UK Terror War Newswire Archive
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26-11-2006 00:04

This is a repost from here:

And more audio from the londonsoundposse can be found here:

New terror warnings issued to justify policies of war and repression
15-11-2006 10:47
The overwhelming popular opposition to the Iraq war manifested in the US elections and the resulting weakening of the Bush administration have raised concerns in Britain’s ruling circles. There is fear that the anti-war and anti-Bush vote in America might become a catalyst for popular opposition in Britain to the crisis-ridden Blair government and its policies of war abroad and attacks on working class living standards and democratic rights at home.No support for terrorism among UK Muslims
10-11-2006 17:26
The black organisation, 1990 Trust, survey challenges UK Spy Chief’s claims of sizeable Muslim ‘justification’ for 7/7 bombing claims linking sizeable Muslim support for terrorism in a hard-hitting public speech Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller, Head of MI5 made yesterday.MI5 Dame: Brit Intelligence Busy Creating Terror Events
10-11-2006 15:24
Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller said "MI5 and the police were tackling 200 groups or networks totalling more than 1,600 identified individuals in the UK who were ‘actively engaged in plotting or facilitating terrorist acts,’ ”Never mind that such terrorist acts rarely come to fruition, usually instead sputtering out into absurd allegations of liquid bombs and other fantastical plots nipped in the bud, or so we are expected to believe, that is after we suspend credibility, again for the umpteenth time.
Sydney Daily Telegraph (Murdoch owned) skirt the anti terror censorship laws
03-11-2006 21:02

Stop the War's People's Assembly: Islamophobia and the war on terror
03-11-2006 20:19
The People's Assembly aims to bring people together to discuss the relationship between Islamophobia and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and to organise our campaign in response to war and racism.We are asking peace and anti-war groups, trade unions, faith groups and organisations, community groups, political parties and any other representative organisations to send delegates to this important meeting. We also welcome individuals as observers.
"Two Million Terrorists" for Britain
30-10-2006 17:15
The director of the Muslim Council surveys the size of Britain's fifth column.Full article | 5 additions | 2 comments
FREE SPIRIT CAMPING - at two UK terrormaking nerve center(s)
29-10-2006 21:02

(see also: others arrested at Parliment square 29/10/2006)
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Craig Murray: Legality, Morality and the War on Terror
26-10-2006 23:55

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Reign of Terror
25-10-2006 17:35
Dwelling of Violence article Id=5631 was stolen 2001. I should never have to repeat this stuff so making it available on page 81 of archives is the most appropriate thing to do.Counter Terror World - "strengthening state security"
24-10-2006 22:55

Red Cross lambasts US terror law
20-10-2006 11:35
Mr Kellenberger said the ICRC was still studying the lawThe International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has
expressed concern over a newly-approved US anti-terrorism law.
UK Police Chief hints at Internment for Muslims Following New "Act of Terror"
19-10-2006 13:49
Last July, Ian Blair, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, said that another terrorist attack in London was inevitable. "I think there will be further attacks" he explained, "in fact I know there will be further attacks". (1)Taking Sides: The Media and The 'War on Terror'
18-10-2006 16:34

The terror plot that didn't fit
12-10-2006 14:30
We're only interested in the sort of terrorism that suits our paranoiaGenuine Terror Cell Found
11-10-2006 10:16
A fascist terror cell which it is reported involved a rocket launcher, a nuclear biological suit, largest haul of chemicals of its kind discovered in the UK and BNP literature has not made it into the meanstream media -- of course, they are white and not innocent.Sir Ian Blair Says New Terror Attack Could Lead to Internment
10-10-2006 18:42
Last week, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner addressed the Reform Club Media Group. Nothing like the 'establishment' sticking together is there? The meeting was conducted under Chatham House rules, which mean that no one attending is supposed to divulge what is said. But one person present was so appalled at Sir Ian's attitude and authoritarian stance that he has revealed to me an alarming - and seemingly off the cuff - remark made by Sir Ian at the event.How to stop domestic state terrorism - the A,B & C
04-10-2006 19:16

So how can those of us who understand that 'False Flag' 911 type attacks have been going on for many years’ work to change that?
BRITAIN: The mysterious case of the disappearing 'terror’ plots
02-10-2006 19:20
I've been wondering about this myself. The outrageous claims are made, the Government gets its "fear spike", then retractions are made quietly, if at all.