UK Terror War Newswire Archive
Independence FROM America
21-06-2015 21:33

Armed Forces Day North Wales: Report & Pics
21-06-2015 13:59

The Armed Forces Day 'family fun' extravaganza in Colwyn Bay's Parc Eirias went ahead on Saturday in intermittent drizzle and behind a prominent banner near the main gate stating what you'd have thought would be bleedin' obvious, but apparently to many punters wasn't: 'WAR IS NOT FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT'. As you'd expect of any attempt to disguise the brutal reality of war as fun and games, the event was at best conflicted and contradictory, at worst downright dishonest. With the stated aim of "recognising and honouring our armed forces and veterans" AFD is designed to leave no space open to question the legality or morality of the wars they've been off fighting in recent years, to ask whether warfare offers any real solutions for the problems we face, nor indeed to consider whether our various wars of aggression might conceivably be an aggravating factor in these problems.
In the end it was down to a handful of protesters to pitch up and create this space, right by the main entrance, and to break the illusion that everything in the military garden is rosy.
This event was held a week before official Armed Forces Day on 27 June. There's time to organise a presence at an AFD event in your area and it's well worth doing, however small. Even one person standing vigil at the gate can have a big impact.
Whistleblower McNeilly's statements compared
18-05-2015 16:57

The attached pdf compares these statements. Main variations are towards the beginning and end of the text.
Royal Navy Sub Engineer blows whistle on Trident Nuclear Weapons System
17-05-2015 07:10

"This... document will enlighten you to the shockingly extreme conditions that our nuclear weapons system is in right now, and has been in the past..."
"British, Americans, Chinese, Indians, Russians... We are all the same; most people all across the globe just want to live in peace. That peace can no longer be maintained by nuclear weapons (Fear)"
and calls for "a new world order through peace and unity."
A Peace Tree in Oxford
20-04-2015 21:18
On 12th April 2015 we planted a Bombed Kaki Tree Junior of Nagasaki in Barracks Lane Community Garden in East Oxford. This is a descendent of a tree which survived the atomic blast at Nagasaki seventy years ago this year. Such trees are planted around the world as symbols of peace and healing as a part of the Kaki Tree Project."I have seen the future and it works.” – Critical questions for supporters of th
08-04-2015 16:13

UG#706 - When Are Terrorists Not Terrorists? (States assassinating by drones)
02-04-2015 16:13

Charlie Hebdo 10 weeks on
17-03-2015 21:53

UG#704 - Legal Restrictions as Fictions (The Deep State's Passion for Big Data)
28-02-2015 03:10

Resolution on US germ warfare and CIA torture adopted by the UK KFA Meeting 26 F
27-02-2015 11:58
The US have hypocritically attacked the Democratic People's Republic of Korea(DPRK) over "human rights ". However it is the US that is the worst ever human rights abuser as it used biological weapons during the Korean war and the CIA carried out barbaric tortures . UK KFA adopted the following resolution which we will be sending to the UN.Benjamin Netanyahu is an Existential Threat to Too Much of the World: And now he
15-02-2015 21:58
We Americans (conditioned in the Hebrew tradition) have learned to see enemies in Biblical terms as one-sidedly evil as Satan. It takes a mass media of some very sophisticated accomplishment to continually portray people like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Muammar Gaddafi, several Middle Eastern leaders as Satan. One needs to be somewhat steeped in the Biblical Literature to create such black and white conclusions. This is one legacy the Bible has bequeathed to modern politics—the absolutism of naming enemy in terms of good versus absolute evil. Israel plays a master game of such portrayal of their supposed enemies. The current leader of Syria, Bashar al-Assad is the new version of Zionist Satan, but even this casting of totally evil Muslim figure is not good enough—we have a new entity that does the most obviously sensational sins—behead journalists and engage in egregious forms of violation—the ISIS/ ISIL phenomenon that America magically armed and some claim even trained (see in alternative media) and magically uses to create even more authoritarian war powers to an already criminal torture state that Barack Obama has no power to quell.Philippines: The fate of peace in Mindanao hangs in the balance
14-02-2015 00:22

UG#703 - Dispatches from Weimar America (Surveillance & Unchecked Power in USA)
30-01-2015 13:04

Paul Cruickshank vs Peterhead court
27-01-2015 19:00
Court staff attempt to prosecute mr paul Cruickshank of Peterhead on the grounds of abusive behaviour and attempt to ignore his basic rights in non funding of institutional terrorismOpen letter to Philip Hammond demanding the release of Shaker Aamer
24-01-2015 23:59

On suppression of truth during Pope’s visit and challenges to the Filipino relig
19-01-2015 09:24

Paris Attacks Echo NATO Gladio Ops
11-01-2015 02:41

Julian Assange should be free to go where he wants
08-01-2015 16:09

UG#700 - Is There No Other Way the World May Live? (Audiocollage of Dissidents)
31-12-2014 12:32

UG#699 - A Country with A Military or A Military with A Country?
31-12-2014 12:29