UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Day of workshops - Black Cat Occupied Social Centre, Bath - Sat 21st Nov
19-11-2009 15:40

take action to save earth centre from council
19-11-2009 11:21
The council is set to sell the wasted yet wonderful earth centre, this can't happen we can't let them make this mistake, lining their greedy pockets again while destroying another beautiful community resource.Leeds: Derelict School Reclaimed for the Communty - court case Monday
18-11-2009 22:46
A closed down and derelict school under threat of demolition has been occupied by local community members and reclaimed for the communty.They have carried out badly needed repairs and opened up the space for community events including circus skills workshops, a jumble sale and more.
Tonight's public meeting was called to discuss the sudden news of a court case to evict the occupiers on Monday (23rd Nov).
Black Cat Occupied Social Centre website now online + events info
18-11-2009 10:20

Capture the Flag IV this Friday--- SOCPA Edition
17-11-2009 21:51
victoria station at 7pm fridayChios: The Greek Junta rears its ugly head again, in a 'Socialist' state!
17-11-2009 20:13
280 arrested, many after being 'kettled' pre-emptively, in groups of up to 50Central Athens occupied, by cops
Report of shoppers being dragged out of supermarket and arrested
Benefit gig at Black Cat occupied social centre, Bath, Friday 20th Nov.
16-11-2009 11:41

Smash NATO Convergence Centre open!
12-11-2009 01:13
After months of mobilising and planning today the NATO Welcoming Committee set up the Smash NATO Convergence Space in Edinburgh. The space will act as a base for activists resisting the NATO Parliamentary Assembly meeting in the city from Friday.Action at Mainshill: Tree felling stopped again in solidarity with communities
10-11-2009 12:00
At 10:30 this morning activists from the Mainshill Solidarity Camp stopped a massive harvesting machine from working at the site, and one person locked-on to it by the neck – work is still being stopped. More information and photos to follow.Keeping Occupied - six months on the squatted Ocean Estate
09-11-2009 22:21

CCL in Portugal under eviction threat
09-11-2009 17:14
The court decreted the eviction of the oldest anarchist center in Portugal. We shall fightback!!!Free film night at Black Cat Occupied Social Centre, Bath - Friday 13th
09-11-2009 09:12
Friday the 13th sees Baths newest occupied social centre, The Black Cat open it's doors for a free film nite.Mainshill Camp Gathering round-up: workshops, walks, sabotage and lock-ons
04-11-2009 23:54

The Art of Insurrectionary Imagination
04-11-2009 11:57
A slide talk by artist-activist John Jordan (Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination). A feast of images and anecdotes about forms of creative resistance where art and activism merge to create moments of intense pleasure and effective direct action at the earth centre
02-11-2009 22:08

Poppy Appeal billboard 'vandal' apologises
02-11-2009 15:48

DIY Guide - Afghan appeal subverts - Bring 'Em Home before Xmas
30-10-2009 14:26
Around the country billboards containing Poppy Appeal posters from the Royal British Legion are displaying images of British soldiers in Afghanistan, or their greiving widows and family. While the appeal tried to raise it's annual £30 million, most people think the best way to help the troops is to bring them home and prosecute the politicians who sent them. Below we outline how to modify these billboards yourself to carry the messages 'BRING 'EM HOME' and 'PROSECUTE BLAIR'Bath Bomb #26 Special Edition Out Now
30-10-2009 00:44
Bumper edition out now, hot on the heels of the postal strike, local council proposed job cuts, threatened local wildlife, and moreWork stopped again briefly at Manshill yesterday
29-10-2009 16:41
Work was stopped for just over half an hour yesterday, as people tried to lock-on to the harvesting machine, but people were met with aggression and violence by the Scottish Woodland workers.