UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
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Squatters resist Church eviction
12-05-2008 14:04
"As we forgive those who trespass against us"Harrods anti-fur protest, London. 10.05.08
11-05-2008 19:41

Free software revolution in Latin America
10-05-2008 22:59

violent squat eviction overseen by Notts police
09-05-2008 11:55
Yesterday an empty and poorly maintained building in the Sherwood area was squatted by a group of people in need of housing with the aim of providing a space for many others in a similar situation.Newcastle green festival 7/8 june
08-05-2008 09:10
Free green festival newcastle upon tyne,leases park 7/8 corperate sponsers,no cars,reclaim your planet
12pm till 6pm with after parties round the city
Save the Spike Surplus Scheme
07-05-2008 19:36
The Spike Surplus Scheme in Peckham is under threat from Southwark Council which has threatened to sell off the land. Please sign the petition and help to save the only free creative space in Peckham.Plod Can't Out-Punk Faslane Picnic
07-05-2008 17:43

Mapuche tours Europe
07-05-2008 14:02

Whitechapel Food Not Bombs - One year on
06-05-2008 16:22

Bike Film Night on 7th of may @ The New Shoreditch Social Centre
04-05-2008 14:00

Short film of Brighton temporary autonomous art
04-05-2008 10:36
Check out
Euromayday in Terrassa: The Precarious are Rebelling!
02-05-2008 19:13

1 May 2008. In the early evening, a festive Euromayday Parade took the streets of Catalan city of Terrassa in the metropolitan perifery of Barcelona. Its demands for social rights were highlighted by several actions in specific places in town. The parade was lead by a truck, where Chikiprecario and Supervivienda from the viral housing campaign V de Vivienda) entertained the crowd with choreographies, supported by a hip hop crew. Euromayday Terrassa is a node in the EuroMayDay Network, where precarized people in many cities are cooperating to create a political expression against "precarityof work and live".
chickiprecario video | report & pics [es] | chainworkers interview
“The first May Fayre in Mayfair for 300 years.”
02-05-2008 17:30
Cross-dressing 18th century lords and ladies gather to reinstate the celebration of the May Fayre in central London. Police couldn't help but tap their feet...Dissident Island - Coming from our new home
02-05-2008 15:13

InfoUsurpa Guide & Offline News
02-05-2008 11:14

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The Tumbledown Dick
29-04-2008 12:03

Street Blitz London, 1-15 May 2008
29-04-2008 10:56