UK Terror War Newswire Archive
Colombian use of Red Cross + Telesur Logo in rescue - illegal - Chavez
28-07-2008 18:59
Hugo Chavez has been broadcasting his weekly Sunday telly show almost without fail now for many years. It both gives him an opportunity to get close to his people and also get up the noses of his enemies. Yesterday's show saw him speak of Colombia's "operation Jaque" which saw Ingrid Betancourt rescued on her 2321st day of captivity and the use by Colombia of the red cross insignia of the International Red Cross society as well as the logo of the pan-American TV network "TeleSur".Sign Petition for Faraj Hassan
28-07-2008 14:38
Faraj Hassan is currently being subjected to Financial Sanctions ostensibly by the United Nations, but in reality this has been applied by both the Italian and British Governments who are aware that this sanction should never have been applied yet continue to mentally torture this young man of 28.Binyam demo in pictures.
26-07-2008 16:45

Its hard to image what spending your 30th in a place like guantanamo must be like. Especially after years of confinement and torture.
Hijacker Legend is RACIST but how to lay down this gauntlet?
25-07-2008 18:14
‘There comes a time when silence is betrayal’ (Martin Luther King) - Is it racist and/or Islamophobic to continue to subscribe to the official story of 9/11? Should we not denounce it as a racist rumour?Happy Birthday Binyam! Party/Demo report
25-07-2008 07:20

Binyam Mohamed - London Birthday Party at Downing St
24-07-2008 23:22

Pictures (C) Peter Marshall, all rights reserved
Anti-War Movement Successfully Pushes Back Against Military Confrontation With I
24-07-2008 10:38
"Who says there's no anti-war movement in the United States? In the past two months, the anti-war movement has taken on one of the most powerful lobbying groups in the United States in an important fight. And so far, the anti-war movement is winning."They will never tell us about our victories. That's up to us. General Joe
Israeli military police shooting a bound Palestinian detainee (shocking)
23-07-2008 17:03

Yesterday (20 July), B'Tselem published footage it received of a soldier firing a rubber-coated steel bullet, from extremely short range, at a Palestinian detainee who was cuffed and blindfolded. The act occurred about two weeks ago in the presence of several security forces, among them the battalion commander, a lieutenant colonel, who held the Palestinian’s arm while the soldier fired.
Little Peace Boat on the way to Climate Camp, arrives in Brighton Marina
23-07-2008 10:47

Peter Le Mare, in his Little Peace Boat,
"Be Disarming"
...on the way to The Climate Camp and then to Westminster, London for this 50th anniversary year of CND peace symbol on Hiroshima Day, August 6, draw attention to the linked problems of Catastrophic Climate Change and World Peace.
Demo press release: Binyam Mohamed: 30 tomorrow!
23-07-2008 07:21
THE LONDON GUANTÁNAMO CAMPAIGN is to hold a mock birthday party outside 10 Downing St, on Thursday the 24th of July, from 6 to 8pm for Binyam Mohamed, the last Londoner in Guantanamo Bay.Dictatorial Powers
21-07-2008 12:25
"Based on advice given to Donald Rumsfeld by Defense Department lawyers regarding the use of isolation at Guantánamo, when the lawyers warned that it was "not known to have been generally used for interrogation purposes for longer than 30 days," Marri has now been held in solitary confinement for 66 times longer than the amount of time recommended by the Pentagon's own lawyers (this figure includes the six months that he spent in isolation in Peoria County Jail and the Metropolitan Correction Center in New York, before being transferred to Charleston)."Start of 6 Days for 6 Years Vigil Outside US Embassy, London
19-07-2008 11:31

Merseyside Peace & Ecology Festival 2008
18-07-2008 20:55

TIME: 11am - 7pm
LOCATION: St.Luke's Church (bombed out one) top of Bold Street, Liverpool City Centre
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Is the 9/11 "Pentagon Hole" a Psyop to Distract from Real Questions?
18-07-2008 13:24
It's understandable some believe "no 757" hit the Pentagon due to the heavy promotion of that idea, but there's no actual evidence. The theory is being used to mock and discredit the 9/11 Truth Movement, & to give Congress and the media a reason to avoid real questions about 9/11. The military drilled for 9/11-style attacks, & they came after years of warnings that Al Qaeda intended to hijack planes for missiles.
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UK Army Counter Insurgency Operations Manual Leaked
18-07-2008 08:34

film showing of "Rendition" followed by a talk on Extraordinary Rendition
16-07-2008 17:35

London Bombings - tube security fugitive dodges another bullet
16-07-2008 15:44

Army Recruitment Centre Demonstration
15-07-2008 12:11

Stop the War Activist in Court
15-07-2008 07:38
Demonstrate in support of Henry Twigger outside Nottingham Magistrates Court (off Carrington Street)at 13.30 0n Thursday, 17th. July.False Flag Fever - US, UK Israeli & NATO Intelligence
14-07-2008 17:26