UK Terror War Newswire Archive
Dispatch from Germany, Summer of 1939
26-02-2007 11:38
Germany, in the summer of 1939. Like most Germans then, most of you will do nothing. In the hysteria combined with national triumphalism that will almost certainly follow a U.S. attack on Iran -- aided in significant part by many hawkish Democrats with their eyes on 2008, and by our criminally propagandistic media -- it is more than possible that martial law may be imposed.Guardian claims report clears London police of lying about De Menezes shooting
26-02-2007 09:50
The Guardian claims an official report has cleared London’s police chief of lying about the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes on July 22, 2005. The innocent Brazilian was killed at Stockwell tube station by plainclothes antiterrorist police following failed explosions on London’s transport system the previous day.Document says 15 Million Australians planning terrorist attacks
25-02-2007 21:57

Personal Account of the STW March
25-02-2007 20:34
A personal account of the experience of participation in the STW march against the Iraq war and Trident replacement with a critical view on the event.Fake Terrorism Is a Coalition's Best Friend
25-02-2007 20:06
Leaked documents (available at PROVE that Bush & Bliar were discussing the Old Colonial Trick of "Divide & Rule" at least a year before their illegal invasion of Iraq. The "Civil War/Sectarian Divide", much hyped by the media but actually very UNsuccessful, is the result.But despite the media/Gov't hype, the Iraqis have remained united against this Foreign Aggressor, and this is why they're winning the war to liberate themselves.
The ‘war on terror’ and the terror of war
25-02-2007 19:10
The casting of the ‘‘war on terrorism’’ as a war fought on behalf of or for civilization against some less-than-civilized other -- terrorists and their cohorts -- is a significant point that cannot be allowed to pass unexamined.Evidence of US coercion of IAEA members against Iran revealed
25-02-2007 16:22
Demands for an investigation into coercion of nations by the US during the vote against Iran at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), have been growing following the revelations by a former ranking official of the Bush administration acknowledging that India's votes at the IAEA in 2005 and 2006 had been "coerced."Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Troops Out/No Trident/Dont Attack Iran demo pix
25-02-2007 16:03

Will America Face the Truth About 9/11?
25-02-2007 11:06
If we have the courage to face the fact that our nation has descended into a swamp of corruption and evil, perhaps we can still salvage the future for ourselves and our children. We should draw strength from the knowledge that the 9/11 nightmare, bad as it was, might have been even worse.The Muslim BNP
25-02-2007 00:37
A breakdown of the views held by local Birmingham resident Gina Khan, who claims to be challenging radical islam, but instead seems to have been giving the media all the irresponsible scapegoating they could want. Her views mirror those of the BNP and were she not Muslim herself, you would think they were the words of the far-right! I have below The Times' article with her quotes and my response.US Vice President Cheney menaces Iran with military aggression
24-02-2007 23:14

The BBC Joins The Ranks Of The Untrustworthy United States Media
24-02-2007 22:52
With the airing on BBC2 of “911: The Conspiracy Files,” one must ask the question will the BBC be joining the United States mainstream media in its failure to provide “truth in reporting?” Several of the guest make excellent points that seem to be completely disregarded by the producers of this program. There were many questions that could have been asked and observations that could have been made. In the end, however, we were left with more questions than answers.Full article | 4 additions | 2 comments
Photos from the 24th February London Anti-War Demo
24-02-2007 21:42

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Saturday \'No Trident/Troops Out\' demo
24-02-2007 18:48
STWC said over 100,000 but apparently the police were saying just 4,000 at some point. Personally, bassed on how full trafalgar square seemed I\'d guess at something between 50,000 and 70,000. But who can tell, it was certainly big, bigger than any nuclear related marches i\'ve ever attended.Torture by US Forces in Iraq: Testimony of Abbas Z. Abid
23-02-2007 21:10
The following statement was presented to the War Crimes Commission set up under the helm of former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, as evidence in the procedure launched in Kuala Lumpur by the Perdana Global Peace Organisation, directed against US President George W. Bush, Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair and Australia's Prime Minister John Howard.See also: Torture at Abu Ghraib: The full sworn testimony of Ali Shalal


Cheney’s speech at Sydney’s Shangri-la Hotel
23-02-2007 06:18
The American Vice-President, Dick Cheney, today delivered his only address to the ‘public’ at the plush Shangri-la Hotel. He will later meet with the servile Defence Minister, Brendan Nelson and other minor government officials at Victoria Barracks, Paddington. The symbolism of Cheney’s visit in the last days of neo-conservative rule is not lost on Australians; the absence of the Prime Minster, John Howard, from the venue was the most notable aspect of the event!Leafleting Guardian offices TODAY at 12pm
23-02-2007 02:21

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AUSTRALIA: NSW: More Police Violence, Cheney Carnival
23-02-2007 00:28

AUSTRALIA: "Chain up Cheney/Troops out of Iraq" - Cheney visit protest in Melbou
22-02-2007 23:16

AUSTRALIA: Police Violence at Sydney Anti-Cheney Carnival
22-02-2007 21:53