UK Terror War Newswire Archive
Beyond Hiroshima - The Non-Reporting of Fallujah's Cancer Catastrophe
07-09-2010 14:00
Compassion is sometimes a central theme of media reporting. On August 25, journalists across the UK described how a British woman, Mary Bale, had been filmed dropping a cat into a wheelie bin. The cat was later released unharmed. The Guardian reported and commented on the story on August 24 and 25. Matt Seaton wrote:“OK, there are lots of acts of random cruelty involving humans on humans every day, but this was somebody's pet, for Pete's sake. Who would do such a thing?” (

Obama: A Speech for Endless War
06-09-2010 17:44
On the last night of August, the US president used an Oval Office speech to boost a policy of perpetual war.Michael Parenti: Deep Ideology and Conspiracy
06-09-2010 12:27

A peace dinner with Netanyahu, Abbas and Obama (by Latuff)
06-09-2010 08:41

supermarket sweep without the host Dale winton,in wrexham
05-09-2010 08:13
Blairs lies bookPakistan: US drone attacks kill 10
04-09-2010 10:55

Buying Israeli Goods is Funding Apartheid (*NEW*) by Latuff
04-09-2010 07:22

What to do with Blair's Book
03-09-2010 14:18
Subversively move Tony Blair's memoirs to the crime section in book shops.Full article | 2 additions | 116 comments
London Truth Rising - 9th Anniversary of 9/11
02-09-2010 18:07

"Getting away with murder". PROTEST THE POPE
01-09-2010 23:16
For Rwandans, the pope's apology must be unbearableIf sexual abuse in Ireland warrants his contrition, what contempt is shown by the Vatican's silence over its role in genocide
The First Deliberate Mass Attack on Civilians in Mexico’s Narco War
01-09-2010 06:41
A Molotov Cocktail killed 8 people in a restuarant in a tourist resort in Cancun, after a carfull of men threw a molotov cocktail at the guests. Six died on the spot and a another two died in transit. There are two people still in hospital.Mexico After the Massacre of the 24th August
01-09-2010 06:12
On the 26th of August 72 murdered migrants from Central & South America were discovered after the lone survivor alerted marines at a naval checkpoint.The state investigator, Roberto Suarez, (an establishment lawyer from Mexico’s elite) ‘dissapaeared’ after being appointed to look into the deaths. His body was found two days later.
BREAKING: Tony Blair shot & wounded!
31-08-2010 22:56
I can't remember!So goes the line when the guilty are forced to face the truth.
America's Holy Crusade against the Muslim World.
30-08-2010 17:34
"The fact that the 9/11 attacks were not instigated by Muslims has rarely been acknowledged by the Muslim community. Al Qaeda's ongoing relationship to the CIA, its role as a US sponsored "intelligence asset" going back to to the Soviet-Afghan war is not mentioned. (Michel Chossudovsky, America's "War on Terrorism" Global Research, Montreal, 2005)Since the early 1980s, Washington has covertly supported the most conservative and fundamentalist factions of Islam, largely with a view to weakening secular, nationalist and progressive movements in the Middle East and Central Asia. Known and documented, the fundamentalist Wahhabi and Salafi missions from Saudi Arabia, dispatched not only to Afghanistan but also to the Balkans and to the Muslim republics of the former Soviet republics were covertly supported by US intelligence. (Ibid) What is often referred to as "Political Islam" is in large part a creation of the US intelligence apparatus (with the support of Britain's MI6 and Israel's Mossad)."
Buying Israeli Goods is Funding Apartheid (Brand new artwork by Latuff))
30-08-2010 03:21

SSHD and ACMD to be judicially reviewed re Alcohol and Tobacco Policy
30-08-2010 01:35
Incarcerated US LSD chemist, serving 20 years in UK, seeks to judicially review the SSHD's and the ACMD's political exclusion of alcohol and tobacco from the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. Though the claim is in the public interest, Casey Hardison ultimately wants equal treatment.Artwork for Irish Ship to Gaza (Freedom Flotilla 2) by Latuff
29-08-2010 20:04

Fidel says Bin Laden is CIA
28-08-2010 12:05
It's cool to say conspiracy theory is nonsense if you are on the Left. But what if one of the Left's leading heros endorses it?.
Bradford: Between a Rock and a Hard Place
27-08-2010 09:11
A reflection on the build up to the EDL's planned rally in the centre of Bradford.On the Philippine hostage taking incident
26-08-2010 12:13