UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
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Occupied Dalston Theatre Wins in High Court But Eviction Proceedings Continue
01-03-2006 22:56
I'm sure someone who knows more will update on this very soon, but just to say that today the High Court ruled that the application by Hackney Council for possession of the occupied theatre + buildings in Dalston should not have been made to the high court, and they refused to rule on it.It's now to be refered to the county court for a judgement this coming Friday.
ASBO Squat : New Deal for Community [NDC] Magazine Item
01-03-2006 00:03

Council announces ridiculous move in anti-begging campaign
28-02-2006 22:57

Nottingham City Council has announced a new measure to reduce the 'problem of begging' on Nottinghams streets. A press release given out yesterday (Feb 27th) states: 'Nottingham City Council is urging members of the public to help them eliminate begging in the city by erecting signs in begging hotspots telling them to call the anti-social behaviour helpline if they see individuals begging'
The Council's 'respect for Nottingham' website states: The aim of the Respect for Nottingham strategy is to clean up the City’s streets, take an uncompromising stand against begging, street prostitution and drug dealing and demonstrate that Nottingham is not a soft touch for those bent on criminality and damaging the quality of life in the city. Interesting how they consider begging as 'criminal' and damaging the quality of life for others...
Links: Council's press release | Police escalates offensive crackdown culture poster drive | Respect for Nottingham
Sumac Centre Nottingham - Posters for March - Download and Display
28-02-2006 22:00

Autonomous café – an experiment in self-management
28-02-2006 13:14

To the people of Dalston
28-02-2006 03:26
It' s time for us (the people who are occupying the theatre) to tell you why we are here. And why we decided to do our bit to resist the demolition of these houses, the theatre behind, and the gentrification of the wider Dalston area all around us that for years has been part of your lives.Sustainable Communities Action Forum London - Saturday 4th March - 6pm
27-02-2006 11:39

St Matthias ( Covergence ) Centre, Bullivant St, London E14 0ER.
DLR: All Saints. Buses: 15, 108, 115, 277, D6, D7, D8.
EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE community space in Hackney is open!
26-02-2006 22:25

dalston theater 4 d roof of resistance
26-02-2006 16:22
thoughts from d people resisting the demolition in d roof of dalstonlane theater- day seven.
Critical Mass in Gothenburg, a taste of paradise
26-02-2006 12:41
Gothenburg is only Sweden’s second largest city but it’s home to the country’s biggest regular monthly Critical Mass and has by far Sweden’s worst air pollution.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Dalston Theatre occupation - Update Saturday 25th.
25-02-2006 20:08

Video - Prestes Maia solidarity demo in London (16/2/06)
25-02-2006 07:21

London, An evening of discussion and interchange
24-02-2006 22:56

In this situation instead of participating actively in organised social change they increasingly isolate themselves, saving their idealistic expressions to anti-war marches and anti-capitalist events.
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movie of last saturday's wonderful shell petrol station blockade in islington
24-02-2006 10:24

LIVE!@THE SQUARE [No Borders//Bolivia Solidarity//Blutgeil]
23-02-2006 14:11
FRIDAY 24 - SATURDAY 25 - SUNDAY 26 - 2006LIVE!@THE SQUARE Occupied social/political centre //
21 Russell Square, London WC1H
rampART Chechnya film night - tonight
23-02-2006 13:00
Sixty two years ago, on 23 February 1944, Stalin ordered the forcible deportation of the Chechen, Ingush and other nations of the North Caucasus to Central Asia. The people who were were transported with little or no provision in cattle trucks and more than half died in transit or in massacres committed by Soviet troops. Those who survived the journey were left facing starvation and disease in the harsh winters of Siberia and Central Asia. In 2004 the European Parliament passed a motion formally recognising this tragedy as a genocide.ARROOOOOGAH
22-02-2006 17:56
LIKELY EVICTION OF TREES AND WHAREHOUSE IN SHEPTON MALLET!Anti-Tesco Tree Camp Loses in High Court as More Campaigners Target Tescos
22-02-2006 13:58

Dalston Theatre occupation - Update Tuesday 21st.
21-02-2006 19:13
Activists are still defending the occupation of the Dalston theatre and the two adjacent buildings from eviction.