UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Eco-village occupation update + other news.
01-06-2009 11:50

News of the upcoming Eco-Village occupation taking place on a disused piece of land near Hammersmith starting on Saturday, 6th June (see attached e-flyer for details).
The latest from the Tyting community farm occupation <--- information on how you can get involved and support the action.
And some interesting facts about the land in Britain.
Sussex Uni Protest Camp Threatened By Management
29-05-2009 09:05

Cruch the Creditors 2009 European Tour - UK 3rd - 10th June
27-05-2009 12:12

~~ Putting the 'Fight the Power' back into Hip Hop. ~~
~~ Anarchist/Radical Hip Hop from both sides of the Atlantic. Pure class (war) ! ~~
For Full Tour Info & Links to all acts:

Mass Squatting Action Videos/Photos, Lund, Sweden
26-05-2009 21:27

Oil drilling threat to English woodland - Act now! Please!!!
26-05-2009 15:32

Oil threat to woodland - Act now!
It is not too late to object!
Surrey County Council has extended the objection period to 24th June 2009 so if you have not yet objected there is still time. Please keep reading to find out how.
Berlin's Rigaer94--The Struggle Continues! (Trans)
25-05-2009 15:45
An update on the situation faced by Berlin's Rigaer94, a squat in the Rigaerstr in Berlin's Friedrichshain districtTranslation from

Sussex Students Set Up Protest Camp
25-05-2009 11:28
Students from the University of Sussex have been camped outside the main administration building since Thursday night in protest against the cutting of the linguistics course, the lack of democracy in university decision making and the ongoing marketisation of education.Redditch Green Fair - Sat 13 June 2009
24-05-2009 20:59

If you want a stall or to get involved in some way, please contact us via the website

have you ever squatted an airport? Berlin. Video
24-05-2009 12:24
Come to Berlin in June for the action days
Cardiff Anarchist Bookfair this Saturday
21-05-2009 11:29
all the details:
Eco-Village Occupation, near Hammersmith, London, June 6th.
20-05-2009 15:14

Saturday June 6th (see deatils below). The idea is to occupy a disused urban site in SW London
near Hammersmith and to start an eco-village community based on sustainable
methods of living such as vegetable growing, compost toilets the works. Come and be a part of it.
Forest Fields World Folk Dance Day @ The Sumac, Nottingham 2
19-05-2009 19:51

Forest Fields World Folk Dance Day @ The Sumac, Nottingham 1
19-05-2009 19:44

Sumac Garden Project, looking verdant [Food for the Future]
19-05-2009 00:52

"Drop The Charge" Demo Pictures.
16-05-2009 18:09

Community arts event organisers found themselves having to protest against the police who up until now have turned up to cover their events for no extra charge, as it was understood it was covered by our taxes.
But now a PRIVATE company, by the name of ACPO is demanding fees from ALL organisers of ALL community events, so the police can turn up and do the very same job they've been doing FOR NO EXTRA CHARGE for years.
US Anarchist Hip Hop - UK Tour June 3rd - 10th
15-05-2009 15:23

* UK Tour - June 3rd - 10th 2009 *
+ loads more UK anarchist / radical hip hop talent in support round the country!
Pics: Support Demo for LMU Occupation
14-05-2009 19:02

On Tuesday 12th around 100 people demonstrated outside the London Metropolitan University's Commercial Road campus, following a call to support the student occupation of the university. Those demonstrating included a continget from the IWW and UCU unions, students and staff from the university, as well as campaigners against the privatisation of education. People demonstrated for about one and a half hours, during which speeches were made by students and unions staff. See video.
The management of the university has hired private security to prevent people from joining the occupation. They prevented the demonstrators from visiting en mass the occupied area, although, for some very strange reason, people were allowed into the occupied rooms in small groups, so many of those demonstrating eventually did so in order to show support to the students in occupation.
See below some pics of the demo:
Programme for Veggie Pride UK
14-05-2009 18:41
The following programme can also be found in pdf format on our website
This is a FREE event - come join the party!!
CCTV Planned for East Oxford Community Centre?
13-05-2009 22:42
Help reverse community centre CCTV decision.