FreeSchool on Housing, Squatting and Gentrification
London FreeSchool | 04.06.2009 13:23 | Education | Free Spaces
19th - 21st June 2009
A weekend of free workshops, discussions and skillsharing focusing on issues relating to housing and squatting is being planned for mid-June. The London FreeSchool will be occupying an empty building for the weekend. This is an open project for people to come and get involved in creating a new space from the beginning. It will hopefully include workshops relating to opening/fixing squats, housing rights and gentrification.
A weekend of free workshops, discussions and skillsharing focusing on issues relating to housing and squatting is being planned for mid-June. The London FreeSchool will be occupying an empty building for the weekend. This is an open project for people to come and get involved in creating a new space from the beginning. It will hopefully include workshops relating to opening/fixing squats, housing rights and gentrification.
For this to be successful we need people... So, if you are skilled in the art of lockpicking, enjoy fixing toilets, have loads of knowledge relating to housing co-ops or anything else that is vaguely relevant that you wish to share we would love to hear from you!
London FreeSchool aims to confront the hierachy and inequality that dominates learning. It stems from a belief that the control and institutionalisation of education is wrong and as communities we need to reclaim knowledge in order to develop self-reliance. It is a collectively run project open to all so come get involved...
Check the website
Email deschooling_society [at] lists [dot] riseup [dot] net
or text 'freeschool' to 07905 774 037
for more information including the location which should be announced on the 19th!
London FreeSchool aims to confront the hierachy and inequality that dominates learning. It stems from a belief that the control and institutionalisation of education is wrong and as communities we need to reclaim knowledge in order to develop self-reliance. It is a collectively run project open to all so come get involved...
Check the website
Email deschooling_society [at] lists [dot] riseup [dot] net
or text 'freeschool' to 07905 774 037
for more information including the location which should be announced on the 19th!
London FreeSchool
deschooling_society [at] lists [dot] riseup [dot] net