UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Democracy Village, London - the calm after the storm - pics
05-07-2010 19:24

All images are Copyright © 2010 D. Viesnik, but may be reproduced free of charge for non-commercial use if credited. For high resolution versions / commercial use, please e-mail.
Intersquat Meeting, Berlin, September
03-07-2010 11:15
INTERSQUAT – Festival in Berlin from 10th until 19th of September 2010July Events at Cowley Club
03-07-2010 11:12
The Cowley Club is a social centre on London Road in Brighton. It houses a cafe and bookshop during the day, a members bar during the evenings, it also has a library and is a base for a variety of other projects.The club is collectively owned and run as a base for those involved in grassroots social change and those sympathetic to such activities, giving us control over our social space and resources. It is run entirely by volunteers - no one gets paid, and no one is making any profit. Instead, we are trying to provide a much needed alternative to everything else around us.
Barcelona: Notes on the european squat meeting (17-20 june 2010)
02-07-2010 23:48
Translation of an article written in french and originally published on june 17th to 20th, 2010, an european squat meeting took place in Barcelona...
Lewes Road Community Garden V Tesco
01-07-2010 00:37

More bodies the better over next few days. Gardens By The Community For The Community - Fuck the Corporates...
Ambient Picnic 2010
29-06-2010 14:38

Lights Camera Action Revolution!
27-06-2010 18:54

Tues 6th July @ The Scoop Amphitheatre
More London, next to the GLA
SE1 London Bridge Tube
Lewes Road Community Garden Demo Mon 28 June 3.30pm
27-06-2010 09:04

Bonn CJA meeting / Klimacamp / Climate Wave and associated actions
22-06-2010 11:36

Will a wildlife crime be committed?
20-06-2010 08:35
North Hinksey Parish Council are carrying out unecessary work on a lovely bit of woodland, despite local opposition.Capture The Flag V Tonight
19-06-2010 14:42

Audio interview from new squatted social centre in Koln Germany
18-06-2010 00:54

Support Lewes Road Community Garden at County Court Demo
17-06-2010 21:49

Behind The Scenes at Parliament Square's Democracy Village
14-06-2010 22:58
Have you passed by the Houses of Parliament recently? If so, you may have noticed that the number of “residents” in the Square has sky-rocketed. Want to know who they are? What their placards claim? How long they’ll be there? We recently dropped in on the inhabitants of the “Democracy Village” to have a chat about their causes and plight. Here’s what we found out.Democracy Village - Sat 12 June - pics
13-06-2010 20:56

Lewes Road Community Garden Public Meeting (Fri June 18 - 7pm)
12-06-2010 22:22

Fri June 18 at 7pm in St Martin's Church Hall (Wagner Hall) on Lewes Road.
Help stop a development which will kill community spirit and urban greenbelt. Communities Before Corporations.
Bath Bomb #30 Out Now
12-06-2010 08:31
The thirtieth edition of Bath's 'monthly' radical freesheet is finally out, after a month long's break...Feral Theatre - Month of Workshops
10-06-2010 14:53
Come to Hounslow Community Land Project on the Hanworth Road for regular dramatic workshops with our resident thespians!Update on the JB Spray
07-06-2010 18:18
Last Thursday's court case went well for the occupiers. The case has been adjourned until the start of July. They intend to stay and continue to build their community.