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UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive

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Welcome to The Burnley Voice

11-04-2005 13:23

The Burnley Voice Meetings Flyer
A web forum and a new name for the Burnley Anarchist Group.

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The Meaning of Liverpool (2)

11-04-2005 13:15

An invitation
14th April 2005, 6.30-9pm at Hope at Everton (RSVP)

This is the second of a series of open meetings about the meaning of Liverpool. The topic for this is: 'Enabling local grassroots organisations and supporting diverse culture within the cultural regeneration of Liverpool'.

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Springing into action for 2005

10-04-2005 10:54

Yes, it's that time of year and after ten months or so of use the
building could do with a lick of paint and a general tidy. We also plan
to sort out the lack of lighting on the first floor, fit a shower,
finish the darkroom, install a door phone entry system and much more. So
put on some old clothes, grab anything you think might be useful (paint,
brushes, tools, etc.) and get down to the rampART for some social
cleaning fun to prepare the rampart for the coming months. We'll be
having a sunday supper and an evening meal (bring food to share) then
chilling out with some films and relaxed socialising.

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Sat 9th - hackfun and patents @rampART

08-04-2005 11:35

From midday on saturday 9th, you are invited to a day of workshops and discission followed by an evening of film, music and booze..

@rampart street, london E1 2LA (see

This is the Hacklabs, 'no patents' event with workshops all afternoon covering various creative open source computer packages (see programme summary elow), hardware skills, liveCD linux demos, stuff to take home, thing to build etc.

From 6pm there will be films and discussion about threat of software patents, it will includ a slide show about patents on seeds and life itself and draw comparrisons with the threat of control over food, technology, communication and freespeach that these patents bring. There will also be somebody to talk about the threat of survalance technologies employeed by the state, national databases and biometric ID.

From 9pm things get seriously unserious with DJ's and drinks till 2am as a fund raiser for the London Hacklabs Collective which maintains two open computer spaces in London and will soon be helping to set up additonal spaces.

This event is for everyone that cares about freedom and uses computers as a tool for positive social change. You can learn which formats to use to make your work most accesible, what alternatives exist to the monopolies of microsoft, the insecurity of windows and the expense of commercial software. You can learn about the best ways to utilise or recycle old unwanted lowspec machines and give them a new productive life. You can learn about getting on the internet for free via open wifi nodes, producing radio or making video. Every one welcome regardless of your level of skill with computers and other geeky stuff ;-)

It's a day to learn and share.

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A New World in our Hearts: Anarchist May Day Festival!

07-04-2005 04:09

A New World in our Hearts: Building for Revolution May Day Festival

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FILM: SpaceHijackers challenge Parliament to Mayday Cricket match

07-04-2005 02:51

Over 600 letters were handed to the House Of Commons on Monday April 4th, challenging every Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat MP to a game of cricket over their lack of honour and morals.

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EU in bed with Micro$oft on patents issue?

06-04-2005 23:12


"The Commission might end up paying dearly for its rash collusion with Microsoft" -- "Commission president apparently loves to play high-stakes poker with the EP" -- "Bill Gates is at the moment making himself ever more enemies in the EP"

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amend or reject software patents directive

06-04-2005 22:19

FFII asks MEPs to either fully amend or reject software patents directive

(Brussels, 29 March 2005) -- "Complete restoration of the spirit of the EP's first reading, or rejection" is the message delivered by the FFII to the Members of the European Parliament today. Given the Commission's refusal to grab the chance do its homework properly and the Council playing deaf, the EP's second reading carries the undue burden of having to start from scratch. The FFII hopes that the EP will once more make the right choices.

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Stop Europes Software Patents

06-04-2005 22:17

No Software Patents!

Under the influence of the patent system and big industry lobbyists, the European Union is on the verge of making a huge mistake: to pass a law that would legalize software patents.

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Invite to Hacklab info event + party sat 9th

06-04-2005 21:56

Do patent laws have a place in today's information society?

Patent laws were originally put in place to protect innovators from having their ideas stolen. They now provide a tool for large businesses to control how inventions, research, knowledge and even life forms can be exploited for profit.

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Festival of Dissent Press Release

06-04-2005 14:15

Festival of Dissent Press Release
Tuesday, 05 April 2005

Anti-G8 Festival of Dissent! 6th-10th April 2005

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The Walks: Council approves building cafe on children's playground

06-04-2005 14:12

The local council has recommended approval of their own planning application, in breach of local planning zones. Will the national government intervene? We hope so.

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Lewisham - a failing borough

04-04-2005 15:10

Canary Wharf from Pepys Estate
The Rotten Borough of Lewisham is failing its local community with its planning policy, with its housing policy. It is though the developers best friend, providing ideal development opportunities. In practice it is no different to many other Councils that fail to act in the best interests of the local community but are quick to provide development and get rich quick opportunities for property developers.

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maelstrom is passed away - billions of christians mourn

04-04-2005 13:28

MAELSTROM, the squatted social centre in hyde park, leeds has closed it's doors finally. unlike the pope, we will come back!

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Eviction of Squatter Cows creates Legal Precedent against adverse possession?

03-04-2005 21:36

A legal precedent against the 12 year rule on claiming adverse possession?

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Mayday Cricket - Space Hijackers Vs The Government

03-04-2005 15:58

Space Hijackers (first 11) Vs The Government (first 11)

May 1ST 2005

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Bush the Evil lies about Pope J paul the Great Hypocrite

02-04-2005 23:10

“The savage exploitation of capitalism is the kernel of truth in Marxism….Supporters of capitalism should recognize e the good things in communism: care for the poor, everyone have a job, and health care… Blind Capitalism can crush the human spirit… Neoliberalism make the rich richer and the poor poorer,.,,
… A monstroud crime of the US is the economic blockade of Cuba…”

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mayday mayday mayday

02-04-2005 15:11

help save merseyside mayday

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Press Coverage of Festival Of Dissent

02-04-2005 09:44

Some press coverage of the week long Festival Of Dissent Anti-G8 Gathering being held 6-10th April in Lanarkshire.

Full info on that including impressive line up of workshops and discussions at

Previous article was:
Call to crack down on G8 demo camps
Sun 20 Mar 2005 TOBY MCDONALD
The Scotsman

Full article to transmit from Basrah, Iraq

01-04-2005 09:18

Public announcement

Streamtime mission to produce internet radio program from Basrah, Iraq
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