UK Terror War Newswire Archive
On Iran, no news is good news for U.S.
17-11-2007 13:25
The IAEA’s latest report on the Iranian civilian nuclear programme will take the wind out of the sails of the war party in Washington. It suggests Tehran might be telling the truth about not having worked as extensively on its centrifuge designs as the Anglo-American bloc alleges it has.Full article | 2 additions | 4 comments
Public meeting: Stand up for your freedom to protest! LSE, 2nd December
16-11-2007 11:43
Gordon Brown plans to extend the restrictions on demonstrations near parliament to cover the whole country, claiming that this will simplify the work of the police. The current law totally bans spontaneous protests, requiring advance police permission, which allows the police to impose arbitrary limits on numbers and effectively act as political censors. The consultation proposes extending these rules to any protest anywhere, in the name of 'harmonisation'. The freedom to protest was won through hard struggle and if we want to keep it we must take a stand to say enough is enough. Come to a public meeting to plan a public response: we propose early January.Public meeting
LSE room H102, Connaught House
2-4pm, Sunday 2nd December

Action to mark sixth anniversary of Guantanamo
15-11-2007 12:11
11 January 2008 marks the sixth anniversary of the opening of Guantánamo Bay on 11 January 2002. The London Guantánamo Campaign is holding a day-long action on that day to mark this sad anniversary. Your help would be appreciated!The USA PATRIOT Act: Redefining American Principles
15-11-2007 06:49
What is the USA PATRIOT Act doing to our country? It is obvious that the Democratically lead Congress will not stop the Administration. It is time for the citizens of the United States of America to start fighting for what is rightfully theirs: their freedom.A New Dark Age is Upon Us
15-11-2007 04:32

Activist Academics Call for Resignation of Sir Ian Blair
14-11-2007 14:11
NASPIR, a network of over 400 academics, students, activists and interested citizens, has joined calls for the resignation of Sir Ian Blair as Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police.15 Nov, London: Battlefields Without Borders - Iraq's Refugee Crisis
14-11-2007 00:38
Public meeting and film premiere with renowned US peace activist Kathy Kelly.Full article | 5 additions | 3 comments
9/11 Truth: Global 11th Day Truth Action Protest Photos: November 2007
13-11-2007 22:48

Pakistan, Somalia and the media. Two protests in London on Saturday.
12-11-2007 20:32

If only….
the spy who loved me?
12-11-2007 14:36
My ears immediately pricked up when I heard the words "official secrets act", "explosives" "Leeds" and "Peter Stephen Hill" in the same sentence on R4 news.Unpublished WTC "Collapse" Research Cited In September Is Now Available For Revi
10-11-2007 18:14
On September 11, 2007, the BBC ran an article describing a paper written by Keith Seffen of the University of Cambridge. Seffen said his research showed the collapse of the World Trade Center did not require explosives but was "an ordinary thing". The BBC claimed Seffen's paper had been published, although it hadn't. It still hasn't been published, but you can read it right now.A note for the Palestinians (by Latuff)
09-11-2007 09:48

Forest Gate two: we were held up again and taunted this August
08-11-2007 22:47
The Forest Gate two's revelation of a second gunpoint ordeal this yearEdinburgh: Contempt of Court charges against lefty lawyer in Terrorism case
08-11-2007 14:11
As informed by grassroot group Scotland Against Criminalising Communities, our lefty lawyer Aamer Anwar is likely to face contempt of court charges for disagreeing with the judge in the Siddique "terrorism" case.At Edinburgh High Court - 23rd of October, Lord Carloway sentenced Mohammed Atif Siddique - convicted last month of "terrorism" offences - to a total of 8 years in jail.
The main point of controversy seem to be the different opinions in if the defendant actually did anything illegal.
Thought-crime conviction
08-11-2007 13:16
Samina Malik has been convicted of thinking or writing unacceptable things under the Terrorism Act 2000. This invasion of the mind by the authorities and the courts is yet another example of the annihilation of civil liberties. Whilst Georgians and lawyers in Pakistan rise up to challenge their governments why is it that we are so accepting of the assault on our freedoms.Another humanitarian crisis ongoing in Gaza (by Latuff)
08-11-2007 07:28

Brian Haw for London Mayor
07-11-2007 16:13
Peace campaigner Brian Haw for London MayorUK Green Party backs murderer Ian Blair
07-11-2007 15:51
UK Green Party backs murderer Ian BlairSheffield "NO MORE WAR" day school with Craig Murray
07-11-2007 12:36
SATURDAY 10th Nov: Sheffield StWC "NO MORE WAR" day school takes placebetween 10-4pm at the Burngreave Vestry Hall, Burngreave Road and features
contributors including Mike Gonzalez on Venezuela and Latin America, Musheir
El Farra from the PSC, former ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, Chris
Nineham, from national Stop the War talking on the incresing threat to Iran
plus members of the Burma campaign for democracy. Delegates £5/£3