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UK Terror War Newswire Archive

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WATCH Livestream TONIGHT (&other dates) "The Radicalisation of Bradley Manning"

19-04-2012 09:07

PLAY PROMO YOUTUBE (1 min) - 'The Radicalisation of Bradley Manning Hyper Connecte Theatre
You need to go to this link to register before viewing.....

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Bradley Manning Solidarity - report from Wales

18-04-2012 19:39

We're currently in Wales taking action for and in solidarity with Bradley Manning - the young US soldier with Welsh roots incarcerated without trial for two years and tortured for sharing the truth about wars being fought in our name - as the National Theatre Wales performs Tim Price's play 'The Radicalisation of Bradley Manning' in Pembrokeshire, Cardiff and Flintshire during April. This is a summary of events and actions to date.

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RSVP - 5 pm Tuesday April 24th. *"Free Bradley Manning" Vigil at U.S. Embassy, L

17-04-2012 09:42

*Please RSVP if you can - helps us organise the event!
** If you can't make it to London or Ft. Meade, consider standing publicly whereever you are in solidarity with Bradley Manning!

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"Counter Terror Expo" dinner

16-04-2012 17:32

The Counter Terror Expo is where assorted experts in surveillance, attacking Egyptian and
Bahraini protesters, and using drones to wipe out Pakistani wedding parties rather to flog- and buy -their equipment. On April 25 they have a fat £156-ticket dinner to celebrate. And we'll be there to help them choke on it!

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Former SAS soldier Ben Griffin: UK Veterans For Peace launched at Easter

15-04-2012 23:58

Friday Drivetime: BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.

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Responsibility claim for bombing of Ministry of Reforms, Athens (Greece)

15-04-2012 22:12

claim of responsibility by "Revolutionary Action" for the April 9 bombing of the Special Secretariat of Public Administration and Electronic Government in Athens // REPOSTED FROM GREEK COUNTER-INFO WEBSITE

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Federico Buono – “In the Cells of Redemption” (Italy)

15-04-2012 19:31

“In the Cells of Redemption”: thoughts of Federico Buono locked up in the security cells of a police station. Fede has refused the public advocate, is not presenting himself at trial, nor will he appeal, in accordance with his anarchist anti-juridism. These thoughts will be included in the next issue of “Vertice Abisso” (Edizione Cerbero) // from Culmine, translated by

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State anti-anarchist repression, revolutionary solidarity (Italy)

15-04-2012 12:54

Letter from Culmine blog editorial group on the March 29 raids against anarchists, including these comrades // letter from Tomo, one of the arrested anarchists // "Personal Inferno: For a Clearing of Solidarity" message from Edizioni Cerbero – Maurizio de Monte and Federico Buono - to comrades of Culmine and ParoleArmata // letter from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / FAI-IRF prisoners cell (Greece) to Culmine and ParoleArmata concerning the recent raids // solidarity letter from Conspiracion Acrata editorial collective (Mexico) to Culmine and other arrested comrades // Words from 325 for Culmine, Parole Armate and the others //

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Recent anarchist-insurrectionary attacks (global)

14-04-2012 19:20

Ministry of Reforms - Athens
"Some Wayward Nocturnals – FAI/IRF" arson Bank of the Andes ATM in La Paz (Bolivia) // "Tortuga - Venegeance Federation - Fania Kaplan Cell" gut BancoEstado with bomb (Chile) // "Fire Brigade / FAI/IRF" arson UDI party headquarters, Rancagua (Chile) // "Revolutionary Action" bomb Ministry of Reforms, Athens (Greece) // "Commando Lambros Foundas" burn 9 cars of Deutsche Telekom, Berlin (Germany) // "Anarquistas nihilistas" claim various attacks in Barcelona (Spain) // anarchists smash up Chase Bank branch, Portland (USA) // "Night Aurora" sabotage ATMs, Lublin (Poland) // "Núcleo de la Cólera / FAI" burn car and start fires in the street, Buenos Aires (Argentina) // anarchists bomb ESADE business school, Barcelona (Spain) // unknowns bomb Indonesian embassy, Paris (France) // anarchist make intervention in struggle against fuel price increases, Manado (Indonesia) // REPOSTED FROM ANARCHIST COUNTER-INFO SITES AND

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Try Babar Ahmad in the UK

11-04-2012 17:22

Yesterday the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg ruled that 5 men (judgment pending on the 6th) could be extradited to the USA as terrorism suspects under the lop-sided Extradition Act 2003. Campaigners for one of these men, south Londoner Babar Ahmad, held on remand without charge or trial for the past 8 years, are demanding he be tried in this country where the alleged offences allegedly took place

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U.S. Abuses a Females Human Rights - Repatriate Aafia Siddiqui

09-04-2012 20:01

Solidarity Campaigner, U.S Embassy, Grosvenor Square, London, 31st March 2012
Human right campaigners rallied outside the U.S embassy in London, marking the 9th anniversary of Aafia's abduction, rendition & false imprisonment. A video featuring her case, discussions with Asim Qureshi (Cage Prisoners) discussing her legal battle, Pakistan’s role, her children & the issue of repatriation & speeches from the rally can be viewed here –

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Obama Justice Department indicts ex-CIA agent for exposing torture

08-04-2012 19:25

Thursday’s indictment of John Kiriakou for exposing CIA torture of detainees confirms yet again that the Obama administration is continuing and deepening the crimes carried out by the Bush White House. Kiriakou, a CIA agent for 14 years, is being prosecuted for speaking to two journalists about the waterboarding of Abu Zubaydah.

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Tortured and Murdered by Empire - Stations of the Cross through Westminster, Lon

06-04-2012 20:10

27 people associated with the Catholic Worker communities based in Harringay, Rickmansworth and Oxford, undertoook a five hour contemporary Stations of the Cross procession through downtown Westminster/ London on Holy Thursday.

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F M Esfandiary, Iranian vegetarian, and his description of a Lamb's Slaughter

04-04-2012 20:11

Esfandiary has left his body but his words live on on
this plane

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Friends of Syria Declare War on Assad

03-04-2012 21:11

On April 1 in Istanbul, Washington-led rogue leaders discussed ways to destabilize and topple Assad. They recognized the violent Syrian National Council (SNC) as the "sole representative of the Syrian people." Doing so assures continued conflict, not peaceful resolution. Killer gangs were promised generous funding. They've already gotten plenty, as well as weapons, munitions, and training. Now they'll get more. Washington and rogue NATO partners plan conflict, not peace. They want Assad replaced by someone they control. Violence rages to achieve it. Expect lots more followed by war if current efforts fail. In Istanbul, pretense dissolved. So did Annan's sham peace plan. Couched in diplomatic language, it was more theater than resolve to end conflict peacefully.

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International Arms Conference disrupted By Ravers

03-04-2012 12:26

The International UAV (unmanned drones) conference was sponsored by by the University of Bristol and BAE systems.
However, on the first day, mon 2nd april, the conference was successfully disrupted by about 150 local anti arms ravers.

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Barcelona engulfed in flames (Spain)

30-03-2012 12:24

March 29th General Strike causes chaos, Spain, paralysing capitalist economy

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Clashes on Day of the Combatant Youth (Chile)

30-03-2012 12:18

The Day of the Combatant Youth, March 28, Chile

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Peru: Solidarity action with Tortuga and the Security Case prisoners (Peru)

30-03-2012 12:12

claim by "FAI-IRF/Group of Revolutionary Cells of Informal Organisation/Cell of Iconoclastic-Insurrectional Action" for solidarity action with anarchist prisoners in Chile Luciano Tortuga and Juan, Fredy and Marcelo.

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Anarchist(s) beats anti-terror cop (Greece)

30-03-2012 12:03

claim by "Anarchist Cell of Revenge" for March 25 beating of G.Mourdoukoutas of the DAEEB (Anti-Terrorist Force), Kallithea
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