UK Terror War Newswire Archive
MI6 planting stories in the news - Annie Machon audio
06-07-2008 00:50

Iran attack 'imminent' US congressman declares. More 'terror' to follow?
05-07-2008 22:30
Congressman Ron Paul has warned millions of radio listeners that the US is heading into a deadly confrontation with Iran, revealing his disbelief at members of Congress who have openly voiced support for a pre-emptive nuclear strike on the country. Does this indicate that we can expect more 'terror' attacks both here and in the US?'Squashed Princess DI'!
05-07-2008 22:20

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BBC Claims WTC7 Collapse 'Solved'
05-07-2008 19:23
Note that the BBC has recently claimed that it "lost" the tapes in which they were caught reporting on the collapse of Tower 7 BEFORE it actually fell.Sorry, but you simply don't lose tapes of major events, and they are always backed up in the event of damage or loss.
(Note to the BBC: It's already been solved. It was brought down in a controlled demolition, and the evidence proves this. The only questions remaining now are, was it the CIA or the Mossad, and why was an investigation blocked by the Fascists who used this 'useful crisis' to start multiple, illegal wars ... ?)
'The Top Ten Connections Between NIST and Nano-Thermites' -- by Kevin Ryan
05-07-2008 04:52

Hitchens Gets Waterboarded, Withdraws from Iraq in 11 Seconds
05-07-2008 02:54
Hitchens should try the real thing....Abu Doha release after seven years in detention
04-07-2008 11:39
Wearing an electronic tracking device and under restrictive conditions, Abu Doha has been released on bail after seven years in detention without trial while the British government tried to deport him. Originally from Algeria, the government claim he is a senior al-Qaeda figure linked to several bomb plots and a cell leader in the Khalden training camp in Afghanistan.Remember Independence Day . . . .a new way to impeachment - Congressional opener
04-07-2008 09:59
Yesterday the hitherto "outsider" campaign to get the facts of the USAs faulty election process into the mainstream - in fact, into action - (see"""election coverage") has at last got into Congress, after numerous semi-hushed up arrests, resignations, inquiries, then people doing actual jailtime for it in Ohio have taken it out of the realms of "theory" into actual proof, with results.David Gray complains about the use of music as torture in the “War on Terror”
03-07-2008 22:44
Singer-songwriter David Gray has taken a brave stand by complaining about the use of his music as torture by the US military in "War on Terror" prisons in Guantánamo, in Iraq, and in secret prisons run by the CIA.EDO MBM Carries Out Urgent USAF A-10 Thunderbolt Contract
03-07-2008 22:23
New information shows ITT - EDO MBM carried out an urgent manufacturing request for electrical components for USAF A-10 Military jet between May and June this year.Americas enemies
03-07-2008 19:57
Heres a list of US foreign Enemies in the UK. Maybe its usefull for the peace movement or for journalist interviews.I dont agree with alot of it, just harrassment of refugees, cuban tourist office, etc.
Bush-Arroyo Axis Plans Deeper U.S. Intervention In The Philippines
03-07-2008 19:09
Via the corrupt Arroyo regime, Bush/Pentagon is planning deeper intervention in the "killing fields" of its former colony, in the name of the war against "terrorism." But this is bound to resuscitate the Furies of the Filipino-American War of 1899-1902, and arouse the revolutionary energies of 90 million Filipinos against US imperialism and global capital--a future that Washington is not yet prepared to contemplate.G8 and The War Against Torrentism
03-07-2008 19:05
Today's news: Virgin Media are sending out letters advising people not to download content from peer-2-peer torrents.Coming next: the G8 bring on the "Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement" (ACTA).
Could this be the end of the interwebs as we know it or the start of the real war on the G8?
200th 'don't attack iran' petition delivered at downing street
02-07-2008 23:31

24/7: Happy 30th Birthday Binyam! demo
01-07-2008 14:06

Summer in the City - Guantánamo actions in the capital in July '08
01-07-2008 14:01

The Natalie Bracht story, the plot thickens
01-07-2008 12:19
This story has been running in the mainstream media, both local and national press, since mother of five Natalie Bracht, left her home in Sunderland on 17th May this year and went on the run. With joint British and German nationality, Natalie settled in Sunderland with her five daughters in 2006. She told local papers and social services that she had fled her home city of Dusseldorf to escape a dangerous husband involved in a religious cult. She was provided with housing and benefits etc but whether the authorities believed this story or not is unclear. What we do know is that Childrens Services were involved in the case from the beginning.Letter to the Times: Merchants of War
30-06-2008 09:18
The following letter to Bronwen Maddox and Oliver Kamm of the Times Newspaper follows the Medialens' correspondence with them regarding the US NIE and the IAEA report on Iran's nuclear programme. Bronwen Maddox is the Chief Foreign Commentator of the Times. Oliver Kamm, the Times’ columnist, is a founding member of the right wing Henry Jackson Society and a proponent of interventionism in foreign policyState-Sponsored Terror: British and American Black Ops in Iraq
29-06-2008 23:10

In January of 2002, the Washington Post ran a story detailing a CIA plan put forward to President Bush shortly after 9/11 by CIA Director George Tenet titled, "Worldwide Attack Matrix," which was "outlining a clandestine anti-terror campaign in 80 countries around the world. What he was ready to propose represented a striking and risky departure for U.S. policy and would give the CIA the broadest and most lethal authority in its history." The plan entailed CIA and Special Forces "covert operations across the globe," and at "the heart of the proposal was a recommendation that the president give the CIA what Tenet labeled "exceptional authorities" to attack and destroy al Qaeda in Afghanistan and the rest of the world." Tenet cited the need for such authority "to allow the agency to operate without restraint -- and he wanted encouragement from the president to take risks." Among the many authorities recommended was the use of "deadly force."
Demands for an Independent International 9/11 Investigation
29-06-2008 17:58

The questions that are being asked all over the world need to be evaluated by independent experts.