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UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive

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Bloomsbury Social Centre branded 'Terrorist'

25-01-2012 14:36

London students who occupied a space in the run-up to the November 30th public sector strike were under the jurisdiction of the Met's SO15 Counter Terrorism Command, FITwatch have learned today.

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Tinlings Ltd make eviction threats against Occupy Liverpool

25-01-2012 12:43

Eviction threats against Occupy Liverpool.

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Operation Lunch - a lunch in the city

23-01-2012 14:14

UK Uncut and associated members of the 99% have decided that in light of recent news about corporate tax avoidance it is only right to make our voice heard and make sure we are not left out of these lunch meetings. As such we will host a lunch meeting in the city with a major corporation.

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Occupy London publicly repossesses empty nine-storey building in the Barbican

21-01-2012 10:42

Roman House
Occupy London this morning publicly repossessed Roman House, an abandoned nine-storey office building in the Barbican in the City of London which previously housed companies from the financial service industries. [1]

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A Tank of an Idea (Part 2)

20-01-2012 20:51

Joginder Sanger shakes hands with another freeloader.

Heh - in Tank of an Idea (Part 1) we told you there was more to come on the dodgy relationship between Occupy Justice and Mastcraft Limited. Our friends at Corporate Watch have been digging about and what they have found, leads them to ask What would Mastcraft gain from agreement with Occupy Justice?

It seems that ideas of turning the old court house into a centre known as the Community Courthouse Iniative, ran into trouble when Hackney Council applied strict planning conditions on the listed building. The project felt it could only attempt to meet these restrictions, which added to already costs, if they were given a written commitment by the Metropolitan Police Authority to sell them the building should they clear Hackney's hurdles. The MPA refused to play and the innovative scheme was duly scuttled. This lead to the building being placed on the market, and duly snapped up by Mastcraft, with plans to turn it into a luxury hotel.

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Squatters March Through Brighton Streets

20-01-2012 11:39

Today squatters and supporters will be marching through Brighton's streets. Three Squats are due in court as the owners of the buildings try and regain possession.

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Latest on Occupy lsx: Court allows 7 days grace to give time for appeal

18-01-2012 16:29

Occupy lsx tweet 4:19pm

"...Lindblom allows for 7 days stay of execution. No enforcement before Friday 27th 16:00..."

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@OccupySheffield Court Hearings: Camp and Citadel Threatened with Eviction

16-01-2012 13:44

Two court hearings have been set for Occupy Sheffield, the first one this Wednesday, 18th January at 10 am when the owner of the Salvation Army Citadel on Cross Burgess Street, Tandem Properties Limited, will claim possession of the property. The second on Thursday 26th January at 10:30am when the Cathedral will also claim possession of the property where Occupy Sheffield is located.

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Social Centres Breakout

15-01-2012 14:29

With government moves to outlaw squatting in residential buildings and the organisation of activists into a movement of positive action against the criminalising of squatters, once again radical social spaces is back on the agenda and the forefront of people’s political activity.

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A Tank of an Idea (part 1)

14-01-2012 18:57

December bought us yet another Occupy Lsx action, ‘Tank of Ideas’ (renamed Occupy
Justice), in which a disused Court House was taken over with the intention of
holding a mock trial of the Banking system. The owners of the Old Street based
courthouse, Mastcraft (Old Street) Ltd were, unlike the Church, quick to start
proceedings against the occupiers determined that nothing should interfere in there
pursuit of profit redeveloping the site into a 162 bedroom luxury hotel.
At court the Occupiers for reasons as yet unclear, negotiated with Mastcraft and in
full agreement with the Court were granted leave to stay in the building until the
23rd of January, when full possession would be granted for Mastcraft (Old Sreet)

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Bristol Radical Zine Fest 12.02.12

14-01-2012 12:03

Flyer - please print and distribute.
We are excited to announce the first ever Bristol Radical Zine Fest!

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We are leaving College Green

13-01-2012 19:25

Late on Wednesday night the Occupy Bristol camp met and discussed our plans for 2012. We agreed that we need to move from College Green. A consensus was reached to agree a departure date with the Council and Cathedral. A team of people have since been liaising with the Council and Cathedral to see if we could agree a date to leave.

One of the key concerns for us at this stage is to minimise any expense to the taxpayer. We hoped that the above route would mean that the Council would not need to spend unnecessary money on a legal battle. Occupy Bristol therefore decided not to legally contest the proceedings today.

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Eviction - Press Release: 9/1/12 from Occupy Lancaster!

09-01-2012 19:21

There are over 1 million empty properties in the UK, 350,000 of these have been vacant for over a year. Money is being spent on keeping these places empty with no benefit to communities and with negative devaluation of properties in the surrounding area. Criminalising squatting in the middle of a housing crisis, as the Con-Dem government plan to do, is only going to make matters worse.

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Police Harass Occupy Liverpool at Legal Squat

09-01-2012 14:34

Police and occupiers outside the back door of the squat
Earlier today Occupy Liverpool posted an urgent message on their Facebook wall calling for support at their new location as it had been surrounded by the police so I decided to go down and show a little solidarity.


- Occupy Liverpool

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Update: FOD Education Centre Occupation.

09-01-2012 00:36

We are actively looking for support from the local community, environmental activists, nature lovers, foresters, wilderness survival experts, sustainable skills educators, healers, crafty/arty types of all dispositions, gardeners, lecturers and anyone else wanting to offer their skills and knowledge to people willing to learn to come and be live-in volunteers at our recently reopened education centre!

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Public squatting in the U$A on the up

08-01-2012 15:30

Although it is hard to hear what is really happening on the ground in U$A, it appears that recently there has been an increase in squatting in cities across the United States. Obviously, squatting is often a covert activity, but it seems that a few factors have dovetailed to facilitate the emergence of a new, public squatting movement. This short article will provide a background to these events and a report of the actions which we have heard about. Hopefully these are merely the tip of the iceberg....

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How Artists Can Work Against & Be Critical of Gentrification

02-01-2012 19:19

At Southwark Notes website, we have been writing a lot about the gentrification of Southwark in London for over ten years. As part of our active research project, we have spent some time looking at the role of art, artists and notion of the 'creative class' as it fits into the different models of gentrification.

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Occupy Sheffield Statement on the occupation of the Citadel Of Hope

29-12-2011 00:20

Citadel of Hope Auditorium
Occupy Sheffield have issued the following statement regarding the occupation of the former Salvation Army Citadel in Sheffield City Centre.

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Salvation Army Citadel Occupied and renamed Citadel Of Hope

28-12-2011 11:03

Early on 28th December 2011 the long abandoned Salvation Army Citadel on Cross Burgess Street, Sheffield, was occupied and renamed the Citadel Of Hope.

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Occupy Christmas

27-12-2011 01:16

The festive season did not pass unnoticed at the camp, with a well attended General Assembly on Christmas Eve followed by a lunch on Christmas Day shared freely among anyone who happened by.
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