@OccupySheffield Court Hearings: Camp and Citadel Threatened with Eviction
Chris | 16.01.2012 13:44 | Occupy Everywhere | Free Spaces | Sheffield
Two court hearings have been set for Occupy Sheffield, the first one this Wednesday, 18th January at 10 am when the owner of the Salvation Army Citadel on Cross Burgess Street, Tandem Properties Limited, will claim possession of the property. The second on Thursday 26th January at 10:30am when the Cathedral will also claim possession of the property where Occupy Sheffield is located.
The action related to the Citadel of Hope is against "persons unknown" whereas the Cathedral has has named 14 people in addition to "persons unknown" and are seeking £69.50 in solicitor costs and £465 in court fees from the defendants.
Both court hearings will be at Sheffield Law Courts, West Bar:
Please show some support and come down and protest on the dates of the hearings!
Both court hearings will be at Sheffield Law Courts, West Bar:

Please show some support and come down and protest on the dates of the hearings!