UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Ocset eviction
03-06-2004 13:01
Eviction of the sunset cottage Ocset social centre12th June - Autonomous Alt Tech / Media Assembly re ESF
03-06-2004 08:52
Join us on Sat 12th June to map out possible projects and strategies around the european social forum planned for October this year... from supporting existing projects like the NOMAD DIY open source translation infrastructure, to supporting autonomous spaces and using wi-fi to link spaces inside the ESF, outside the ESF and on the streets, radio and video streaming, alternative media centres and reporting, experimental media labs etc etc
Some initiatives are underway already, others are yet to be imagined...
New anti-G8 social cnetre openning friday!
02-06-2004 20:02
23Topia is a new anti-G8 social centre in WorthingOCSET Meeting - June 2nd
02-06-2004 09:31
OCSET Meeting - June 2nd, 6.00pm - Sunset Cottage, 78 St ClementsEarth First! Summer Gathering dates
27-05-2004 17:15

direct action for people & planet.
Dates & roughly where EF! Summer Gathering announced - contact us for flyers to distribute
Creative and social space needs your input
25-05-2004 12:37
The new creative centre and social space in east london needs your input...Kensington Academy
25-05-2004 11:21
Less an article than a question. I am surprised, considering the recent local controversy surounding the building of a new secondary school in Kensington, that there is no comment on this site.DIY cafe at Ocset
24-05-2004 12:04
Tomorrow (Tuesday 25th May) there will be a DIY cafe at Ocset (78 St Clements), possibly followed by a film screening. Food for donations, or free if you're really skint. Arrive early to help cook, stay late to help clear up.OCSET: let's make the garden as nice and useful as possible!
21-05-2004 01:13
There is a monstrous "development" plan for the actual OCSET (the Oxford social centre), part of which consists in using the fantastic garden and put loads of modern posh condos/flats instead...Saturday (May 22nd) all day at OCSET: let's enjoy the garden and make it as nice and useful as it can be!!!
New 1 in 12 Club Anarchist Library Grand Opening
20-05-2004 20:19

Green Anarchy In the UK
20-05-2004 16:48
July 1-4, 2004 Bilston Glen Anti-Bypass Protest Site For a life wild and free!OCSET - Ethical squatting and inappropriate development?
20-05-2004 15:24

The Oxford based social centre OCSET has been re-born in a beautiful location
19-05-2004 16:48

New London Occupied Community Creative Centre and Social Space
19-05-2004 10:25
New social centre opens this Friday 21st...Just over a week ago an unused building in East London was occupied by a group of international artists and activists with the aim of openning up a new social space. The building has been secured, tided up and some essential repairs made. The rampart was born...
Grand Banks Resistance
17-05-2004 23:47

A Radical Space in Leeds?
17-05-2004 16:59
Here is the 1st draft of the proposal for funding an autonomous space in Leeds city centre through the Dissent network. Take a look, see what you think, post any comments you might have on Indymedia and bring your thoughts to the next Leeds ARC meeting on Thursday.Media Hacklab benefit tomorrow night
14-05-2004 18:10
There will be a benefit night at the ex-Grand Banks Social Centre, Saturday the 15th of May at 8pm. There will be food, a cafe, a juice bar, DJs and live music. Suggested donation at door: £2 waged, £1 unwaged. There will be another PC building workshopat 5pm, before the main event. If you've ever wanted to learn how to build your own PC from scratch (either from new parts, saving yourself money or from reused parts, saving even more money!) then this is the place to learn. No experience required! You can even bring your own parts and we will help you to get your PC working. There will also be other stuff happening like the selling of cheap GNU/Linux CDs.