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UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive

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Forest Fields Latest: CCTV

11-03-2009 17:33

Typical control centre
Nottingham City Council have adjusted the number of new CCTV masts they are proposing to erect in the Forest Fields area.

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Stop the Rot, Squat the Lot

11-03-2009 13:25

An attempt to create a social space in Brighton outisde of the banal injustice of landlordship and capitalism, and all the highs and lows that come with it!

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National Squat Meetup This Weekend. BRISTOL

11-03-2009 13:04

For more info:

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Open Meeting at Platt Chapel Community Centre Thursday 12th March 7pm

11-03-2009 12:01

Before the opening of Platt Chapel Community and Social Centre next weekend (20-22nd March) we are holding an open meeting for anyone or group who wants to get involved in any way. The meeting will be an opportunity to suggest ideas for the use of the space, be introduced to others involved in different projects, and hear potential plans of the organisers of this new and exciting social centre.

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Newcastle Students Occupy!!!

10-03-2009 19:58

Students at Newcastle University have occupied the fine arts lecture theatre in solidarity with the people of Gaza and Palestine. 25 students took the room and informed the University management who have sent a senior manager to start 'neigotations' which have resulted in the occuption entrying its first night with no clear resolution, as yet.

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The Great Outdoors: Energy depletion.... and camping!

08-03-2009 21:49

The Great Outdoors is a initiative by The Free Range Network and Paul Mobbs on the simplest route that people have to learn how to reduce their consumption and practice the skills required for a low impact lifestyle -- living outdoors.

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London Indymedia Cinema presents...

05-03-2009 11:34

2 evenings of film on occupied spaces.

Showing videos of the UK university occupations,
and videos on squatting in the UK and Europe.

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Summer of Love '09

28-02-2009 22:44

You are invited to a peaceful revolution - bring flowers!

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Reflections on Cardiff University Occupation

28-02-2009 14:07

Following on from comments made on an earlier post:
I am angry and wanted to say things which people would see, not comment on an old article.

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London Indymedia Cinema presents...

28-02-2009 00:57

2 evenings of films about occupied spaces

Showing videos of UK university occupations,
and of squatting in the UK and Europe.

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Council's £50,000 attack on volunteer-run social centre

27-02-2009 19:46

Press release from The Common Place, for immediate release 7pm 27th Feb 2009

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Hope Happening - 2nd Palestine Cafe Event

27-02-2009 03:07

Radical Hope Happened at the YOMA Cafe in Southampton for Palestine
add your responses / thoughts for zine making please

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Creativity alive and well in Nottingham

26-02-2009 12:08

Here are a couple of examples of original and creative use of public space spotted around Nottingham in recent Months

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Hope happening - Palestine Cafe Event Southampton

22-02-2009 21:44

You are invited to the second Palestine Cafe Happening in Southampton

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Group 4 Securicor Attacks South African Shack Dwellers' Movement Against

21-02-2009 15:05

Group 4 Securicor private security guards are being used on the increasingly violent war on the poor in South Africa as the ANC continues with its project to drive the poor out of the cities. For useful links giving background to this statement see

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Murder of Small Farmer Rights Organizer Sparks Protests in Yaracuy, Venezuela

21-02-2009 14:25

Small farmer rights groups plan to march across the city of San Felipe in Venezuela’s Yaracuy state this Saturday to demand that the hired assassins of Nelson López, a small farmer rights organizer, be brought to justice. López, who was shot fifteen times in the back last Thursday, is the 213th small farmer (campesino) to be murdered since 2001, the year the government of President Hugo Chávez passed a sweeping land reform law which set the conditions for re-distribution of idle sections of large estates to small farmers, according to the Ezequiel Zamora National Farmers’ Front (FNCEZ), one of the groups convoking Saturday’s marches.

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Upcoming action dates, activist gatherings, & the official meetings en route to

20-02-2009 00:40

Upcoming action dates, activist gatherings, & the official meetings en route to the Copenhagen climate summit

Compiled at the recent EF! Winter Moot:

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Birmingham social justice centre lose court fight against eviction

19-02-2009 23:09

The social justice centre and homeless campaign in Birmingham has lost its court battle against eviction.

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Straw Bale work on eco-building in St.Anns Part 32

18-02-2009 23:24

Work has been continuing at EcoWorks with the Straw Bale building in Nottingham. The building, now being fully enclosed with the main doors having being constructed and fitted All window frames fitted towards the end of last year..

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Urgent call for eviction solidarity tomorrow in Bath

18-02-2009 21:56

New squat in Bath threatened with eviction tomorrow (Thursday 19th) evening by transport police