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Mic checked - How Occupy Wall St Occupies Your Heart (good read)

14-11-2011 17:53

First, you tried drinking a lot, in bars, with your friends, or people who seemed like they could be your friends. But it was expensive, and you kept getting up late for work. So you tried online dating, and went to wine bar after wine bar, tapas restaurants and gallery openings, until finally you found someone to bunker down with for awhile. That ended, or perhaps never really began, and next you tried reading critical theory at night, a glass of wine by your side.

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11/11/11. Report and photos: Alternative Armistice Day Event, London

14-11-2011 14:17

Sue and Ciaron reading the names of the military and civilian dead
Catholic Workers and Veterans for Peace held an alternative Armistice Day event on Friday 11 November starting at the Occupy LSX site at St Paul's Cathedral and concluding at the Bank of England. The ceremony outside the bank included naming the war dead in Afghanistan both civilian and military, anti-war ballads, reflections on war and its links with finance and bankers, reflections from the scriptures on nonviolent resistance, thoughts on the victims of war including the war vets who are abandoned on their return to civilian life and those who are targeted for speaking out against the wars.

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Occupy Cardiff 11.11.11. What happened?!

14-11-2011 13:19


Time for Occupy Cardiff to show solidarity with all the other Occupy movements across the globe. I got there a bit late so I missed the initial gathering at the Aneurin Bevan statue, but I soon noticed that they had set up camp outside the castle. Everyone was in good spirits, there was plenty of tents, and it was a buzzing hive of activity. There was a stock pile of donated food building up with more donations coming in at a steady pace, and a good community spirit at the heart of it.

One member of the public who was passing by struck up a conversation with me, saying how great it was that this is happening here now, and that he supports it 100%. Cars were honking their horns as they went past as well, which was good to hear, but the police presence was steadily growing in numbers which was a little irritating. They were getting more involved than was necessary for the situation. It seemed very odd because a similar protest camp had been set up on the same grounds earlier this year without any initial police interest whatsoever. The other Occupy camps all across the UK have all been relatively free from police interference too, so I was wondering what was going on.

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Radical Routes Success!

14-11-2011 12:28

Radical Routes Success at Sumac....

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Occupy Leeds!

12-11-2011 02:55

Leeds now has an occupation! City Square, opposite the swanky Queens Hotel, right in the middle of the financial district.

Leeds now has an occupation! City Square, opposite the swanky Queens Hotel, right in the middle of the financial district.

Wrap up warm, and if you're heading there and want to bring us something nice, here's our wish list:

Things already on this list


Ready made banners - it's a bit wet to do much banner making on site at the moment and there's loads of space for banners, so please make and bring your own!

Whiteboard pens (without which the whiteboard is less useful...)



Water and water containers (Rain doesn't count. No more rain please.)

Rope, e.g. polyprop.

Hand sanitiser

Plastic crates, especially with lids, for storage

Chopping boards

Entertainment, e.g. a deck of cards, a radio, some board games

See you there :-)



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Occupy Cardiff not allowed to Occupy

11-11-2011 22:27

'Total policing' methods stop the setting up of Occupy Cardiff.

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Radical Routes Gathering 2011

11-11-2011 18:02

Doors now open for the Radical Routes Gathering 2011 in Nottingham

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NYC's Rev Billy of the Church of Stop Shopping Rocks Occupy London SX

10-11-2011 10:35

Rev Billy said he "loves to preach" and preach he did at Occupy London
Check this youtube (7 mins) out from Tuesday night......
Rev Billy Rock Occupy London SX

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Occupy London - Solidarity with Census Refuser Judith Sambrook

09-11-2011 19:30

Banners at Finsbury Square
I spent yesterday afternoon and evening at Occupy London talking with people about Judith Sambrook who appears in court in Wrexham on Friday on a charge of failing to complete the 2011 Census. Those census resisters targeted for prosecution in the coming months need our support and solidarity, starting with Judith in Wrexham on 11/11/11.

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Facing Up To Mike Weatherley's Fearsome Gauntlet

08-11-2011 13:03

I take your gauntlet and use it to apply a slap across your filthy chops, Mike.

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The war on squatters

06-11-2011 20:59

What we are seeing is a well-orchestrated clampdown on alternative culture. Again. By the Tories. Again.

We need to keep our eyes peeled.

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Occupy Oakland General Strike interviews

05-11-2011 16:41

Ecoshock special with Bay Area media activist Karen Nyhus. Citizens & environmentalists speak out on why they are part of the Oakland General Strike November 2nd. From the down-but-not-out to Greens seeking climate justice - real on-the-scene alternative audio.

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Pragmatic suggestions for improving security at Occupy protests

03-11-2011 22:35

Pragmatic suggestions for improving security at Occupy protests, and a common-sense response to feminist critique/s of Occupy protests

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A visit to Plebs' College and photos

03-11-2011 18:51

Plebs' College welcomes you.
I dropped in on the folk at Plebs' College 2.0 today to see what they were up to.

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Occupy Birmingham vacates Victoria Square

03-11-2011 13:18

Around the 27th October, occupiers were handed a notice to vacate the Victoria Square site by Council officials. Birmingham City Council claimed they were preventing members of the public using and enjoying the square. They also claimed their presence would adversely impact on the switching on of the Christmas lights and the German Market. See

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Nepal :Police crackdown on the peaceful assembly of Tibetan exiles

03-11-2011 05:42

Our source who was present in the spot during the attack of police on peaceful Tibetan said Tibetan exiles held a memorial service at Jawalakhel Settlement on the outskirts of Kathmandu. Before that there was a notable presence of intelligence officials on that area. Police surrounded the venue for the religious service and blocked the entrance before the service started.

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NEXT threat to OLSX?

02-11-2011 14:22

The Lancaster Unity blog published on-line chatter that shows EDL activists discussing an abortive plan to attack OLSX. EDL chatter discussed OLSX in terms of an alleged plan by "lefties" to close St Paul's on Poppy Day or Remembrance Sunday, and this theme has been hyped by The Daily Mail. These claims are even more ridiculous now that St Paul's has re-opened, but this all suggests a potential threat to OLSX which needs to be taken seriously in terms of contingency and PR planning _

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What next for the Birmingham Social Centre? meeting this Friday 7pm.

02-11-2011 11:28

In April, we wrote this as our reasons to why we should set up a squatted social centre:

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Squat news from Amsterdam

02-11-2011 00:15

Amsterdam: Persistent resistance at the 01-11-2011 eviction wave

Solidarity with the squatters in the UK!

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An open letter to Mike Weatherly MP

01-11-2011 23:01

An open letter to Mike Weatherly MP, questioning just some of the twisted statements he has made around squatting. An amendment to the Legal Aid bill was passed in the commons this evening (1st November) criminalising squatting in residential buildings.
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