UK Terror War Newswire Archive
US navy prepared for war against Iran
14-02-2012 17:44
The increasingly menacing character of US rhetoric toward Iran was underlined by the comments to the media on Sunday by Admiral Mark Fox, commander of the US 5th Fleet based at Bahrain in the Persian Gulf.UN 'Travesty': Resolutions Of Mass Destruction
14-02-2012 15:54
It has been said that compassion is 'the only beauty that truly pleases' (Aryasura, The Marvelous Companion, Dharma Publishing, 1983, p.305). While beauty ordinarily provokes the fiery itch of desire or the sullen shadow of envy, compassion is cooling, blissful, inspiring awe and wonder. It implies an ability to stand outside our own needs as observers, to perceive the suffering of others as of equal or greater importance. But like all forms of beauty, compassion can be faked, exploited.
int. day of action against repression / 10.03.2012 – Free J.A.I.B. (vienna)
12-02-2012 12:42
On the 13th of March 2012, the opening of their trial will take place.They are being accused of arson, facing a possible jail time of one to ten years
We call for and support every form and way of action.
We call for an international day of action on the 10th of March 2012.
Silence Can DESTROY – April 2nd 2012
11-02-2012 17:12

One year on a Libyan student in the UK asks... was it worth it?
11-02-2012 01:05

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
Important update in Scottish Census Refuser court case
07-02-2012 15:25

Smash EDO: Support for upcoming court cases
06-02-2012 18:46
Smash EDO have two court cases coming up this week. Court support would be much appreciated.US drones invade Iraqi skies
06-02-2012 12:38
When is a US troop pullout not a pullout? asks Felicity Arbuthnot.Israel threatens war against Iran within months
05-02-2012 21:39
Even as the US and its European allies intensify punitive economic sanctions against Iran, there are growing signs that Israel is threatening military strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities in the coming months. While the Obama administration has cautioned Israel against military action at this stage, there is no indication that Washington has vetoed such an attack.Armed Groups Inside Syria: Prelude to a US-NATO Intervention?
05-02-2012 15:47
Russia and China have vetoed the UN Security Council draft resolution on Syria pointing to the existence of armed groups involved in terrorist acts including the killing of civilians.
Occupy Oil
05-02-2012 14:11

Afghanistan Behind the Headlines: Stories from the Grassroots
02-02-2012 17:43
Slide talk and film screening by photojournalist Guy Smallman, recently returned from Afghanistan. With ex-soldier Ben Griffin.Maya Evans Afghanistan Speaking Tour Begins this Saturday (4 February)
02-02-2012 17:34
Activist Maya Evans, who spent Xmas in Kabul on a peace delegation with Voices for Creative Nonviolence and the Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers, begins her UK speaking tour this Saturday (4 February) with a talk at Housmans bookshop in London: 7pm, 5 Caledonian Rd, N1 9DX (tube: King's Cross).Other events are already booked for Glasgow, Helensburgh, Edinburgh, Stirling, Darlington, Stroud and Faringdon.
Video: Syrian Khamenei supporters attack anti-war Iranians
29-01-2012 14:53
On January 28 around 300 protesters gathered at the American embassy to oppose the increasingly bellicose rhetoric against Iran and Syria. Called by the Stop the War Coalition under the title of ‘Stop the war before it starts: don’t attack Iran/Syria’, the protest was in many respects something that seasoned activists in the anti-war movement would be all too familiar with. Well-meaning, if often slightly tedious and repetitive speeches, a few chants and the promise to build an enormous opposition that could finally scupper the imperialists’ plans once and for all. However, it soon became apparent that this was not going to be simply ‘business as usual’. In a somewhat embarrassing indictment to the approach of ‘as broad as possible’ typified by the coalition, several speakers were booed or chanted down, and fights broke out between protesters. At one point a group of Iranians from the London Green movement lined up against supporters of the Syrian Baathist regime under the sway of Bashar Al-Assad. It was not pretty.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Surprise legal development could undermine census trials throughout the UK
26-01-2012 19:55
The trial of a Glasgow woman accused of failing to fill in her census form properly was adjourned today at the request of the Procurator Fiscal. Barbara Dowling appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court expecting to defend herself against charges that she had committed a criminal offence by failing to fill her census form in properly in protest at the involvement in the census of defence and intelligence contractor CACI. CACI is implicated in human rights abuses at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and has so far ducked responsibility by claiming legal immunity as a US government contractor. The Procurator Fiscal asked for the trial to be adjourned pending the outcome of a case before the UK Supreme Court which could make evidence collected by Register Office staff inadmissible.The World War on Democracy
19-01-2012 21:11

Trials of one per cent to begin at Occupy Justice
19-01-2012 00:00
10-4pm tomorrow (Thursday) at the Court of Public Opinion, Occupy Justice, 350 Old Street Magistrates Court:Inquiry into war crimes committed by Tony Blair and the British government in Iraq.
Selective Outrage – Iran And Libya
18-01-2012 21:09
News that a fourth scientist in two years, Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, had been assassinated in Iran by an unknown agency generated minimal outrage in the press.
BBC finally admits western imperialist forces toppled the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
18-01-2012 19:11
British special forces were deployed on the ground in order to help the UK's allies - the Libyan revolutionaries often called the National Transitional Council or NTC. Those with a knowledge of the programme insist "they did a tremendous job" and contributed to the final collapse of the Gaddafi regime.This exposes the apalling collusion of various British left groups and individuals including the SWP, Stop the War, George Galloway and Yvonne Ridley with the forces of western imperialism.
Why is President Obama sending 12,000 U.S. troops to Libya?
15-01-2012 21:27
It is with great disappointment that I receive the news from foreign media publications and Libyan sources that our President now has 12,000 U.S. troops stationed in Malta and they are about to make their descent into Libya.