UK Terror War Newswire Archive
“Why Would the U.S. Attack Iran?”
19-09-2007 04:21
There is not the slightest actual evidence that the Iranian nuclear program has anything to do with creating nuclear weapons [1] and even if it did have a weapons program it would pose no threat to the United States [2]. Nevertheless, the United States has been constantly and deliberately misrepresenting these realities [3] in order to create the false impression that there is some valid reason for us to attack Iran.
Orwell's Triumph - There is no van full of explosives reported at G.W. Bridge
18-09-2007 23:12
You'll need to read the full article.The Price of Freedom.
18-09-2007 14:54
An Iraqi man was killed on his return to his home country after the Home Office detained him for over a year and rejected his claim for asylum.The Media Ignore Credible Poll Revealing 1.2 Million Violent Deaths In Iraq
18-09-2007 13:30
We Can’t Talk About Oil
Pre-emptive Peace Strike: "Don't Attack Iran" - Wednesday 19th September
17-09-2007 23:40
We are on strike for humanity and we refuse to collaborate with our governments and condemn their aggressive actions.Update from Syria of Attack by Israel
17-09-2007 18:31
Some lies about Syrian nuclear program and nuclear plant exposedProtestors Demand Freedom for the Cuban 5
17-09-2007 16:51
LONDON, Saturday 15 September 2007. Members of Rock around the Blockade, a campaign of the Revolutionary Communist Group, held a lively rally in Trafalgar Square in the centre of London to call for the immediate release of the Cuban 5, prisoners of US imperialism (see
Lone protester enters DSEi courtyard
17-09-2007 14:02

Syria's Smoking Gun
17-09-2007 12:48
Brief update from Syria concerning Israel's attack on North Korean nuclear stockpilesMinot AFB Clandestine Nukes 'Oddities'
17-09-2007 10:20
The following section was compiled by 'The Pundit.'Bush Administration War Plans directed against Iran
17-09-2007 09:55

Quoting official sources, the Western media is now confirming, rather belatedly, that the Bush Administration's war plans directed against Iran are "for real" and should be taken seriously.
The Fast War Nation: Iran War Campaign in High Gear
15-09-2007 12:23

DSEi protest: Downing Street blockaded, pensioner and legal observer arrested
15-09-2007 10:14
More police misbehaviour as a female pensioner and her legal observer were arrested during a lone silent vigil and blockade of Downing Street in protest at the DSEi arms fair.Poll: More Americans Support Iraq Occupation and Mass Murder
15-09-2007 09:21
A recent Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll “suggests” Bush “may have a little more maneuvering room at a critical point in debates over war costs and troop levels... The poll shows an uptick in support for the president’s handling of the war as well as a small increase in the proportion of Americans who believe the troop surge is helping and that victory remains possible.”If we can trust the numbers cranked out by the War Street Journal and NBC-GE, the coming attack directed against Iran—next week, next month, certainly before the decider-commander guy leaves office—will not be a cakewalk, but rather a piece of cake, as the American people are easily swayed, or at least half of them are, by neocon manufactured “new realities” enthusiastically marketed by a corporate media with a vested interest in continued mass murder and misery.
September 2007 - More than 1,000,000 Iraqis murdered
14-09-2007 19:23
In the week in which General Patraeus reports back to US Congress on the impact the recent ‘surge’ is having in Iraq, a new poll reveals that more than 1,000,000 Iraqi citizens have been murdered since the invasion took place in 2003.Jon Snow: "Iran, Iran, Iran"
14-09-2007 11:30
The eyes of the world are pointed at Ahmadinejad; it is Iran in the dock, not the country that has invaded the two countries to the left and right of Iran. All of Jon Snow's questions were straight from White House press releases.Escape from Doncatraz documentary screening
14-09-2007 09:32

The issue that just won’t go away…
Finally tackled in a brand-new documentary by Jay Baker of SilenceBreaker Films…
Dsei security not fit for purpose
14-09-2007 09:30
As the Dsei arms fair comes to a close, questions will surely be being asked as to why their very expensive security operation allowed a bunch of protesters to get within yards of the Excel centre's east entrance and loading bays.Fox analyst: Germany's actions leave us 'no choice' but to bomb Iran
13-09-2007 21:39
"A recent decision by German officials to withhold support for any new sanctions against Iran has pushed a broad spectrum of officials in Washington to develop potential scenarios for a military attack on the Islamic regime," Fox reported on Tuesday.Lt. Gen. (ret.) Thomas McInerney told Fox, "Since Germany has backed out of helping economically, we do not have any other choice. ... They've forced us into the military option."
Anti-Trident Activist Acquitted
13-09-2007 21:16