UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Location for London FreeSchool Announced...
18-06-2009 21:30
The London FreeSchool began occupying 161 Commercial Street. There will be various workshops and discussions held there over this weekend on 'Squatting, Housing & Gentrification'. The event begins at 10am Friday 19th June so feel free to pop in anytime from then onwards. For more information see the website
Squatters in the JB Spray Building, prevent water company from cutting them off
17-06-2009 21:47

Lancaster Carnival of Culture 2009: Community Art Exhibition and Street Games
15-06-2009 11:25
Two events on Saturday June 13th made up the 2009 manifestation of the Carnival of Culture, three days before the Public Inquiry into the planning permission given to Centros Miller’s appallingly unimaginative retail-led developments to trash the “cultural quarter” of Lancaster, with it’s Music ians’ Co-op (est. 1976), Dance School, Grand and Dukes Theatres/independent cinema, listed building local brewery etc etc etc. Details of how to get involved towards the end.Stop The Deportation Of Laureine Tchaupo & Her Children demo monday
14-06-2009 07:37
10AM – 12PM
Swan Housing, other "social landlords" slammed by George Galloway
13-06-2009 12:32
Social landlords Swan Housing, Old Ford Housing, One Housing and East End Homes have been named and shamed by MP George Galloway in an Early Day Motion filed in Commons on June 11th, 2009.Dissident Island Radio - latest show ready for download!
11-06-2009 09:30
Check out the latest show from June 5th...Stalls @ Redditch Green Fair, this Saturday
10-06-2009 12:31

London eco camp video update
10-06-2009 11:33

New Social Centre/Ecovillage To Be Occupied In Suffolk/Essex Area
08-06-2009 23:26

London eco-camp - day one
07-06-2009 19:22


This will showcase community based sustainable methods of living such as vegetable growing, compost toilets. They in the process of setting up tents and are cleaning the site of rubbish.
No Border Camp benefit, tomorrow night in London
05-06-2009 12:41

Leeds Unity Day 2009
05-06-2009 12:19

Hyde Park Unity Day is just around the corner. An announcement of the date will be made 2 weeks before the event at and at
Here is a list of upcoming fundraiser events, and a call out for people to get involved and support Unity Day 2009.
IMC Northern (formerly IMC Leeds/Bradford) will be providing a "Be the media" stand at this years event so come along and meet us there.
FreeSchool on Housing, Squatting and Gentrification
04-06-2009 13:23
19th - 21st June 2009A weekend of free workshops, discussions and skillsharing focusing on issues relating to housing and squatting is being planned for mid-June. The London FreeSchool will be occupying an empty building for the weekend. This is an open project for people to come and get involved in creating a new space from the beginning. It will hopefully include workshops relating to opening/fixing squats, housing rights and gentrification.
Eco-village occupation near Hammersmith this Saturday (June 6th)
04-06-2009 01:35

Riseup! Radio 17: Struggle in Our Cities
01-06-2009 23:58

Hi folks. Can you believe the weather? In this first June installation, we cover a jolly folk dance day that happened in Forest Fields on perhaps the only rainy weekend of last month. Nevertheless, lots of people, music and dance, with a tastefully anti-authoritarian undercurrent.
Starbucks Closed by Rev Bill & Co
01-06-2009 21:46

Callout for 2 days of direct action on the 18th & 19th of September 2009
01-06-2009 14:53
This is a call out to people involved in squats and autonomous spaces for2 days of direct action on the 18th & 19th of September 2009 around
housing and the creation of more autonomous spaces at this time of crisis.
Lund, Sweden: Report from Squatting festival "165"
01-06-2009 12:36