UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
rampART news
02-08-2006 10:27
Here is a run down of the latest news from Londons rampART social centre. Agust is a bit sparse for events but there is plenty of other news. The building has gone on the market for a start which is significant news. There's also a strong plea for fresh energy and involvement - use it or loss it...(Scroll down for this week’s cinema program)
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Police impede Critical Mass.
01-08-2006 05:22

Syriana screening @ Everything4Everyone
30-07-2006 21:21
This weeks film screening at Everything4Everyone will be Syriana.ANTI MASSACRE CRITICAL MASS HACKNEY
30-07-2006 09:51

Wanna buy a used social centre?
29-07-2006 19:39
Fresh on the market to day is this semi detached three storey social centre located in a desirable East London situated in a quiet cobbled street just a stones throw from the city's financial district.DALE FARM: RALLY
29-07-2006 12:22

So many people have contributed
to the success of the Save Dale Farm
Campaign, we'd like to thank you
by inviting you all to our Street Party.

28-07-2006 01:03

Converging recipes…
we’re always ready to cook…
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Help Win New East Oxford Community Garden!
27-07-2006 21:25
A one-off chance exists to create a true community public space & genuine vibe in Dawson Steet off the Cowley Road East Oxford.....Instead a planning application to turn Dawson Street into an outside cafe and cycle park by local cafe owner has been submitted, despite immediate local objection to the further commercialisation/privatisation of our area. This call to action offers actual potential to make a real difference with one email from you!
Practices & resistance within autonomous spaces
26-07-2006 23:01
The People's Global Action is an anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian network, whose European encounters will take place this summer in France. This even will happen in two parts: from August 19th to August 27, simultaneous decentralized conferences will take place in five locations throughout France; from August 30th to September 3rd, all participants are to gather in Dijon, for a centralized moment.!!!Act now to save Stag Works!!!
25-07-2006 16:32
Hot on the heels of the proposed development of the General Cemetary is a planning application that has been submitted to build two 5/6 storey blocks of flats, containing 299 bedrooms right next door to Stag Works on John Street in Sheffield. Stag Works is used 24 hours a day by bands and artists to make amazing music, yet the planning application makes no provision for acoustic protection.Titnore volunteers urgently needed to resist imminient eviction.
25-07-2006 15:25
On Monday, 24th July Tinore Woods Action Camp in Durrington West Sussex was served with a summons to appear at crown court in london. We are expecting an attempted eviction at any time from Thursday 27th July and urgently require support from local residents, activists and anyone who wishes to help protect this ancient woodland from development/destruction.SOCIAL CENTRES NETWORK MEETING AT THE CLIMATE CAMP 28TH AUGUST (
25-07-2006 09:40
24-07-2006 17:04
Our name comes from 120 bands that played at 111 Matilda Street, formaly known as Matilda, now under occupation of Yorkshire Foroword.. We have taken some time in getting this space open, 120 also comes from the fact of 120 people killed in Iraq on the day we occupied the space.urgent call to help resist eviction- titnore woods in court on thursday
24-07-2006 14:54
the camp in titnore woods near worthing (near brighton) is sending out an urgent call-out for people to come and resist eviction.1984 Screening @ Everything 4 Everyone
24-07-2006 14:13
This weeks E4e cinema screening at Everything4Everyone (also know as Dalston theatre), will be 1984, the film adapatation of the classic George Orwell novel.Invitation to the next european gathering of Peoples Global Action
24-07-2006 12:01
As you might already know, the next European PGA conference will takeplace in France this summer, from August 19th to September 3rd. It will
happen in two parts, in a decentralised fashion: the first 9 days will
take place in 5 different locations around France, each with specific
themes in focus; it will be followed by 2 days off for travelling &
chilling-out, then by 4 days in a central location, that will be the
Tanneries squatted social centre in Dijon.
Disused Buildings of Birmingham Have No Shortage of Occupants
24-07-2006 02:50
With apartments in the refurbished Rotunda selling for between £150,00 and half a million, many old disused and abandoned buildings are set to be sold off to the highest bidder also -- ignoring the homeless and poor who struggle to live below them, and who are most in need of them.jean charles de menezes - solidarity in stockwell
23-07-2006 12:53
despite 'news' on bbc radio in london that this later 'unofficial' solidarity vigil had been cancelled, about 120 people gathered at Stockwell Tube last night, with Caporeira and an open mike.Illegal police trespass at Titnore Woods
19-07-2006 16:22