UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
JSA & ESA South London Claimants Union
21-03-2013 13:32
For a Claimants Union in South London!Wednesday 27th March 4pm
Eileen House, 80-94 Newington Causeway, SE1 6EF
Events coming up this week from the unrooted @ Eileen House
18-03-2013 19:33
Click here for all Self Organised London events:
Jobseekers & ESA Workshop this Wednesday 4pm @ Eileen House
18-03-2013 19:29

Self Organised London still alive and kicking!
15-03-2013 23:17

One Common Struggle. June 11 Carnival in the West End.
15-03-2013 18:10

Native squatter refuses to cooperate in court after mansion eviction
11-03-2013 22:57

Central London cafe is haven for dangerous ideas
06-03-2013 14:05

[Video] Anarchist intervention at the speech of the Mayor of Athens at the LSE
06-03-2013 02:12

Greek Solidarity Night & Belarus ABC Infotalk this week
05-03-2013 18:18

RECLAIM IT! Direct Action in London on International Women's Day.
04-03-2013 12:22
Direct Action against cuts and austerity, open to all, let's fight back!Bash Back! themed Queer Dance Party tonight!
02-03-2013 15:33

Discussion from 7pm on LGBTQ+ issues and queer identity, see below:
UG#619 - The Financialization of Nature (And the Nature of Financialization)
24-02-2013 07:24

[Brasil] Resposta à campanha de Solidariedade aos compas anarquistas
23-02-2013 15:05

Integra Revolucio. Towards an international ideological and political space
23-02-2013 13:03
This is a call for all individuals, collectives and people around the world who are working towards the construction of another society from below to come together for an international meeting. The aim is to establish the Bloc for the Integral Revolution.Critical Mass Trial Starts this coming Monday
22-02-2013 15:41
Monday 25th February is the first day of the CM9′s court case. The trial will last between 5-7 days. There will likely be a large contingent of cyclists at the court on the morning of the 25th demonstrating our support for the defendants.Join us on bikes and with placards from 9am at:
Westminster Magistrates Court
181 Marylebone Road
Thanks & Camp Ivy Welcomes you
22-02-2013 09:15
Combe Haven Defenders Defended!Eileen House occupied by squatters...
21-02-2013 15:18
Eileen House occupied by squatters days before Boris decision.Anti-Squatting MP hosts DJ Fatboy Slim at Commons
14-02-2013 12:11
The same MP who has tabled an Early Day Motion (EDM) that calls on owners of commercial property to have the same rights as owners of residential premises when it comes to removing squatters - (protections in England & Wales which came into law on 1st Sept 2012 applying to residential property only and which were also originally promoted by him) - has invited musician and DJ Fatboy Slim (aka Norman Cook) to play an unprecendented set at The House of Commons on the 6th March!!! .