UK Terror War Newswire Archive
Mirage of Improvement in Iraq: Yet Another Facelift for the Failed Occupation
18-12-2007 13:41
The New York Times Nov 19 announces, "Baghdad’s Weary Start to Exhale as Security Improves."The Washington Post Nov. 23 reports, "Returnees Find a Capital Transformed."
People in the US are willing to believe the establishment media telling them that refugees are returning to their homes in Baghdad in an environment of improved security and new hope.
Manufacturing Threats - Sudan, Iran, and The War For Civilisation
18-12-2007 13:07
News that British schoolteacher Gillian Gibbons had been jailed in Sudan after allowing her pupils to call a teddy bear Mohammed fed straight into the UK media’s hate factory and its “war for civilisation”.
The Gibbons story was mentioned in a massive 257 articles in UK national newspapers in the first week, providing an excuse to boost claims of “genocide” in Sudan in 10 of these.
Licensed to kill
18-12-2007 10:21
For the past 13 years, Britain's National Security State has had the legal right to do anything that it likes.Do you want to send Gordon Brown a message?
18-12-2007 05:59
Dear LondonerAs you may know there is an election for London Mayor in the next few months. Is there a message you would like to be sent to Gordon Brown and Ken Livingstone?
Support Brian Haw for London Mayor 2008 and your message will be delivered.
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How the Anglo-American elite shares its 'values'
17-12-2007 18:43
When Prime Minister Gordon Brown spoke recently about his government's devotion to the United States, "founded on the values we share", he was echoing his Foreign Office minister Kim Howells, who was preparing to welcome the Saudi dictator to Britain with effusions of "shared values". The meaning was the same in both cases. The values shared are those of rapacious power and wealth, with democracy and human rights irrelevant, as the bloodbath in Iraq and the suffering of the Palestinians attest, to name only two examples.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
UK physicians respond to The Guardian's disinformation on Dr David Kelly's death
17-12-2007 10:36
The importance of a Government cover-up (in the context of the investigation of the suspicious death of the world expert on biological and chemical weapons who, at the time of his death, was perceived to be blowing the whistle on the Government which had taken the country to illegal war on a pack of lies) cannot be over-emphasised. Richard Norton-Taylor (and others in his position) should be pressing for a proper investigation of Kelly's death, ie a proper inquest, rather than wasting his time attempting to rubbish Norman Baker's book, while claiming the moral high ground. Otherwise, there is a risk that he and other apparent apologists for the dreadful Blair and Brown governments are seen in the future as the shameless enablers that perhaps they are.80,000 march against US airbase construction at Dal Molin, Italy
16-12-2007 23:20
One of the most important movements right now in Italy is the inspiring coalition to prevent the US from building a military base at Dal Molin, Vicenza in Northern Italy. On Saturday 15th December, an estimated 80,000 people marched in cold weather to say No to the base. This was virtually ignored in the mainstream Italian press and TV. Prodi's "centre left" government, supported by parties that say they are against the war, said "The base will be approved". It's a national issue!Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
Venetian intelligence methods and their impact today
16-12-2007 22:04

South Africa blamed for Lockerbie
16-12-2007 11:40
A new petition urges the goivernment to support a full UN investigation into the Lockerbie bombing, on the grounds a UN Commissioner for Nambia was on-board.Brian Haw's alternative Christmas message
15-12-2007 14:20

The Queen's speech.... Blah! This is the one that matters!!
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Peter Power doorstepped by We Are Change
14-12-2007 23:14
Peter Power, organiser of the 7/7 exercise which posited the'precise same bombs in the precise same tube stations' gets buttonholed by campaigners and does a runner.Police do their best to contain NATO chaos; succeed (just)
14-12-2007 17:42
Police let show their lack of a plan for today's NATO summit on the outskirts of Edinburgh, not knowing quite what to do with activists found well inside their supposedly secure area.Quick report of short, small and sociable anti NATO protest:
14-12-2007 13:44

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Lecture on aerial warfare invaded
14-12-2007 11:36
Sheffield University invited Air Marshal Stuart Peach (CBE) to give a lecture on aerial warfare, a group of around 12 activists disrupted it in protest.Sellafield - why a bomb wasn't 'news'
13-12-2007 18:13
Is it cos I ain't Muslim?Interenationalization of the Basque conflict and the European Arrest Warrant
13-12-2007 17:25
In the early 90s, the Spanish government decided to internationalize the political conflict between the Spanish State and the Basque Country, in terms of repression.US and Her Stooges are the Main Human Rights Violators In Afghanistan
13-12-2007 15:24
The US and her allies tried to legitimize their military occupation of Afghanistan under the banner of “bringing freedom and democracy for Afghan people”. But as we have experienced in the past three decades, in regard to the fate of our people, the US government first of all considers her own political and economic interests and has empowered and equipped the most traitorous, anti-democratic, misogynist and corrupt fundamentalist gangs in Afghanistan.Total impunity: Shoot-to-kill commander McDowall promoted as 'anti-terror chief'
13-12-2007 09:44
Does this Top terror role for the Menezes officer mean that it has been accepted that we adopt a routine "shoot to kill any suspect policy" from now on?From Oil Wars to Water Wars
13-12-2007 08:43
The world's leading scientists are predicting climate change to cause water wars and mass migrations from rural to urban areas.Great new documentary: must see: Fool Me Twice
13-12-2007 01:01
This new documentary examines among other false flag terrorism the Bali Bombing, and suggests US involvement.