UK Terror War Newswire Archive
British Special Forces Caught Carrying Out Staged Terror In Iraq?
23-09-2005 19:48

Public Meeting on Civil Liberties and Anti-Terror Measures
23-09-2005 19:40
Birmingham Guantanamo Campaign has organised a Public Meeting to discuss ith various community organisations and others the threat posed to our civil liberties in this country by Tony Blair's proposed new legislative and administrative measures following the 7th July events in London.End Terrorism: Ask Questions
23-09-2005 11:13

On Wednesday 27th July I went to Al-Khader, southwest of Bethlehem, where three family homes had just been demolished. I had been taking part in a house-rebuilding project in Anata in East Jerusalem, and that morning we’d received a call telling us about Al-Khader and jumped into taxis as quickly as we could. Unfortunately, the bulldozers had come and gone by the time we got there. I remember, when we arrived, seeing an old woman sitting alone on what remained of her house, crying and hitting her hands together. As we got nearer I saw that a whole family were sitting on the rubble – women and men and lots of young boys, just sitting there in silence. A few of us went over to speak to them and take photos and give sweets to the children – I think we mostly felt pretty awkward and useless. I know I felt utterly at a loss when, in response to my request for a photo, one woman simply spread her hands as if to say “I’m sitting on the ruins of my house, what difference does it make?”
Techies top cops' terror profile
23-09-2005 09:25
Allo allo allo - is that an RS-232 cable, sah?If you think that the police's profiling of terror suspects is something that only happens to other people - think again. Today's panicky Plod doesn't seem to be very discriminating at all. And you could be next.
Techie David Mery has published an account of being arrested, and having his computers confiscated, because he happened to be wearing a rucksack on the London Underground the day after the 27/7 bombings. Or as phone blogger Russell Beattie put it -
Assembly Member's petition to "Condemn Terrorism"
21-09-2005 16:09
Richard Barnes, a Member of the Metropolitan Police Authority and London Assembly Member for Ealing and Hillingdon has set up an online petition condemning "terrorism and extremism", in addition to calling on ISPs to "block or remove websites that promote or encourage terrorist acts".The new 7/7 London bombings "evidence"
21-09-2005 13:26

The UK has a definition of the word "terrorism ". Why, then, was it not adopted
18-09-2005 12:16

The thing speaks for itself.
Reflections on the London terroristic attacks and their aftermath
18-09-2005 07:17
I'll show in my article, that in contrary to the declarations of the British prime-minister Blair and other Westerm politicians, there are evident causes for the London terrorist attacks dd 7-7. Further I also reflect on the aftermath of the attacks, especially regarding the newly proposed British terrorist-laws and the killing of the Brasilian de Menezes by the British policy.I'll end with a remembreance poem of Eddie Woods concerning Jean de Menezes.
Stop all the terrororism! Troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan now!
17-09-2005 15:39
On July 7, some of the horrific consequences of the “war on terror” hit working-class Londoners. In a series of bomb blasts on the London tube and buses, more than 50 people were killed, and more than 700 injured, many losing limbs or suffering other debilitating injuries.Bush Supports Home-Bred Terrorists
15-09-2005 16:52
President Bush, Alberto Gonzales & Senator Dole support terror threats and civil rights violations within the U.S..Galloway: Elements Within Government Using Terror Provocation Tactics
14-09-2005 19:33
Donald Rumsfeld himself has acknowledged these tactics.To watch the entire interview, please click on the link provided.
betting on terror
12-09-2005 23:27
Are you sick of betting only on Nasdaq, on the price of oil, or on football games?So Paris bombs were state terrorism
09-09-2005 17:14
Infiltrate anti-catitalist organisations and turn them into terrorists! The 'Strategy of Tension' appears to have been working.Blow up innocent people and blame it on the left or 'muslim extremists'. Now they are softening up the public for an all out attack on muslim nations and the Muslim faith - much like the attack on the Jews in the 1930's.
Try googling up 'strategy of tension' and 'Gladio' if you haven't already and you'll see the far right have been using the secrecy of intelligence cover to do this since the 1950's.
Conference Report On Anti Terror Laws and Punishment Without Trial
08-09-2005 23:01
02-09-2005 12:21
Tomorrow the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will - concerning Iran - report the figures below. The question of course is: with Iran under daily control, who are the criminals within the European Union advocating more war, and who profits* from it?7/7/21 Theories Full Of Holes
25-08-2005 23:51
Since the Conspiracy Theories brought to us by the people who said that "Saddam could attack with his vast arsenal of WMD in 45 minutes!!!" are filled with gaping holes, glaring ommissions, and outright LIES, it's time to proceed with independent investigations, to determine what really happened, and who was responsible, as it appears this was another False Flag, like 9/11.WHY PAT ROBERTSON ISN'T TREATED AS A TERRORIST
24-08-2005 17:28
16-08-2005 07:53
IT is refreshing to know that 52 years ago at this time British and American Terrorists were planning a coordinated attack on Iran's budding democracy. They terrorized,bombed, and alligned theselves with Islamic terrorists and assassins to topple a democratically elected government. Now that Britain and the US are using the goast of their own terrorists as a smokescreen to curtail Civil Liberties in their own countries. British terrorist Mullahs are running Afghanistan,Iran and Iraq in defence of Imperialism.Public Meeting. Brighton. We are all Terror Suspects.
14-08-2005 07:27
As a result of “Terror” legislation, the age old right to peacefully protest is under serious threat, with the banning of protest being introduced in central London and laws designed to protect people from stalkers being used to imprison people involved in protest as well as I.D cards, tagging, torture, imprisonment without trial…Speakers from CAMPACC, Haldane Society Of Socialist Lawyers, Statewatch and Smash Edo (a Brighton based campaign to close down Edo/Mbm arms dealers) will discuss these and other subjects.
This meeting is free and open to all.
Wed 14th September 7-9pm
@Sussex arts club, 7 Ship Street. Brighton
Called by Campaign Against Criminalizing Communities (CAMPACC). Smash Edo. Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers and Stateswatch.
[audio] Ex-MI5 officer on London bombings and the War on Terror
12-08-2005 13:24
Trained professional intelligence analyst David Shayler has some serious problems with the mainstream media's interpretation of the London bombings and the War on Terror. With his anti-war hat on he suggests some ways forward.