UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Berlin: Raids and Demonstrations - "We are not scared".
16-08-2013 18:36

Berlin: Projects raided by police on August 14th
15-08-2013 00:37
According to first reports, there were huge police raids on eight house projects and apartments in Berlin, including the Rigaer 94, this morning (14/8). The cops are supposedly looking for people responsible for attacks on various job centers (‘welfare offices’) as well as a recent molotov attack against police, who were conducting a drug raid in Köttbusser Tor during a solidarity demonstration for the revolt in Turkey. More news as it comes…Dark Nights #36 – ‘Freedom to the Wolves of the North’ – August 2013 (ACN)
14-08-2013 12:41
August 2013 issue of Dark Nights dedicated to a long hot dangerous summer. International news and reports from the informal network of counter-information and translation. Front page covers the repression in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, against comrades from the Nadir squat after the attacks of the Phoenix Project by cells of the Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front. Front page sidepanel is the contribution of Actforfreedomnow!/BoubourAs to the gathering concerning the informal network of counter-info and translation which took place at Nadir itself previous to the repression.Freespirit Community Festival Saturday August 17th
14-08-2013 09:24

Prison squat resists eviction from High Court bailiffs in Cardiff
08-08-2013 19:47

Cuts to UK legal aid, toxic legacy of 2012 Olympics, Made Possible by Squatting!
05-08-2013 18:00
Check out episode 123 - ready for your ears...ACAB take over Canton Police Station in Cardiff
05-08-2013 12:27

Occupy Firgrove: Destruction of the trees
26-07-2013 22:30

The planners lied, said the trees were in poor state of health. The trees had to go, as they showed the planners lied. Green space, the only green space in town, earmarked for destruction for an 80-bedroom Premier Inn hotel.
Occupy Firgrove call for hellp
24-07-2013 01:36

Where Am I To Go? London Roma Evicted
20-07-2013 09:38

Communiqué 1 – The Smart Casual Anarchist Federation
19-07-2013 20:55

We did not hide, we were proud, we attracted peoples attention with high visibility vests and before the schools released their pupils onto the path, we took action.
We cut back the trees and undergrowth around the street lights in the area around Clay Bottom so more light would reach the path during the night. So the cowards who choose to move in the shadows would no longer be able to hide there. To go some way to help members of our community see clearly in the dark and no longer be intimidated or feel afraid to be out at night in this area.
121 - Hackney Renters, ZAD - Klaxon Radio, 52 Commercial Road, DJ Al
16-07-2013 17:54
Episode 121 was broadcast on July 5th 2013 from LARC in London -
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Eviction resistance @ Rushcroft Road
15-07-2013 09:00

Summer Peace News Camp In-Line!
11-07-2013 10:34
How to jump dinner queues at Summer Peace News Camp!!National Rally against UK Road Building Schemes
10-07-2013 10:20
July 13th join us for rally against UK road building schemes.Please come to Grow Heathrow
03-07-2013 11:06

Nkululeko Gwala Murdered in Cato Crest
03-07-2013 07:20

Eviction Brixton
02-07-2013 13:27

We are 75 people living in six blocks of flats in central Brixton who are facing eviction from our homes on July 15th. We live in property that Lambeth Council has not maintained or looked after for the past thirty years. Lambeth council is pushing ahead with its plan to drive more of us out of Brixton, to develop private housing, only affordable for the ultra rich. Now we are being ripped out of our homes to make space for ‘corporate clients’ (see letter below). Foxton’s will charge people upwards of £2000/week to stay in our flats and/or they will sell them for half a million pounds.
Made Possible by Squatting Call-out for Submissions
01-07-2013 20:14