disappeared from the podium and eventually to their waiting
bus. Their supporters on Centennial Mall were escorted away by police who could stop violence but not the yelling. "Are you scared?" a woman screamed at Mike Hubbard, a National Socialist Movement member from Nemaha. "Are you scared?" Hubbard screamed back. Both said they weren't. And then they stood staring at each other, having run out of things to say.
About 400 or so people showed up across from the north steps of the
State Capitol to gawk or protest. Many hurled insults at the
30 "white unity" rally participants and the dozen or so supporters
of the Nazi group based in Minneapolis.
Meanwhile, another rally titled "No Place for Hate" attracted an
estimated 1,200 people to Pioneers Park in southwest Lincoln.
Sinn Fein – protecting the Brits!

The chairman of the Policing Board today backed PSNI handling of the Twelfth in Ardoyne as he called for a full report on this year's parades. (Belfast Telegraph)
Andy’s comments: Pigs of a feather oink together!
Headline should be: Cops let themselves off the hook!
BOLIVIA: International Crisis Group report on social conflict
Reformist nonsense but worth a read

G8 GEORGIA: Why did so few people show up?

Pics from June anti-war demo in LA – newly online
Official European Social Forum terms and conditions amount to fascistic repression – attendees are to be filmed but not to film, may be stopped and searched, may be refused entry or expelled from the forum for unspecified reasons, may not engage in “unauthorised trading” (including paper sales?). . . etc. etc.

So much for inclusive, horizontal politics.
Map showing locations of warmongers

Bike protests planned

CCTV installed to persecute protesters, and use handheld cameras on demos

And the fuckers aren’t going to take then down afterwards, either.
Judge bans blanket bag searches and inescapable pig-pens, but leaves cops let-outs

WATCH OUT! There’s a Nazi about
“conservatives” plan counter-protest at RNC

Be careful! – Citizens for a Legitimate Government (bad name, good site) say these Protest Warriors are neo-Nazis trained in combat tactics (nothing a few AFA activists couldn’t handle though)
Links to trailer for Miami Model film

US draft would lead to massive demonstrations and unrest

Watch for anti-student prejudices in this article though. Why is the “refusal to grow up” – the core of revolutionary politics for Herbert Marcuse – treated as an ANTI-political factor?
Repression prepared at Farnborough airshow

OINK OINK (selected stories)
Marks and Spencer are trying to get ASBO’s against picketers

Amazingly enough, some of these idiots who write to this paper actually SUPPORT the idea of jailing people for 5 years for protesting too noisily!

Art is still biowar, according to the US government
They’ve dropped the big charges but still want to press some petty crap which has big sentences attached. Looks like they won’t subpoena Autonomedia after all though

Political control technologies

Oinkers kill elderly man with disability in bed

he was wielding a loaded soda can
he wasn’t even the fucking suspect!
Disband the police!!!!!!
More drug war atrocities – cops threw a bomb into a civilian house, starting a fire, then stormed in with guns; a farmer shot by cops as he came down the stairs with a gun, to see who had just broken in; an innocent grandmother literally died of fear in another incident after being attacked with a stun grenade… and so on

Militarised stormtrooper thugs are on the rampage across America
Florida Cops to Use Repairmen, Exterminators to Spy on Citizens

And use spies to “repair” and exterminate citizens?
Drug cops want kids to spy on parents

Minnesota Republican Party wants its activists to snoop on neighbours
(snipped from Washington Post report)
The state Republican Party has developed a Web site that allows its activists to tap into a database of voters whose political allegiances and concerns it would like to know. But it is not just any group of voters -- they are the activists' neighbors. The project, dubbed WebVoter, gives GOP activists the names and addresses of 25 people who live, in most cases, within a couple of blocks from them. The party has asked 60,000 supporters from across the state to figure out what issues animate their neighbors and where they stand in the political spectrum, and report that information back to the party -- with or, possibly, without their neighbors' permission.
Police brutality at rock concert
One man is thrown to the ground by five officers, for… unlicensed vending

Photographer persecuted, probably for being black

Crap arrest: for wearing a T-shirt

And so it begins…
Mexican politician and his aides are microchipped

So scary, Orwell didn’t even THINK of this… Giving a whole new meaning to “programmed” conformity…
Big Brother at school: some Japanese kids are to carry trackable ID cards
Radio ID cards track Japanese pupils
Japanese children will soon be taking ID cards equipped with the latest tracking technology to school.
Alarmed at a spate of violent crimes involving children, a school in western Japan will next month introduce radio frequency identity cards (RFID) which enable parents to keep tabs on their children all day. As soon as the pupils scan their cards across tag readers at the school entrance the time and location are recorded and sent via email or phone to their homes. They scan the cards again on their way out, so parents will know what time to expect them.

The state funds itself by stealing from its victims
Seizures By Police Help Fund Drug War

CannabisNews Articles - Forfeiture

Government Property Seizures out of Control

German state plans fascist “anti-fascist” law which menaces the right to protest
Shadows of the Weimar Republic

Yuck! We’re all eating bugs!
Companies are working on putting nanotech devices into food

Prince Charles has spoken out against this stuff
“A millennium of inbreeding in the Royal Family has shown the dangers involved in playing around with genetics” (hee hee, not really what he said by the way)
CCTV: A rapist’s charter
San Francisco cop accused of using surveillance systems to ogle women

This is NOT a one-off case, it happens a lot. Andrea Dworkin says the core of male domination is “men watching women” – women are seen but not heard… yet no-one is drawing the link to CCTV. Smash the cameras!
New Blairite fascistic crackdown planned, and hedged around with Nazi rhetoric (“no more liberalism”, pledges Blair; OF COURSE, fascism and liberalism are incompatible)
Plans include satellite tracking, and quotas for police to victimise people in poor areas

“They want the society of respect and responsibility, they want a community where the decent law-abiding majority are in charge, where those who play by the rules do well and those who do not get punished," (Blair)
Why does this mean they should get it?
Rules, order and obedience are for brain-dead zombies! Crackdowns are the lynchpin of slave morality!
Smash all dictatorships, including the dictatorship by the “law-abiding” statist conformist sheep!!!!! Victory to deviants and rebels everywhere!!!!!
Suicide as political gesture? – suicidal Asian farmers and western psychiatrists

Andy’s comments: a very well-written piece, well worth a read – it’s always worthwhile to challenge dominant psychiatric ideas. What is so strange about intensive commitments to political causes? Let’s not identify people who commit suicide as “irrational”, but instead understand the phenomenology of their actions.
New Iraqi “President” Allawi personally pulls a gun and shoots six suspected insurgents, hours before becoming president!
(the guy’s an ex Saddam spook by the way)

Not that I’d put it past Texas electrifier Bush to pull the trigger of death row inmates
Philippine withdrawal from Iraq was due to the clout of overseas workers

Globalisation has its down-side for the imperialists! This is an interesting development in the globalisation of labour struggles.
The Great Chinese Land Grab is on!

Background from Andy: the Chinese peasants make up the majority of the population, and have been largely protected from being expropriated since the 1949 seizure of power by Mao, even with Deng’s “market reforms”. China has recently joined the WTO and the WTO wants Chinese agriculture taken over by western multinationals, which, as everywhere else, would lead to massive displacement of peasants as companies take over and concentrate land and expel existing residents. The same as is going on everywhere from Kenya to Colombia – except in China, there’s HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of peasants who will be displaced if this continues. Where will they go? This is a global crisis waiting to happen.
Bolivia: background on the gas referendum – American imperialism and its stooges

Report from inside Fallujah’s resistance movement

“Islamic leader has an annoying habit of speaking only classical Arabic, which is like using Shakespearean English in ordinary conversation”
Nigerian government occupies a village, and a hundred people vanish

Homes bulldozed in Goa as the Indian government carries out a major land grab, targeted against the red light district of Goa, ostensibly for “moral” reasons

How come the same attacks are going on in Birmingham UK, Buenos Aries and Goa? As capitalism globalises, so does the repression which follows it
Australia sends troops to Papua New Guinea
Does the word “colony” come to mind?

Racism at root of Sudan's Darfur crisis
The Darfur pogrom is part of a historic continuum in which successive Arab governments have sought to entirely destroy black Africans in this biracial nation.


CALL FOR ACTION: US: Free Peltier!

CALL FOR ACTION: Protest against Oxford animal torture lab
Email builders and architects
Addresses from SPEAK website:

CALL FOR ACTION: Email to protest demolitions in Goa
See report:


CALL FOR ACTION: Protest against kangaroo slaughter
Animal Liberation ACT has found out today that the ACT Government
wants over 800 kangaroos to be shot at Googong Dam (a main water
supply for the Canberra area). Chief Minister, Jon Stanhope, claims
the water supply at Googong is at risk of being contaminated by the
large number of kangaroos gathering there. NSW National Parks and
Wildlife provided permits for the shooting to take place as Googong is in NSW. The shooting at Googong, a nature reserve, started last night. At least a third of the kangaroos will have joeys who will also be killed either by being decapitated or having their head bashed against the shooters truck (these methods are approved by the Code of Practice). The shooting will be a cruel and gruesome blood bath. The ACT Government conducted NO community consultation before deciding to shoot the animals. They also did not attempt any other methods of trying to prevent the animals from using the dam. The dead animals will be used by the commercial kangaroo industry – to be sold as meat, pet food or used for leather. This will be the first time the commercial kangaroo industry has 'harvested' animals from this region. The industry has be trying to open its operations up in the region and this appears to be the first sign they have succeeded.
PHONE: (02)6205 0104

Ask Mr Stanhope to:
* stop the shooting because it is very cruelty, especially for the
* try humane methods to prevent the animals using the dam water, such as fencing and supplying an alternative water source for the animals; and
* not allow the commercial kangaroo industry to use the dead kangaroos for commercial profit. By doing this they increase the demand for kangaroo products and the industry gets a foot hold into the ACT/South NSW region.
CALL FOR ACTION: Protest against the impending execution of the oldest man on Alabama’s death row – James Barney Hubbard is 74 – he was sentenced to death in 1977 – he repeatedly claimed his alleged victim committed suicide, but confessed while very drunk and under pressure from police. He is seriously ill.
According to the Birmingham News, a petition signed by
numerous other death row prisoners in Alabama urged
the governor to grant clemency to Hubbard. The
petition stated, ""Mr. Hubbard has been ill for
several years suffering from prostate cancer, colon
cancer and ulcers to name some of his health problems.
Given the condition of this elderly and sick man I
respectfully submit that the pending execution of Mr.
Hubbard is offensive to every civilized Alabamian....
"This is not an issue of the death penalty per se, but
rather of justice, mercy and morality. ... I urge you
to grant clemency to Mr. Hubbard." The petition was
confiscated by Alabama Corrections authorities because
petitions are a threat to prison security and the
correspondence between the death row prisoners was not
approved in advance.
If like me you find this repugant, we need to let the
Governor of Alabama know this and request clemency for
Governor Bob Riley
State Capitol
600 Dexter Avenue
Montgomery, Alabama 36130
Fax: 334 353 0004

FORTHCOMING EVENT, U.K.: Earth First gathering
Nearest train station announced – Lincoln

Join our protest at the Sudan Embassy at 12 noon, WEDNESDAY 28th JULY.
Sudan Embassy - 3 Cleveland Row (Off Pall Mall and next to ST James's Palace)
While the International Community drags its feet, thousands are killed, raped, kidnapped, bombed, displaced, starved and burned ..... Over 1 MILLION have fled their homes - yet governments continue to issue regrets, to postpone, to prepare future aplogies to the hundreds of thousands who may die ..... For months, the Sudanese government and an Arab militia, the Janjaweed, have been burning children to death in west Sudan. A million people have fled their homes to live in hunger and to endure further attacks. "Zurga" is a racist term the government militia uses to describe the black people of Darfur - they intend to rid Darfur of all black Africans. So far, their approach has been spectacularly successful.
For further details call 079 60 11 32 99 or e-mail

Meeting with John Rumbiak, West Papua’s leading human rights investigator
Wednesday 28th July, at St Mary’s Catholic Church, 20 Merivale Street, South Brisbane
More info:

Actually this isn’t the paper’s fault – it’s just reporting someone else’s crap
Bush – “the WMDs are in uhhh…. Afghanistan…. uhhh no wait, Iraq…. no, uhhhh Iran…. no, uhhhh…. Hey Dick, who else do we wanna bomb?”

According to testimony obtained at Guantanamo Bay (“say Iran did it and I’ll turn the electrodes off”), and from the national defence monitoring system (“aargh! Some guy in California typed the words Iran and al-Qaeda in the same sentence! That must mean they’re working together!”) Iran helped al-CIA-duh
AND FINALLY: What’s spam and what isn’t
wickit anarchy rap group called bedlam - a must
hear !!!!!!! here r some free mp3z of bedlam !!!!!!! u have
2 join 2 download it but its free !!! heres the link -

This has been sent round various anarchist and leftie lists lately, by someone called The Spam Masta – In case people saw this and didn’t trust someone with that kind of name… I’ve checked it out and it really does have free MP3’s – actually it’s a website with loads of MP3’s in all kinds of genres, apparently promoting new and unrecognised bands – you need to register to download stuff (but they only want a few details), and the way to save it (for keeps) is right-click on where it says “MP3” and then click “save target as…” and decide where to save it. Bedlam are very cool by the way, even if some of the lyrics are a little on the sick side...
On the other hand, I do NOT believe the emails I’m getting really come from relatives of Mobutu and Sani Abacha. But why the hell do these people think I would WANT to help launder the ill-gotten gains of these tyrants?
BTW if you get an email from

Finally, on the New York times website…
Did you know that playing online games‚ like chess or backgammon‚ could bring you new friends‚ love and maybe even a baby? (advert)
Really? You can get pregnant playing backgammon?!?!?! Remember to always wear a condom when using a computer!!!!!